Secrets Unveiled

The Morgan mansion was filled with tension, and the whole living room was quiet, save for Cecilia's pacing. Her footsteps echoed against the hardwood floors, a rhythmic backdrop to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in her mind.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Isabella's voice broke the silence, tinged with concern.

Cecilia paused mid-stride, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. "Nothing, just have a lot on my mind," she replied, her tone clipped.

Isabella frowned. "Well, can you sit down for a second? You're making me dizzy."

Cecilia snapped, her patience wearing thin. "Go to your room if I'm annoying you. This is my house, and I'll do what I see fit."

Isabella recoiled at her mother's sharp retort. "Whatever," she muttered, ascending the stairs and retreating to her room.