A real bad apple—

"Are you kidding me?"

"Is this for real? Can it end like this?"

"Insanity, sheer insanity! Carlos, the rookie center from Mexico, has done it again, pulled off a miracle, a godly move to win the game!"


Carlos' buzzer-beater sends the crowd into a frenzy. Jon Barry's commentary, delivered in a voice hoarse with excitement, amplifies the madness of the moment. Beside him, Mark Jackson, clutching his head and with eyes widened in disbelief, can barely contain his excitement, pounding the table as he shouts, "Another buzzer-beater! Carlos just recently clinched a win against the Lakers, and tonight he's taken down the Spurs. Even as a rookie, Carlos has the 'big heart' of a star, maybe even a superstar!

With him on the court, victory is never far away.

He leads his team to triumph with his incredible ability to make clutch plays.

A sports car in good times, a Buddha in adversity, and a demon-slaying blade in dire situations. But tonight... Carlos is not human, he's a deity, a god descended from the heavens to protect the Suns. No one gets close!"


As the commentators lose themselves in the excitement.

In the stands, Lady Gaga and Avril Lavigne are also jumping up and down in elation, wildly waving their arms.

"We won!"

"The Suns have won, thanks to Carlos' game-winner!"

"He's so amazing—"


The two may not comprehend the difficulty or the miracle of such a comeback, but they came for Carlos and seeing his game-winning play is reason enough for their cheers.


On the court...


"It's in, the buzzer-beater!"


Curry, George, Dragic, and the other young players are ecstatic, running around with their arms raised. Even veterans like Nash and Carter are shaken, joyously raising their arms, cheering for Carlos, celebrating the victory.


"My God!"

Coach Gentry, who had given up on the game after Carlos missed the third free throw, loses his coach's composure as he sees the putback buzzer-beater. He leaps from the bench, stomping his feet in joy like a child.



The entire arena explodes with deafening cheers, a cacophony that could rival the roar of a Boeing 747 taking off, maybe even louder.

All the Suns fans revel in the victory, unleashing their joy.


Enveloped by his teammates, Carlos moves to the center of the court. Looking up at the stands, he opens his arms and waves them up, beckoning for even louder cheers.



A wave of cheers, even more thunderous than before, erupts for Carlos, filling the entire stadium.



Someone starts the chant, and it quickly grows louder, echoing through the arena. In moments, the whole place is filled with shouts of "MVP!"


The atmosphere in the arena peaks.


In the stands, already overjoyed, Lady Gaga and Avril Lavigne watch Carlos on the court, listening to the MVP chants for him, thinking he couldn't be any cooler.


"Avril Lavigne, do you want to get his autograph? Should we go get one after the game?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Actually, I'd love to get a photo with him."

"Giggle, me too."




The Spurs' home court has been transformed into the Suns' domain for the moment.


The Suns fans bask in the glow of victory. But while some celebrate, others mourn—the Spurs fans, who had victory within their grasp, are left reeling as if a cooked duck had flown away. Their disappointment is palpable.

"Carlos, this guy is really a pain in the neck!"

"A real bad apple—"

"The 'Big Three' got schooled by a newbie, the Spurs really dropped the ball tonight."

Spurs fans exit the arena grumbling and cursing, expressing their frustration and disappointment.


On the court...

Parker is staring blankly, seemingly unable to process the surreal events that just unfolded.

Ginobili stands stunned, struggling to accept the reality of the loss, but eventually cracks a smile, "Carlos, this rookie is terrifying!"


As for Duncan...

He trembles, staring silently at Carlos with a look of bewilderment in his eyes. Carlos's last-minute performance — a miraculous 3+1, assisting Curry for a three, drawing a crucial foul on Duncan, and then managing a 2 out of 3 at the free-throw line, intentionally missing the last shot only to seize the rebound and score the game-winning putback — it all unfolds before Duncan's eyes, leaving him utterly astonished and speechless.

"How did he do it? How could he possibly? What gives him the right... He... Carlos, this epoch-making center from Mexico... He's so strong!"

Those are Duncan's thoughts.


Carlos's supreme display of skill and determination had thoroughly impressed Duncan.


At the commentary desk...

Amidst the ongoing commotion in the arena, the two commentators working on the broadcast are the first to collect their thoughts. Jon Barry, pursing his lips, speaks first: "Heh... First of all...

Congratulations to the Suns for defeating the Spurs, achieving another victory, extending their winning streak from 18 to 19 games — the fourth longest in NBA history!


The Suns' victory was a team effort with contributions from Curry, Nash, Carter, and the reserve George, but the absolute MVP has to be Carlos.

Playing the entire game...

Tonight Carlos faced the Spurs' formidable 'GDP' and hit 8 three-pointers, amassing an explosive stat line of 54 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals, and 4 blocks.

In the last 1.2 seconds.

He scored 4 points with a free throw and a putback basket, reversing a 3-point deficit in an almost inconceivable manner, executing a crazy buzzer-beater against the Spurs to secure the victory.


The Suns not only have a 19-game winning streak, but they've also overtaken the Spurs to claim the top spot in the Western Conference. Starting the season with 2 wins and 8 losses, firmly at the bottom of the West, the Suns have, with the arrival of rookie center Carlos, achieved a staggering 19-game winning streak in just under a month and a half.

From the bottom of the West, they have leaped to become the top powerhouse in the conference. Carlos... this rookie center from Mexico, he's frighteningly powerful. His potential seems limitless, and he might just be the next Jordan!"


The next Jordan?!


At those words, the cheers inside the arena grow even louder, a testament to the remarkable performance and the excitement for what might lie ahead for the sensational rookie.