Surviving the Spotlight

Elara's final day on set dawned with a palpable sense of relief. As she moved through her scenes with practiced detachment, her eyes constantly darted to the nearest exit, seeking escape from Oliver's oppressive presence. The director's gaze burned into her, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his leers.

Between takes, Elara would practically sprint off set, finding refuge in a nearby café with Evie. The small, cozy establishment became their sanctuary, a place where Elara could shed the weight of Oliver's unwanted attention and simply breathe.

"You're doing great," Evie would reassure her, sliding a steaming latte across the table. "Just a few more hours and we're done with this nightmare."

Elara nodded, grateful for her friend's unwavering support. She had considered countless times reaching out to Vincent, knowing her husband's influence could swiftly end Oliver's reign of terror. But each time, she pushed the thought away.