Shocked Kobe( +1 chapter for our 57 power stones of this week)

"Is that so?!" Curry became even more perplexed. 

At this moment, Nash walked over, gave Carlos a glance, and took Curry aside for a private conversation.

Carlos, seizing the opportunity, sent a text message to Austin.

Glancing at Curry, Carlos squinted his eyes and thought, "Stephen Curry, I'm going to praise you, and convince you to join us tonight! "


40 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists, and 5 blocks. Carlos once again led the team to victory with another 40+ point performance. The Suns' record improved to 5 wins and 8 losses, moving up to twelfth place in the Western Conference.

The next day...

"The defending champion Lakers slaughter Philadelphia, with Kobe scoring 38 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists, displaying his dominance as the FMVP," according to Foxsports.

"Phoenix Suns rookie center Carlos, scoring 40+ points in two consecutive games, could he be the savior for the Suns? Is he the next Gustavo Ayon?" reported by The Sacramento Bee.

"Rookie center Carlos, with two consecutive 40+ point games, showcasing rookie stats that overshadow NBA Draft's first overall pick Wall and last year's top pick 'White Howard' Griffin," as reported by The Washington Post.

"Penetrating jump shots, mid-range shots from the outside, 'guard-type' center Carlos, dominating the league with his unique offensive style," reported by The Los Angeles Times.

Basketball news flooded the morning, with various headlines covering the exciting game from the previous night. Kobe and Carlos became the center of attention.

Among them...

With two consecutive 40+ point performances and a distinctive offensive style, Carlos outshone Kobe, becoming the focus of more newspapers and even fans.

As for Wall and Griffin...

The two highly-talented players, the NBA Draft's first overall picks, remained silent. In the comparison of statistics, they were overshadowed by Carlos.

People couldn't help but exclaim, Carlos is truly strong!

In the Wizards' locker room, Wall, resting, looked at the newspaper, his body trembling slightly. Staring at Carlos in the paper, he angrily said, "Carlos, next time we meet, I will definitely crush you."

Around the same time, in the Clippers' training facility...

"What? Carlos?"

"I was surpassed by a center who didn't even enter the draft?"

Griffin, practicing free throws, was shocked upon hearing the news. When his teammates mentioned Carlos's recent performance, Griffin stopped shooting, a smile playing on his lips. "A center who likes shooting from the outside stole my spotlight? Carlos, you make me look forward to our next encounter!"

In the Lakers' training facility...


Kobe Bryant was practicing three-pointers, having trained for over three hours. His shot was on point, continuously making threes, leaving the newcomers amazed.


Another swish for a three-pointer.

Kobe took a satisfied breath and stopped, heading to the resting area. Pau Gasol handed him a towel, water, and a basketball newspaper.


Drinking water in large gulps, Kobe's Adam's apple rolled continuously. As he opened the basketball newspaper, his gaze changed slightly. Thinking he would be the headline after scoring 38 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists against Philadelphia, he found out that Carlos had stolen much of his spotlight.

"Carlos? A rookie? Mexican center?! Two consecutive 40+ point games?"

Looking at the keywords in the newspaper, Kobe's eyes flickered.

Pau Gasol added, "Kobe, this rookie is a 'guard-type' center, fast, accurate in shooting, with a unique playing style. He's really impressive."

"'Guard-type' center?"

Kobe smiled faintly, quite interested. "Interesting. I'd like to experience what it's like to face a 215-centimeter tall guard when I get the chance."


The next game for the Suns will be a home game, so after defeating the Warriors, the Suns team flew back to Phoenix overnight. Rest during the day...

At 4 p.m. in the afternoon, Austin sought out Carlos and they met at a coffee shop.


As soon as they met, Austin placed two contracts on the table and pushed them towards Carlos, getting straight to the point, "Your first three games in the NBA have been like a supernova center suddenly appearing, causing a huge sensation in the league. The news of you currently having only signed a short-term contract with the Suns has spread like wildfire. After your consecutive 40+ point performances and leading the team to three straight victories, I've received four calls, all from teams in the league, all wanting to sign you."

Carlos took a sip of coffee, started to carefully read the contract details, and listened attentively to Austin's explanation.

Austin observed Carlos's expression closely. Carlos didn't seem overly excited; his face remained steady, displaying a maturity uncommon for someone his age.

Seeing Carlos silent, Austin continued, "After careful consideration, I think these two contracts are currently more suitable for you. One is from the Hornets, offering $20 million over four years, and the other is from the Spurs, offering $14 million over three years. Although the Spurs' offer is a bit less, they have strong overall strength, currently leading in the Western Conference, and with Popovich's team basketball. If you were with the Spurs, you would have plenty of opportunities to showcase your talent and possibly win a championship."

"However, the Hornets' offer is close to that of the NBA Draft's first overall pick. Moreover... the Hornets have a top-level point guard, Paul. His passing ability can maximize your potential. The downside is that the Hornets are slightly weaker in terms of championship contention. Of course... I think you can wait a bit. With your current performance, I believe more teams will make offers, providing you with more possibilities."


Carlos nodded slightly, affirming what Austin said, and asked, "Austin, what kind of team do you think I'm suitable for?"


Austin thought for a moment and said, "Your strength speaks for itself. You should be a leader, not a follower, and you shouldn't join a powerhouse or a championship team. But... you also need a good point guard to assist you."


Carlos nodded, saying, "So, we can pass on the Spurs."


Austin shook his head, saying, "Although the Spurs are a strong team, they play team basketball. If you join the Spurs, not only will you grow rapidly and have many opportunities to shine, but you might also win championships. That's why I kept the Spurs' offer."

"With 'GDP' there, how much can I really shine? And... winning a championship with 'GDP' (Ginobili, Duncan, Parker), it's not interesting. Winning it by myself would be perfect."


Austin was stunned, paused for a few seconds, then laughed, "Winning a championship as a solo act? Carlos, your ambitions are grand, and although the difficulty may be high, I will fully support you. So, it's a no for the Spurs."


Carlos took a sip of coffee and continued, "The Hornets are indeed a good choice, but considering I'm currently with the Suns, having Nash as the master of assists, it's not bad. So, there's no rush. Let's wait for their offer."

"Makes sense..."

Austin nodded, looking at Carlos with an additional hint of admiration.