Chapter 158 Cosmic Awareness

New Chapter. More frequent updates.


"It's been a long time since someone landed a hit on me". His eyes twinkled with cunning viciousness as he rolled up his sleeves. "... Alright, I'm game. I'll play with you".

His voice had barely fallen when he disappeared in place.

'No ….'. Amari's eyes condensed as he felt a slight stir from his left.

He raised his hand to attack.


The strike turned into a block as the attack came much faster than expected.

The collision sent yet another shockwave into the atmosphere shattering the surrounding land around them.

Right before his eyes was the devil with his classic cunning smirk.

'Nah ah …'. Amari, who wanted to retaliate felt the world's gravity increase yet again, infinitely slowing down his movements.

'Dammit …'. Amari narrowed his eyebrow, attempting to transfer himself into his dimension but felt the heavy weight concentrated on his form.

Gravity at its extreme could suppress space movement. It just depended on who used it.

And at the moment, Amari felt like the weight of the universe was resting on his shoulders.

The accuracy of that statement was debatable, but that's how he would describe it.

'Isolate'. His blue eyes glowed even brighter as he gave his command. Energy trapped within his form stirred restlessly and began to act on reality itself.

In a split second, Lucifer's passed right through Amari's body as he successfully isolated himself from the Gravitational influence.

Sucking himself into space, he reappeared a distance away, dark red energy leaking from his being as he fired a Cataclysmic energy blast.

Lucifer thrust his arms forward. The space around him turned into a broken mirror, swallowing the energy attack upon contact.

The next moment, the mirror changed color, turning dark red and turning into a swirling ball with destructive momentum.

With a slight thrust, the ball was sent back at his opponent at an immeasurable speed. Gravity acting on it for good measure.

Seeing this, Amari's telekinetic force spread out to form a barrier blockade.


Under their gazes, both forces made contact with the telekinetic force capable of crushing planets with ease, barely putting up resistance before being torn apart.

The blast slammed into Amari, exploding and sending him flying back several feet into the air.

The shockwave rushed out once again ..... Before it was pulled back a second later.

The blast being absorbed into his body and Amari's form appearing without a hint of damage.


'So this is what it feels like to fight against God's absolute will, huh?'

Amari thought with a slight frown, not attacking further.

'Just as difficult as I imagined'.

Their battle timeframe was short. Barely exceeding a few dozen seconds.

Apart from the first attack, Amari hadn't been able to land a second blow of any kind. Meaning although this battle was now at a stalemate, throughout the short exchange, he was at a disadvantage.

'First time I've had to use energy to affect reality for my benefit in a fight before'.

His battle against Darkseid was basically fists, feet, and cataclysm.

Other flashy abilities like the manifestation of the cosmic titan, black flames, Tsukyuomi and the likes were basically just attacks he used for weaker opponents.

The highest he had ever gotten to was the use of telekinesis.

Using Energy to influence reality ..... This could be counted as the first time. But against this opponent, it wasn't uncalled-for.

Compared to Lucifer, other enemies like Parasite, Darkseid, The Antilife Equation, Ares and the so called Lokee were just small fries.

This guy was an actual Godlike being right here.

Someone possessing abilities at high intensity that he couldn't just steamroll over like the rest of them.

Gravity, time dilations ... These were things he couldn't absorb. When used on him, he could only physically resist its effect.

Darkseid could at most increase it by several thousand-fold. But that's where the problem lay.

What was the basis for Lucifer's power?

The answer was will. Not just ordinary will, God's will. The power of The Presence was the highest apex of the DC universe. Anything and Everything he created was under his control.

And as the incarnation of his will, Lucifer had control of all creation, which at this point, was second only to the Presence himself.

The implications?

Absolute dominion.

As the creator, everything in creation was his to control.

Humans, aliens, matter, antimatter, Stars, planets, forces, spectrums, aspects, energies, universes, time, space, dimensions, multiverses, realities and all Godlike beings.


From the lowest ant to the highest concepts …. He could mend them, bend them, destroy them, turn them inside out, and change them as long as he willed it.

He created it, he could exert that dominion to the highest level.

This created his omnipotence as he could simply dismantle anything and everything he wanted to without it having the slightest ability to resist.

Demiurgic power. Something that Lucifer possessed.

As long as God created it, then he only needed a thought to undo its very existence.

This was the reason Michael could serve as his only equal. As anything else required less than a snap of his fingers to be destroyed once it bothered him.

No matter how strong they were or how much power they possessed.

Even if it were possible (It wasn't) for anyone else to have more power than him, beating him wasn't

Just like an inventor who created a battle mech with Artificial intelligence. No matter how strong the mech was, it was powerless in front of the creator who held a remote with a power off button.

