Wall was full of confidence


Mike Breen really didn't see it.

Let's rewind a bit.

4:00 PM...

ESPN panel discussion.

Today's topic: "Phoenix Suns' Mystical Upcoming Schedule!"

Barkley grinned and spoke, "Reggie, it's quite a coincidence, but the Suns' upcoming schedule is truly mystical. Let's talk about the schedule first. The Suns' next opponents are: the Wizards, Spurs, Bucks, Jazz, Rockets, and Celtics.

Starting with the Wizards, Wall had an outstanding performance last night, and now he faces the Suns, with Carlos being the hottest 'super rookie' in the league.


Wall versus Carlos is a major highlight.

If the Suns win against the Wizards and achieve an 18-game winning streak, they will break the franchise record. The last time the Suns had a 17-game winning streak, it was ended by the Wizards. Can they break this curse tonight?

It's quite coincidental and interesting.

Next is the Bucks. If the Suns win against the Bucks, they will have a 20-game winning streak, and the Bucks' franchise record for consecutive wins is also 20. Isn't that a coincidence?!

It's quite coincidental again.

When the Suns win against the Rockets, they will have a 22-game winning streak, and the Rockets' franchise record is also 22 consecutive wins, the second-highest in history after the Lakers' 33-game streak.

Is this schedule arrangement not quite coincidental and mystical?!"


Reggie Miller chuckled and said, "Indeed, but there's something even more mystical coming up. I believe many fans know that the Rockets' 22-game winning streak was achieved in the 07/08 season with the 'Gustavo Ayon & Tracy McGrady' duo.

Gustavo Ayon is a Mexican player.

And Carlos is also a Mexican player. If they achieve a 22-game winning streak with the Suns against the Rockets, they will tie the record set by Mexican players. Isn't that a coincidence? Quite interesting, isn't it?


After the Rockets, the Suns' opponent is the Celtics. If they win, it will be a 23-game winning streak. It's worth mentioning that the team that stopped the 'Gustavo Ayon & Tracy McGrady' duo's 22-game winning streak back then was the Celtics!

It's a perfect match! So, what do you think? Are there too many coincidences stacked up in the Suns' next six games? Isn't it mystical?"


Barkley nodded with a smile, then added, "But, you know, all these coincidences and mystical points have a big premise. That is... starting from the Suns' 17-game winning streak!"

Reggie Miller added, "In other words, the Suns are strong, or perhaps, the Suns after Carlos appeared are truly formidable! Carlos... this era-defining center, what surprises will he bring to everyone? Let's wait and see!"


Back to the MIC Center Arena.

In the commentary booth...


After hearing Van Gundy's words, Mike Breen looked surprised and said, "Wow, so many coincidences coming together, it's really mystical. The Suns' upcoming season seems quite interesting."


Van Gundy nodded, then said, "However, we still need to focus on tonight's matchup between the Suns and the Wizards. Mike, who do you think has a better chance of winning this game?"

"Definitely the Suns."

Mike Breen didn't hesitate, "With a solid 17-game winning streak, second in the West, and the Wizards at the bottom of the East, the difference in strength is quite evident. Also...

'General' Arenas recently suffered another injury, out for the season. Even though he's not at his peak anymore, for the Wizards, it's still adding insult to injury. Tonight... the Wizards don't have much of a chance."


Van Gundy nodded, "Based on the apparent strength, the Wizards are indeed far behind the Suns, but it's not impossible, mainly depending on Wall's performance. So, Mike, who do you think will be stronger in the duel between Wall and Carlos, the battle of the strongest rookies?"



Mike Breen paused for a moment and said, "Although Wall single-handedly took on Thunder's Big Three in the last game, scoring an impressive 44 points effortlessly, but... in my opinion, Carlos is still stronger. After all...

With his 13 three-pointers, scoring 65 points, and the spectacular steal and layup buzzer-beater, Carlos's performance is undeniably more dazzling. The high cheers are evidence enough."

"High cheers?!"

Van Gundy looked puzzled, and Mike Breen chuckled, "Just yesterday, I saw a news report about the Christmas showdown between the Suns and the Lakers. After Carlos stole the ball from Artest and made the layup buzzer-beater, the cheers, shouts, screams, and various sounds from the Western Arena converged. The noise level reached that of a Boeing 747 taking off."


"Of course, the cheers were incredible, and it indirectly indicates that Carlos has exceptional strength, resulting in such high cheers. Wall doesn't have that!"


Van Gundy agreed, "I also think Carlos has a better chance of winning, but I'm looking forward to tonight's rematch between these two. Remember...

The last time they faced each other was when Carlos first stepped onto the NBA stage.

That night, Carlos led an epic comeback, overturning a 21-point deficit in just half a quarter. I believe the Wizards will be eager to reclaim their pride tonight."


Just as Van Gundy thought.

In the Wizards' locker room, the players were united. Playing at home, they were full of confidence, especially with Wall's recent explosive performances boosting their morale!

Tonight, they were determined to crush the Suns and erase the past humiliation.

Especially for Wall, who almost descended from the sky to the league. Since the first quarter comeback against the Wizards, he has kept Carlos pinned down, unable to turn the tables.

Since then...

All the glory and praise related to rookies fell on Carlos, while Wall, the first overall pick, was neglected and appeared in the background.

He felt helpless, unwilling, angry, and frustrated.

Tonight, Wall finally had the opportunity to avenge everything, to turn the tables on Carlos, and he was filled with a fierce desire for victory.


Half an hour before the game.

Star reporter "Woj" found Wall and asked, "This year's NBA Draft's first overall pick, Wall, after scoring 44 points last night, do you have the confidence to win against Carlos, who hit 13 three-pointers and scored 65 points in the previous game?"

"Of course..."

Wall was full of confidence, saying, "One game doesn't represent anything. Tonight, this is my home court, and I will use a victory to prove everything. To show everyone that I am the NBA Draft's first overall pick, I am this year's best rookie!"