The entire team to erupt

At the commentary desk, watching Carlos's performance, Van Gundy shook his head in amazement and said, "Carlos, when his teammates are down, as a rookie, as a man who should be resting due to a headache, still stands up, grits his teeth and leads the team in scoring. He's really giving it his all tonight!"



Mike Breen nodded in agreement, "With Curry's shooting off, the entire team weary from consecutive away games, now facing the 'hostile environment' of the home court where everyone's out of sync. To top it off, they were a terrifying 21 points down in the first quarter. Thinking about a comeback now, the difficulty is hellish. But... Carlos hasn't given up. Despite being injured, he took it upon himself to stand out and score. He's incredibly tenacious, so resilient! If I were on the Suns, if I were Carlos's teammate, I would be moved!"



Seeing Carlos grit his teeth to block, frown as he fights for rebounds, dive for loose balls, and forcefully dunk while catching his breath, all the Suns players saw in Carlos the spirit of never giving up.

They saw...the desire to win!

As the absolute core of the team, to the extent that he could become the leader of the team with just a word, Carlos's every action has earned the unconditional trust and compliance of his teammates. fighting with everything he has.

So, what reason do they have not to give it their all, to feel dejected?



Someone let out a roar.


From the moment Carlos completed that breathless dunk, the Suns players, inspired by Carlos's battle through injury and his never-give-up spirit, began to explode!


With 6:11 on the clock, Carter, with his face set coldly against the sighs and jeers of the crowd, tore through Deron's defense, caught the ball and took flight, scoring strongly with a dunk.

Although it lacked the violent flair of his younger days...

But with a proud expression and a roar, Carter responded to the Jazz fans, telling them that the boos and adversity only make us stronger!


With 5:31 remaining,


Nash's rhythmic breakthrough shook off Kirilenko, charging into the paint and taking off for a basket in three steps, drawing Millsap and Jefferson from under the hoop towards him.



The airborne Nash, appearing to attempt a layup, actually flipped the ball behind his head in a cross-court pass.




Carlos came around to receive the ball and shot a jump shot, hitting the mark steadily.


With 4:14 to go,


Deron with a double crossover shook off Carter and hit the mid-range jumper. Nash took the baseline inbound pass, and with a half-court long pass, found Curry up front, who then dished it to Carlos on the other side.



Another three-pointer to continue the chase.



The shot lacked power and bounced off the rim, heading straight to Al Jefferson under the basket ready to take it. But... Carlos charged up again.



He leapt before Al and tipped the basketball out, with Frye, who followed up from the top of the arc, catching the ball and launching another three-pointer.



It hit as well...

Frye, although often playing center due to lineup requirements, guarding the paint and securing rebounds,

In reality...

Is one of the few big men in the league with the ability to shoot from beyond the arc.


Infected by Carlos's spirit, with a belief in certain victory, he bravely stepped up, scoring more from the perimeter with three-pointers, aiding the team in the chase.


With 2:55 left,

Carter moved without the ball, catching it while drawing defensive attention, Nash with keen eyes and fast hands, passed to Curry on the other side, who shot a three-pointer.



Still no good...

Despite Curry's resolute intent, his shooting touch was still off.



Millsap grabbed the rebound and passed to Deron, who advanced past the halfway line while directing the play. But just as he surveyed his opponents,



Curry, seeing his chance, rushed in with quick and precise timing.



He stole the ball from Deron, sprinted at full speed, and took the ball all the way for a fast break. Deron, momentarily stunned, tried to chase back, but it was too late.

Uncontested in the frontcourt.


With his touch off, Curry charged to the basket, gathered the ball in three steps, and took flight, finishing the fastbreak with a crazy "tomahawk dunk."


Hanging on the rim and landing excitedly, Stephen Curry also let out a roar to the sky, venting his frustration about his poor shooting performance.


With 1:14 left.

Carlos called for the ball in the low post on the left side, Nash eyed Carlos, seemingly ready to lob a nice high pass over to him, but instead... he suddenly made a pass to the opposite side of the basket.


Millsap, who had just thought to rotate and help on Carlos, was shocked.

In the next instant...


Carter suddenly appeared under the basket and rose for an alley-oop slam dunk to score again!

Can you imagine, Carter, affected by injuries, with reduced explosiveness and athleticism at 34 years old, dunking repeatedly in a game?


Tonight, Carter did it, inspired by Carlos.


Just before halftime ended, the Jazz had the last possession, given to Deron.

Nash, who had been unable to contain Deron, used his experience, anticipation, and a never-say-die attitude to lock him down, turning his offensive efforts into nothing!


At the end of the first half...

Jazz 55 - Suns 49.


Van Gundy glanced at the score and exclaimed, "The Suns, trailing by 21 points, managed to come back by 15 points in a single quarter at the Jazz's 'hostile home court'? My God! How did this happen? It's incredible!"



Mike Breen just chuckled and said, "This quarter, the whole Suns team stepped up, and... their defense was also quite fierce. They did well on both ends of the court. That's how they came back 15 points."


"But they've been on a road trip, deep in the 'hostile home court' of the Jazz, under a barrage of boos, trailing by 21 points – how could they possibly rally?!"



Mike Breen thought for a moment and said, "Maybe, it's because of Carlos's determination and refusal to give up that infected his teammates, causing the entire team to erupt."



Upon hearing this, Van Gundy had an epiphany, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Carlos, even as a rookie, has such an ability to unite and inspire his teammates with his words and actions. It's truly remarkable!"