Three business cards


Phoenix Suns' practice facility.

Nash, Richardson, Dragic, and other players are engaged in their daily training routine.


Dragic sinks a three-pointer from the corner, Nash follows with a spot-up three, and Richardson drives into the paint for a dunk, showcasing his impressive leaping ability.

"Ah, everyone's here so early!"

Carter's hearty voice echoes as he greets the others. He's just about to head to the locker room to change when another person enters through the door, prompting a mild surprise.

"Rich Paul? Isn't he LeBron James' agent? Why would he come to our facility?"

Nash walks over, saying, "He must be here to see Carlos."


Carter is puzzled...

Dragic points to the adjacent lounge, smiling, "Because, before Rich Paul, Bill Duffy and Jeff Austin had already come looking for Carlos."


Carter suddenly understands, "Carlos made a name for himself in one game; he's caught the attention of many agents."


Dragic looks envious, "A center with the body and skills of a starting-level guard, with a strong mid-range game. He's not going to be unpopular."


As Dragic mentioned, even before Carter, Bill Duffy and Jeff Austin had already approached Carlos.

Bill Duffy came first, had a conversation with Carlos, and then left. Following him, Jeff Austin arrived, and he is currently in the lounge talking with Carlos.

Rich Paul walks in, glances around for a moment, finds Nash, and smilingly asks, "Steve, do you know where Carlos is now?"

"He's over there, but you might have to wait a bit."

Nash skillfully points to the lounge.


After expressing his gratitude, Rich Paul heads towards the lounge, where Carlos is engaged in conversation.

After Rich Paul leaves, Carter laughs, "Not bad, these three agents, especially Rich Paul, a renowned NBA agent. Carlos is lucky to be sought after by all of them."


Nash nods, adding, "But this luck stems from his talent."


In the lounge...

Austin gets straight to the point, "Mr. Carlos, I hope to become your agent, helping you maximize your interests. I believe I have the capability. Currently, I don't have many stars under my management; the Warriors' Stephen Curry is one, and that's precisely why I can devote more energy to serve you. I hope you can trust me!"


Carlos smiles and nods, saying, "Please give me some time to consider."

"No problem..."

Austin leaves his contact information and departs.

Bill Duffy, who manages Mike Conley, and has promising players like Wiggins, LaVine, Gordon in the future, are names unfamiliar to Carlos.

Regarding Austin, although Carlos isn't very familiar with him, knowing that he represents the future "Chef" Curry and the "Greek Freak" Giannis Antetokounmpo (so many letters, haha), gives him a positive impression.

"Choosing Austin?"

Carlos hesitates.

Knock, knock, knock!

At this moment, a knocking sound is heard, and Rich Paul walks in. Carlos is acquainted with this well-known agent.

"Mr. Carlos, hello, I am an agent named Rich Paul."

"Hello, Mr. Rich Paul."

They exchange brief greetings.

Rich Paul doesn't beat around the bush, directly stating, "Mr. Carlos, the incredible talent you displayed against the Wizards is truly powerful. I believe that if we collaborate, it will be a win-win situation. I don't know if you're aware, but I must say, winning your approval is a significant bonus for me. 'King' LeBron James, 'CP3' Chris Paul, and this year's NBA Draft's first overall pick, John Wall, are all players under my management."

They are all thriving in the league now, and I have plenty of resources to help someone as talented as you earn a considerable fortune. I wonder if you're willing?"


Carlos falls into contemplation.




Aligning with an agent who possesses capabilities and more resources might lead to greater financial gains and a smoother journey. However, Carlos doesn't provide an immediate response because today he has three choices, and even more, he needs some time to calmly think about it.


"Mr. Rich Paul, can you give me some time to consider?"


"Of course."


Rich Paul is not surprised by this outcome. On the contrary, he thinks that Carlos is good at thinking, cautious in his actions, and possesses a business acumen that surpasses ordinary rookies.


"Here is my contact information; I'll inquire again in a few days."


Saying so, Rich Paul hands over a business card, and after Carlos accepts it, he departs.


"Whom to choose?"


Carlos looks at the three business cards in his hand, thinks for a moment, and then decides not to consider it for now. He prioritizes focusing on the upcoming matchup against the Hornets tonight.


In the basketball world, strength is respected.


Carlos understands this principle very well. Therefore, he knows that only by showcasing outstanding performance and powerful skills can he have more and more choices.


In the evening at 8 o'clock...


The Ford Center arena.


The Thunder hosts the Heat in a heated battle.


The Thunder secures possession first, Durant with the ball at the arc, initiating the first offense against LeBron's defense, a battle between the two strongest cores of their respective teams.


It's about to unfold...


Bang, bang, bang!


Facing LeBron, Durant shows determination, executing his signature body feint with double large strides, then swiftly stopping into a fadeaway jump shot. LeBron attempts to block, but Durant releases the shot.


Yet, Durant still takes the shot.




With a crisp sound, the basketball swishes through the net.


A made basket...




A facial LeBron, and cheers erupt in the arena. However, right after that, in the transition offense, LeBron bulldozes through Durant, aggressively driving to the basket and scoring, responding in kind.


They explode into action right from the start!


This thrilling matchup has the spectators on their feet.


Russell Westbrook, one of the "Big Three," is not to be outdone. Utilizing explosive athleticism reminiscent of "Ninja Turtles," he tears through the defense, forcefully driving to the basket and making the shot.




Wade counters with a post-up turnaround jump shot.


Harden, who came off the bench early, hits a step-back three-pointer, and "CB4" Chris Bosh, on the left baseline, catches LeBron's pass and sinks a three-pointer.


"Wow! Is this a showdown between superstars?"


"Fantastic, this is truly amazing!"


"Thunder's Big Three vs Heat's Big Three, high-quality back-and-forth, high-quality confrontation. The game entered a white-hot state right from the beginning."


"Go for it!"


"Thunder, go for it. Beat the Heat's Big Three and let them know that even though they are powerful, in the face of absolute strength, victory is not guaranteed."


"Go Heat, let the whole league know that we're aiming for the championship!"


"Uh..." The atmosphere in the arena explodes. The showdown between the Thunder and the Heat intensifies, and the game proceeds fervently.


At the same time...


American Airlines Arena...


The game between the Suns and the Hornets is also about to begin.