(All of creation was the giant Mech robot and Lucifer was the bored creator sitting on a lounge chair and watching it go on a rampage with a remote that had a pause, play, rewind, fast-forward and off button)

Death and the endless were no exceptions.

Until today.

As a being outside of God's jurisdiction, Demiurgic power didn't work on Amari. Neither Michael nor Samael could undo his existence.

Nor could their will influence his form in any way possible.

Just this feature alone had taken him from the position of a much stronger ant to an opponent worthy of notice.

That left the only other option

If Lucifer wanted to kill Amari, then he had to engage in a head on confrontation.

But Amari's nature and ability to absorb energy destroyed a large amount of attack options leaving only fewer existing variables.

So since he couldn't affect him, Lucifer decided to affect everything else around him.

That was where the problem laid.

As long as he willed it, the gravitational power of the universe would weigh on Amari, preventing him from moving.

Once that was successful, he wouldn't be able to defend himself from successive attacks and could only receive them passively.

'He's controlling the matter everywhere to restrict my movements. I can't absorb gravitational force or non energy-based matter, so I can only consume my energy to counter his influence. But that's not an effective solution'.

His thoughts moved rapidly.

'He''s the will of the Presence. He doesn't have to expend anything to do anything. Everything will automatically do whatever he wants. I on the other hand, have the exact opposite problem".

This was the textbook explanation of his current situation.

Just because demiurgic power had no effect didn't mean that Amari was invincible.

Unless he wanted to be a fish on the chopping block, bombarded by one form of attack after another, active energy consumption was unavoidable.

And the solution of one issue led to another …

'…. My energy capacity can't sustain a prolonged battle ….'.

This was the basis of Lucifer's nigh omnipotence. Second to one control over all of reality.

After this confrontation, Amari realized that fighting against Lucifer like this wouldn't work.

It didn't feel like he was just fighting Lucifer. No, it felt like he was fighting against the whole universe.

Anything he couldn't absorb could and would be used against him. He could only fight with his own strengths and energy volume.

As long as the Gravitational force remained, Amari would have to use his energy to isolate it. The consumption required for that wasn't small.

At least, depending on how long this would go on. A war of attrition wasn't in his favor.

For the first time in …. Well, ever, Amari felt himself developing a headache.

As for controlling the gravity to release its effect, Amari was certain that his energy reserves wouldn't sustain such an endeavor.

Wresting away control from Lucifer was improbable.

'It's like fighting in someone else's domain. So restrictive'.

He thought with his gaze fixed on his opponent.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was doing the same thing.

Those red eyes shone with intense scrutiny and intrigue. His amused face made it hard to tell what he was thinking.

'Fascinating …'. The devil uttered inwardly. 'I lost all control of the injected energy in the last attack'.

The last energy attack wasn't simply for show.

Lucifer had infused a wisp of his own marl within it in an attempt to destroy, invade or control Amari from within.

Result ..... Nothing.

Amari's figure was imprinted in his gaze, hundreds of future possibilities emerging within his subconscious as his Nigh omniscience worked hand in hand with his cosmic awareness to deduce countless possible attack patterns.

The results weren't very satisfying.

Mind Control ... Ineffective

Energy attacks .....

Time dilations. ….

Black holes .....

Time loops ….

Threads of Fate ..... This one was just as ineffective as Demiurgic power.

'What a troublesome creature ..... Unexpectedly difficult to deal with'.

He had seen what this creature could do. Similar to how he could isolate himself from gravity, he would do the same for time loops, shift himself from black holes and at worst, Lucifer would punch again and again when Amari's energy reserves were exhausted after a long period of battle.

This was only one of many possibilities, and the time and persistence required to achieve this was not something he wanted to put himself through.

This also required him to seal the surrounding space to make sure he didn't simply transport himself away elsewhere to absorb several stars and come back for several hundred more rounds.

This wasn't an exaggeration. It actually happened.

'Tch'. Watching these futures, never before had he felt so irritated. This was the first time he disliked peering into the future not because he found it boring but because he couldn't find a solution to his problem.

The result ended with him unable to get past his energy absorption. Each physical attack only serving to power him with transformed kinetic energy.

From the looks of it … This battle would never end unless .....

'Wait'. A thought emerged.

'Kinetic Energy'. Following which, he began to deduce the future based on a targeted scenario.

'…. In that case. Let's try something new'. Seeing a future that actually produced results, Lucifer immediately put it into action with a gleam in his eyes.

Meanwhile .....

The world was in Chaos.
