Reckoning at the Holloways

The Holloway household was abuzz with activity that morning as the family gathered for breakfast. The air was thick with tension, the fallout from the previous night's events still palpating through the grand manor.

Vincent, his eyes narrowed, recounted the events to his family, his voice laced with barely contained fury. "Carter and Ella had orchestrated a scheme to separate Elara and me. They wanted to ruin our marriage, to destroy everything we've built together."

Mrs. Holloway shook her head in disbelief, her expression a mix of disappointment and disgust. "I never thought the Ward children would stoop so low. I watched them grow up, and I considered their mother a dear friend."

Luke slammed his fist on the table, his face reddening with anger. "Unacceptable! That boy, Carter, dared to think he could take advantage of my daughter?"