A part of Carlos!( +1 chapter for our 310 power stones)

(We received 286 power stones last week, and this week we received 310 power stones! Thank you so much!Thank my friends so much!)


The leather ball, sent flying, soared through the air with precision, hitting square in the face of the middle-aged male fan who was yelling at the top of his lungs. The pain was on his face, and bewilderment settled in his heart.

"A block... a block?"

The middle-aged fan wore an expression of disbelief, completely immersed in a state of astonishment.

"One-legged fadeaway shot" couldn't be blocked?

Of course not...

In instances where Nowitzki's shot preparation was insufficient, or when faced with two defending players closing in, or perhaps due to a sneak attack from an opponent on the side or from behind...

In any case...

Any "one-legged fadeaway shot" attempted under abnormal circumstances was susceptible to being blocked.


In the recent play, Nowitzki took a normal shot, making the possibility of being blocked quite slim. Yet, not only was Nowitzki's shot blocked, but it was blocked head-on by a rookie named Carlos.



Everyone watched in stunned silence.

"How is that possible?!"

Van Gundy shook his head in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.

Mike Breen, with an excited expression, commented, "Why wouldn't it be? With Carlos's abilities, he can indeed block Dirk."


Van Gundy looked puzzled.

Mike Breen tapped the table, carefully analyzing, "The strength of Dirk's 'one-legged fadeaway shot' lies, first, in his 213-centimeter height and exceptionally long arms.


Lifting one leg creates a bit of distance from the defender, and combined with his backward release, attempting to block him becomes even more challenging.

These two factors result in the magical 'one-legged fadeaway shot.'

For guards, even with bounce, their height is insufficient. For forwards, they may have the height but lack the bounce, making it impossible to block Dirk.

Most importantly, Dirk's shot is precise. His 'one-legged fadeaway shot,' with its seemingly abnormal posture, boasts an exceptionally high shooting accuracy.

Only with these three characteristics does Dirk's 'one-legged fadeaway shot' become one of the league's masterful techniques.


Carlos is an exception, a definite exception, possessing center height, guard-like bounce, and his leaping ability surpasses many guards.

Coupled with his astonishing 228-centimeter wingspan, even against Dirk's 'one-legged fadeaway shot,' he has the opportunity to block it. In fact, just now, Carlos successfully blocked Dirk head-on."


After hearing Mike Breen's analysis, Van Gundy exclaimed, "Carlos, this super center from Mexico, surpasses Gustavo Ayon in talent. He is the strongest rookie in Mexican history."

On the court...

"How is that possible?!"

Nowitzki himself was surprised and couldn't believe that Carlos could block his shot head-on.

Out of bounds!

Still Mavericks' ball, and their time for offense is running out!

Only 8.3 seconds left!

Terry received the ball, faced Nash, drove one-on-one, and made a quick stop for a mid-range shot.


The shot hit the rim...

Carter grabbed the rebound, dribbled it up, handed the ball to Carlos at the top of the arc, with Caron defending.

Even though Carlos kept challenging Nowitzki, defense was never Nowitzki's strong suit.

Without hesitation, Carlos executed an in & out move, accelerated abruptly, dribbled the ball between his legs, stepped past Caron in a single move, who was left standing still.


Acceleration in three steps, penetrating the paint, a little floater, terrifying height, astonishing bounce, and impressive wingspan made Carlos's shot unreachable.

Despite Federer leaping high, he had no desire to attempt a block.

Because the trajectory of the ball was simply too high!


Carlos's mid-range shot went in.

Transition from offense to defense...

On the right arc again, Nowitzki held the ball once more, facing Carlos once again. All the home Mavericks fans stood up, cheering loudly for Nowitzki. Startled by the previous blocks, they wanted to see Nowitzki triumph over Carlos head-on.



Another ruthless block instantly dampened the spirits of the Mavericks fans.

"It's impossible!"

Nowitzki was greatly surprised. Even though Carlos was just a rookie, he had now blocked Nowitzki again, and Nowitzki took it seriously, completely seriously, even though his opponent was just a rookie.


Taking a serious attitude didn't guarantee scoring. In the latter part of the second quarter, under Carlos's defense, Nowitzki's scoring efficiency sharply declined. After scoring 14 points in the first quarter, he only managed 4 points in the second quarter.


He was blocked by Carlos three times.


Nowitzki, with his "one-legged fadeaway shot," was blocked three times in a single quarter by Carlos, a rookie.

This news was destined to make headlines in major news outlets tomorrow.

On the other hand...

Despite tight defense from the Mavericks on Carlos's outside shots, he still scored 9 points, grabbed 3 rebounds, and dished out 3 assists. And this was with a portion of his energy dedicated to defending Nowitzki.

Mavericks (50): (58) Suns.

At halftime...

The Suns were temporarily leading by 8 points.

During the intermission...

The audience was in a buzz.

"What's going on? How did the lead open up to 8 points!"

"Yeah, although Dirk is limited on the offensive end, Carlos's outside attack is also restricted. Both key players are limited. Analyzing the team's player data comparison, the Mavericks are performing well. Why are they mysteriously trailing by 8 points?"

"That's right, Carlos and Nowitzki, both big men shooters from the outside, both with precise shooting abilities. With both being restricted, why are the Mavericks behind by 8 points? Tonight, playing at home and with better role player configurations, the Mavericks should have the advantage."


"The Suns' strongest point is Carlos alone. If he's restricted, the team should collapse."

"Also, even though both Carlos and Nowitzki are limited, Nowitzki is, after all, an All-Star starter-level player. His experience is more seasoned. He's the soul of the team and knows how to lead the team to victory. But the reality is, the Mavericks are trailing by 8 points, which is really strange!"


Fans murmured in discussion.

Meanwhile, in the commentary booth...

The two commentators were also discussing the situation.

Mike Breen asked, "Van, both Carlos and Nowitzki are locked down, and it's an away game. Why is the young Suns team leading by 8 points? What are your thoughts on this?"

"Carlos is locked down?!"

Van Gundy questioned back, then continued, "Dirk, under Carlos's one-on-one defense, is limited on the outside, and the 'one-legged fadeaway shot' is his strongest weapon. Once this is locked down, Dirk is truly contained. On the other hand, Carlos, although heavily guarded on the outside, has a more versatile offensive style. His mid-range shot, driving to the basket, and attacking the rim are all very effective. Scoring 9 points in a single quarter says it all."

"That's true, Carlos's offense is more comprehensive and diverse. Although Nowitzki's outside shooting ability is extremely strong, he's encountering the freakish talent of Carlos. Locking him down... it's like one force suppressing another."

Mike Breen commented.


Van Gundy agreed and then said, "So, the Suns leading by 8 points is not surprising. And... many people say that Carlos and Nowitzki have a strong resemblance, both being big men with outside shooting abilities. But in my opinion, Nowitzki is just a part of Carlos!"