An Exorcist..?

Chapter 6 

"Earth to Maeee!"

Mae flinched at Mikaela's voice, who had been speaking non-stop earlier. She wasn't particularly listening since her mind had been preoccupied with thoughts from yesterday's events in the old classroom. 

A ghost that she happened to summon because of a wish… Sharing now an everlasting bond with her. A connection that is said to transcend beyond the definition of fate… Shouldn't it be forbidden since Haruto's a ghost and she's a living being? Does this unusual 'connection' even count???

"Sorry, what were you saying?" She cast an apologetic look at her friend, deciding to throw her thoughts to the side for now.

"Never mind that! You've been spacing out a lot lately, what happened?" Mikaela said worriedly.

"No need to worry... I'm fine!" Though saying that, she was still bothered by that certain connection with the wishing ghost.


At the canteen

Mae and her friends are having lunch inside the canteen as usual. The three of them are looking for a table that isn't vacant. Not long ago, Diana had found one, pointing at its location. "Let's eat there! That's a good spot."

"You're right." Mikaela agreed and followed her.

However, Mae hesitated to go to that table. A student is sitting at that table while eating some kind of food. Nobody seemed to notice it, so she was sure it was a ghost. Mikaela and Diana have chosen their seats while Mae is left looking at an empty spot next to the ghost. She carefully sat on the chair, trying not to disturb the ghost. However, as soon as they take over the table, the ghost gives them a sour expression.

"Uhm.. I think we should switch places haha…" Mae said, trying not to piss the ghost.

"C'mon! It's tiring to find another table." Mikaela said.

"It's uncomfortable here.." Mae quickly found an excuse.

"But-" before Diana could say anything, Mikaela interrupted.

" Fine, but you're going to pick." 

Mae had already picked a table beforehand and gladly stood up from her chair. As she stood up, she accidentally bumped into something. 

"You… you touch me…?" She heard an ominous voice beside her. She turned around to see the ghost staring directly at her... Its eyes are as dark as the abyss, gawking at her with a terrifying gaze. EEEEEEEEKKK! 

"I'M LEAVING!" Mae ran off the canteen in tremor. She could faintly hear Mikaela saying something before she ran away. However, she had no time to know what it was.

I bumped into a ghost earlier..! Mae realized that not only she can touch Haruto, but also other ghosts like him. She would be fine if she just ignored the ghosts on her way. But now, things are different. With one wrong move, ghosts from the other side will know she could come in contact with them! Or, if she's unlucky to bump with a resentful spirit, she would be done for!

She stopped running to catch her breath, her own feet took her to the old building. 

"Ah… There you... are... hehehe….!"

Mae was surprised when the ghost from the canteen followed her there. She tried to run away again. but the ghost caught her. The ghost's hand tightened its grip on Mae's arm, and the feeling of pain was visible on her face.

"It's been so long... for a human…. to notice me..!" The ghost's other hand touched Mae's cheeks, its face was getting closer and closer to hers. "Hehe.. hehehe!" Its cold touch made her shudder in fright.

Just then, Haruto attacked the ghost with his scythe. She almost fell to the ground, but luckily, Haruto managed to catch her in time. 

"Are you okay!?" Haruto asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. Don't worry..." Mae rubbed her throbbing arm where the ghost gripped her.

"An ancient… ghost.. trying to protect.. a human….?" The ghost's confusion is now visible on its face. "That's… a first."

"You harmed my client... That means, I can punish you, right?" Haruto charged at the ghost, but it defended itself with a spiritual shield. He tried another move towards the spirit and burst its defense into pieces. "Y-you..! Agh!" 

Haruto lands yet another attack and hits the ghost.

"Tch..! You… ancient ghosts… are damn annoying….." After landing a critical hit, its soul dispersed into thin air.

Mae saw it disappear and surprisingly felt sorry for the ghost. Haruto turned to look at Mae with concern to see if she was alright. He patted her sides and saw the arm where the violent phantom grasped. He realized that she was enduring the pain the whole time.

"Mae.. Sprinkle table salt on your body. That ghost harmed you with its grudge. It might spread to other people and we'll get in trouble." Haruto advised.

"Grudge?" She looked at him with a baffled look...

"A spirit's resentment is contagious and can harm a person's physical and emotional well-being. I've already cast a spell to heal your arm, so don't worry. You only need to sprinkle table salt onto your body." Haruto explained. "Next time, you have to be careful around you... This might happen again in the future."

"But how can I determine if a person I see is a ghost or a human?? It's hard to keep my poker face on and ignore them. Now that I can touch them, it becomes impossible!" She was just a normal student before, how could things turn out this way!?

"Mae, you…" She waited for Haruto to give her some advice. "...Good luck." 


"Ok ok, chill... You can determine ghosts from humans with their bodies." 


"Mhm! Check if their body is transparent like mine." The Wishing Phantom finally gave real advice.

