...An offer to marry a powerful teleporter magician? How unexpected... but this will limit my personal freedom! But on the other hand, I have the opportunity to travel anywhere... according to my wishes.

"I'm not going to limit you in any way and I'm not against your lovers, but listen to the advice of the ancient syrinx: getting together with just anyone in an intimate sense is a bad option for you, especially with new exotic magic in your body. It will work poorly due to random hasty connections, and why do you need that? I can recommend to you with whom it is better to spend time for your benefit, in order to increase the power of your strength, and not lose it in thoughtless contacts. Orgies are extremely draining for any magician, you lose strength uncontrollably, and I myself never participate in them... but I can peep for inspiration."

"Oh, now everything is clear to me..." I slapped my forehead with my palm. - Magic powers! That's why everyone was hovering around me with such excitement... They sense it and were going to use it in close contact!

"Exactly! - Adivaris perked up. - Well done for understanding! Therefore, you need to be careful in such relationships; without a reverent attitude towards each other, it is better to refrain from intimacy. Of course, such a crazy attraction happens that you lose your head from desires... I will always help you as a partner and you will gain even more strength..."

"Such as teleport?"

"Oh... well, this is not an easy achievement... don't think about it yet... I myself almost died when this magic entered me... I admit that I got it through sex..."

"Wow! Adivaris, you're scaring me... What kind of partner was this?"

"It was a woman, by the way. Goddess! That's why I say: you need to sleep with suitable entities, and not with just anyone! And you and I need to communicate more in a romantic way, maybe you will have something for me..."

His offer did not sound particularly tempting; Adivaris seemed to me too complex a person with strings attached and a long-term relationship, and I did not give him consent at that moment. Although I stayed to live with him in his tower and sleep next to him in his favorite bedroom. He did not touch me physically, understanding that I needed time to think about everything.

My goal was still to gain the favor of Prince Eurol. In fact, I did not want to be in his harem crowded with handsome men, but only to have free access to His Highness for pleasant private communication. If before I could not move freely, now I have legs, and this naturally adds freedom.

I knew that he lived in the Royal Tower and it loomed in the distance from the windows of Adivaris's apartment, but getting to it on foot on new legs turned out to be problematic. I will be charmed on the street with intrusive conversations and I will not get to my destination after being captured by horny men.

Wings! They are the fastest to fly, but I encountered unbearable pain when trying to grow them. This is all due to lack of energy. I need to follow my mentor's advice and not sleep with just anyone.

I again tried to grow wings through the pain: at the behest of thought, with a crunch, like sharp spears, came out of my back and expanded to the sides, rapidly feathering... They must be of decent size in order to fly without problems... I waved them helplessly, realizing that I still need to learn this do.

…Damn it ! How? … How to fly!? There are no such teachers nearby!

"Oh! Why do you need wings? - Adivaris commented on my tricks when he returned to the tower. - Hmm... do you want to fly away from me?"

"He-he... Teach me to fly please ! I want to go with you to some romantic place with warm water and swim."

"To swim? No way! Syrinxes do not bathe in water and I do not advise you to wet the feathers that they have grown... They take a very long time to dry... By the way, the length of your flight feathers is not sufficient to fly fully, and you simply cannot rise up."

"Oh, well… I didn't know!"

I started comparing our wings and found many differences between them. Adivaris' feathers on the leading edges were much longer than mine. I had to grow them... 

At the very least, I managed to fly up after long exercises with folding and turning, and I happily squeaked with pleasure that I was on the right path.

"Heh, how hard you try! - Adivaris looked at me with adoration and brought me closer to him for a kiss. - I like your tenacity. You will learn gradually... You and I can travel without wings to any place you want!"

" At any? For example?"

"To another planet... to have fun..." Adivaris drawled mysteriously.

" In what sense?"

"Whichever one you want! At the same time, you will learn to fly away from prying eyes..."

...Intriguing! In any sense? My fiance continues to amaze me with his tricks.

"Sure… I am ready for any adventures!"