Both pride and regret

At the Western Conference arena, when the Suns clinched their 22nd consecutive win over the Rockets, the home fans erupted into a fervent cheer reminiscent of landslides and tsunamis. For the fans, celebrating the 22-game winning streak was enough reason to shout and cheer. However, many were unaware of the significance behind this particular winning streak.


Perhaps some fans didn't know, but Gustavo Ayon, Shu-How Lin (more commonly known as Jeremy Lin), and others within the community were certainly aware.


After the game, Shu-How Lin, who has Mexican heritage despite being American-born, was the first to find Carlos. He congratulated Carlos on surpassing Ayon's 22-game winning streak, expressing his hopes for Carlos to continue improving as the future of Mexican basketball. They embraced in a show of mutual respect and camaraderie before Lin departed.


Next came Gustavo Ayon himself, along with another figure. Carlos greeted them with a smile, having met Ayon a few times before, though it was his first formal encounter with the other.


Gustavo Ayon greeted Carlos with a smile that nearly broke the serious atmosphere, causing Carlos to cough lightly before saying with a laugh, "Today, I did something pretty amazing, huh?"


Ayon responded with laughter, acknowledging that when he played with Tracy McGrady, they also only reached a 22-game winning streak. Now, Carlos was nearly single-handedly leading the team to the same achievement. Ayon expressed his admiration, stating that Carlos was even better.


Carlos humbly touched his head and admitted that the journey was challenging and that he should enjoy the happiness the 22-game winning streak brought him. Ayon agreed, noting the difficulty of the victories against teams like the Lakers, Spurs, Bulls, and Thunder.


Ayon encouraged Carlos not to relax in his training or become arrogant, to keep working hard, and to look forward to his future. Carlos earnestly nodded, taking the advice to heart.


As Ayon prepared to leave, he seemed to remember something and turned back to Carlos with a solemn expression. He reminded Carlos, as a fellow Mexican, of his hopes to see him continue to excel. But, importantly, he advised Carlos always to take care of his body and maintain his health, hinting at the toll a professional sports career can take.

Speaking of which...

Gustavo Ayon sighed heavily, a hint of dejection in his expression. He paused, then said, "Carlos, you should know that the '08 Olympics basketball was our peak. Under normal circumstances, our Olympic performance over the past decade, or even several decades, would have been the pinnacle. But now, with you here, there's a chance for change. With you on board, along with me, the up-and-coming Gustavo Ayon, and some of our younger talent, in 2012 we really have the chance to surpass our previous best Olympic record – the quarter-finals. But...

Regrettably, with my fractured left foot, it seems I won't be able to return to my top condition, let alone compete in the 2012 Olympics.

Ah... If only you had appeared earlier, if only I were a bit healthier – then, perhaps, it would be possible.

Carlos... There's still about two years to go until the 2012 Olympics. Can we make a pact? If my recovery goes well, can we aim for a better Olympic performance?"

Gustavo Ayon was not one to joke around; he was serious, dead serious. As the 'current top player' in Mexican basketball, Gustavo Ayon embodied strength, but more importantly, he carried a mission and responsibility to further the achievements of Mexican basketball.

The quarter-finals in the '08 Olympics.

The 'GT' era's 22-game winning streak!

All-Star starter + leading vote-getter and more.

Gustavo Ayon had already done exceptionally well, but now, because of Carlos, there was another opportunity to improve the Olympic record, even if the chances of his body recovering were slim.

But he didn't want to give up.

"Oh!" Gustavo Ayon also said emphatically, "With Carlos, we'll definitely have a chance to play better."

Thinking back on the '08 Olympics, he felt both pride and regret.


Carlos nodded lightly, almost without thought, and said solemnly, "Gustavo Ayon, I will compete in the 2012 Olympics. We'll work together to rewrite that quarter-final record."

"Mm!" Gustavo Ayon nodded firmly.

Gustavo Ayon also said with a smile, "Then it's a deal. We have to participate in good health."

With that...


Gustavo Ayon, satisfied with the answer, left with a smile. But as soon as he turned around, his brows were tightly knit and his expression darkened.

"Carlos, you can participate in good health. But me, my injury might prevent me from keeping my promise."


The smile on Carlos's face also vanished after Gustavo Ayon left.

For Gustavo Ayon, it might just be a feeling that it would be hard to recover from his injury, but Carlos knew... Gustavo Ayon didn't participate in the 2012 Olympics.

Injuries... ultimately ravaged him.

Carlos was also keenly aware that to win at the Olympics against an all-star American Dream Team, his own ability alone was not enough.

Gustavo Ayon needed him.

He needed Gustavo Ayon's strength, but now his injury seemed insurmountable.

Just like Gustavo Ayon said, if Carlos had appeared earlier, say at the '08 Olympics when Gustavo Ayon was healthy, or if he himself had been just a bit healthier...

To have maintained that level of health until 2012.

But, alas... there are no what-ifs.

Tonight, with 29 points in a quarter and securing a 22-game winning streak, tying the Rockets' record, Carlos received countless praises from fans. Yet, after his conversation with Gustavo Ayon, he couldn't find joy.

And the source of that unhappiness was... injuries!!