Shadows in the Morgan Mansion

The Morgan mansion, once a bastion of wealth and prestige, was now tinged with an undercurrent of resentment and scheming. Elara, the adopted daughter of William Morgan, had grown up within these walls, but her place had always been precarious, marked by the lingering disdain of her stepmother, Cecilia, and the jealousy of her stepsister, Isabella.

Cecilia, her brow furrowed with a mix of disappointment and determination, paced the grand foyer, her mind racing with the events of the previous night. "I can't believe that Carter and Ella's plan failed. They were supposed to expose Elara's infidelity and put an end to her marriage to Vincent."

William, Elara's adoptive father, let out a heavy sigh, his expression a mask of conflicted emotions. "I must admit, I had hoped that this would be the end of Elara's influence over the family. But it seems she's managed to escape unscathed, once again."