Swing Higher

Chapter 10

Life after moving passed quickly, and it was time for Han's check-up again. Xano took a day off to accompany him to the hospital. They went for the check-up in the morning, had lunch nearby, and would only get the results in the afternoon.

During the car accident, Han was in the driver's seat, and he had only suffered two broken ribs, aside from severe head trauma. He had recovered from treatment, his fractures had healed long ago, and the blood clots in his brain were gradually being absorbed. However, the significant psychological trauma from the accident still required more systematic professional treatment.

After returning from the hospital, Xano and Han took a public bus back. There weren't many people on the small-town bus. Han sat by the window, putting his face out through the opening. The wind blew through the gap, ruffling his hair. Xano pulled up his collar and pressed him back into his seat as Han seemed to want to get closer. In less than two minutes, Han leaned in again, and when Xano looked stern, Han just blinked his big eyes and held Xano's hand, saying nothing but irritating Xano.

After getting off the bus, they still had a little way to go before reaching home. Xano asked Han if he was tired. Han obediently replied, "I'm not tired; I haven't even walked yet."

It had only been half a month since they moved to this place, and they weren't very familiar with the surroundings. They passed by a small park on the way. It was a residential area, and the small garden had flowers, artificial rock formations, and several play facilities for children. When Han saw it from a distance, he unconsciously quickened his pace, but as he got closer, he slowed down. He looked at the swing by the rock formation and then looked at Xano.

Xano chuckled, "Do you want to play?"

Han nodded immediately.

After falling ill, Han hadn't played on a swing. Now, he ran towards it like an excited puppy and sat down. He grabbed the swing's chains with both hands without any guidance, and with a face of anticipation, he looked at Xano.

Xano walked over and stood behind Han, patting his head. He held his shoulders and gave him a push. Han squirmed and turned his head back, crying out with distress, but it turned into a joyous laugh as he soared through the air. He laughed and came back down, and Xano pushed him again. After a few rounds, he seemed to figure out the rhythm. When he landed, he laughed and called out, "Higher!"

Xano, indulging in the fun, pushed even harder. Han soared higher and higher, laughing joyfully and calling for "Brother!" His laughter was filled with a hint of vulnerability. Finally, Xano couldn't resist and pulled him into a hug when he came back down.

Han hesitated for a few seconds, then he pulled away from Xano and threatened to hit him. Xano didn't let him do it. He had Han chase him a few steps. Han, who hadn't been exercising much, ran a few steps and flushed in the face. Xano felt an itch inside, intentionally stopped and waited for him. Han ran over without suspicion, and Xano quickly grabbed him. Surprised, Han let out a small cry and tried to get away. Then he glared at Xano with a mixture of anger and surprise.

Xano held his hands tightly. "What are you glaring at me for?"

Han said, "I didn't glare at you. Why did you grab me?"

Xano couldn't explain. He pretended to scold him, "Sit down properly!"

Han immediately put the incident behind him, sitting straight. Xano asked him to lift his feet, and Han complied. When Xano pushed him, Han went back to looking back at Xano, anxiously warning, "Don't let me fall."

Xano couldn't help but play along, teasing Han. He pushed him back into the air a few more times, and Han soon discovered the pattern. When he landed, he called out loudly, "Higher!"

Xano decided to give Han what he wanted, and he pushed Han high into the sky.