Welcome To New York

It was one of the brightest summer days in New York itself. The streets were filled with people walking there dogs and children. Everywhere you looked, Someone was there. There wasn't even a single cloud in the sky. It was a very busy day in The Big Apple indeed. If you were there, You would agree. On this beautiful day however, There was a boy. Now this boy was carrying a box and rushing as fast as he could down the sidewalk. People were walking past him while looking back at him. It wasn't a pretty scene i can assure that. The boy then turned a corner and stopped at a light grey building and went inside. As he went inside, He saw tons of people sitting and eating a different sandwich. It was completely packed as he walked past the tables and into the kitchen where things take place. Phew said The Boy. Its packed out there. I can bet said one of the cooks. Now did you get all of the ingredients that i requested? Yes i did father said the Boy. Thank you Wyatt said the cook. Its been so packed in here lately that i have no time in order to get the sandwich materials. Well said Wyatt. You had a son for a reason Pat. At times like this said Pat. I'm glad i had you as a son. You were just like me when i was your age. Oh stop it said Wyatt. I know you don't like these talks but i really do mean every word i say. Yeah yeah said Wyatt. Do you need any help preparing food for our customers? Not as of now said Pat. Unless we get a Karen said Wyatt as he broke out into laughter. Very funny said Pat. That's why I'm laughing said Wyatt as he slowed his laughing. Well, I'm gonna be cleaning my room so call when you need me. Ok said Pat as Wyatt walked away. Wyatt left the kitchen and headed up the stairs that were in the store and up to his home. As he went up the stairs and into the living room, He saw his mom cooking some pasta. Let me guess said Wyatt. Pasta for dinner? You guessed said his mom. No wonder the customers like your pasta when we have in available for the weekends. Well it is the weekend said Wyatt's mom. I heard someone call it The Willow Special said Wyatt. I like that name said Willow. We should use it. Happy to help said Wyatt as he continued up the stairs to his room and closed the door. Alight said Wyatt. Now what to still do for today as he picked up a spiral notebook. Clean room, Well that will be easy, Dust ceiling fan and finally reorganize the bookshelf for the third time this week. Sounds easy as pie. Wyatt then got to work as one by one, crossed out one task after another until they were all scratched off. Well that was easy said Wyatt. I need to add more stuff to this list. Dinner's Ready said Willow. So soon said Wyatt as he went down the stairs to have some dinner. Soon after it was time for bed as he brushed his teeth and went to bed.