Body, huh… She recalled again what happened yesterday between her and Haruto, feeling each other out by touching. Now that he was in front of her, she got flustered.

"Mae? Your face is getting red. Are you okay??" Haruto leaned closer to check if she was fine. Mae blinked and quickly backed away, barely even standing from embarrassment.

"A-ah..! I'm okay! It's just so hot outside!" She frantically fanned herself, avoiding his gaze that could awaken her memory from yesterday.

"What? But it's Autumn... The wind should be cold." 

"I have to go now! I still have to eat my lunch. Like you always say, it's important to fill your stomach before attending my class, now please excuse me..!" She hurriedly ran away while covering her beaming red face.

Haruto kept his eyes on Mae until her figure disappeared from his sight.

She loves running, huh… 


Mae decided to eat her lunch inside the classroom. She doesn't want to face Mikaela or Diana because they might try to make her explain her strange behavior earlier. There's no one else in the classroom other than herself. 

"...That's strange, they should be here.." Mae looked around the classroom to find her ghost friends. Without luck, she couldn't find them. Where could they be?

"Hmm.. Maybe Haruto is with them.." Mae took out her lunch and started to eat. "...It's a bit lonely, huh…"

In the old classroom 

"Ah, Mae! You're early today, huh? Eheh, Let's get started?"

"Haru, the ghosts that were supposed to supervise me are not in the classroom the whole afternoon... What did you do..?" Mae asked, knowing that the Wishing Ghost loves to tease his subordinates.

"Haha! Why are you looking at me like that? Don't worry, I just gave them a break." 

"A break? That's strange of you to do…Well, whatever, let's get started." Mae took her books and notebooks from her bag before placing them on the teacher's table. She was about to sit down but Haruto looked distracted. "Haru? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Mae... There's something I need to do first. Just wait for me here." Haruto said, about to head out of the classroom. "Oh yeah, please clean the classroom. It should be squeaky clean when I get back." Haruto smiled and then floated outside.

"Haru, wait! There might be spiders..!" It was already too late as he disappeared.

 She recalled a memory every time she had to clean the classroom. She had to dust all the cobwebs, arrange the books, and then clean the specks of dust with a rag. Several spiders unexpectedly jumped out of the bookshelf when she was organizing the books, giving her the willies.

She remembered when she was dusting the corners filled with cobwebs, a spider fell out of her head which made her faint. "Ugh…! Those traumatic memories.." Mae felt shivers down her spine. "I'll just sweep the floor and we're done."


15 minutes passed, and she finished sweeping the floor. "Haru sure is taking his time. .." Mae was about to put the broom on the shelf when suddenly, she heard footsteps. 

Oh! That must be Haru! She eagerly turned around to face him but saw an unexpected guest. She blinked. "Felix..?"

"Mae? What are you doing here?" Felix was equally surprised.

"I… I volunteered to be… on a cleaning committee to clean this old building! Haha! You know how I love cleaning." Mae just thought of an excuse.

"What? The broadcast club didn't announce anything about having a cleaning committee…" Felix noticed the books lying on the teacher's table. "Were you... studying here??" Mae desperately tried to think of another excuse, but Felix interrupted her. "Whatever, It's dangerous here, Mae. You should be careful when venturing to places like here. Find a place suitable for studying instead of here. Go home now." 

Fluttered by his words, her face turned red, and putting her books in her bag in a daze. Wait! she shouldn't get distracted..! Haruto told her to wait here... He might get angry if she suddenly ditched him, right?

She stopped gathering her things. "U-uhm! Sorry, I can't go home yet... I am meeting with someone here.."

"You're meeting with someone… here..?" There was a hint of surprise and confusion shown on his face. "…If I see a person here, I'll inform them I already sent you home. Get your things now and go home straight" Felix seemed alarmed.

"You're not coming home with me..?" 

"I have to stay here to do the task my father gave me," 

Mae wondered what his secret task was here in this old frail building. She didn't ask any more questions for fear of prying.

Felix walked her towards the stairs. They get down step by step until they're at the ground floor before he stops walking.

"I guess this is where we'll part," She said.

"See you later, Mae." Felix smiled, leaving Mae flustered.

He left her behind without saying another word. She saw him leave until he was gone. Mae stood there for a few minutes like she was waiting for someone. After that, she rushed back to the fourth floor. I'm sorry Felix! But I can't go home now. I have to pass my exams..!

She sneakily entered the old building to see if Felix was there. She was about to reach the fourth floor when she heard someone talking. Alarmed, she hid behind the wall to see if it was Felix. She peered from the wall and saw Haruto shielding the ghosts, those who always supervised Mae, from someone with a sword. That guy with a sword wore their school uniform.

"You… Why are you protecting those things..? They're resentful spirits who harm the common people." The lad pointed his unnecessarily bright sword at them.

Haruto warily shifted his stance, not saying another word as he pulled out his scythe from thin air.

"...You leave me no choice. I'll recognize you as a useless piece of trash that needs to be thrown, just like them. It's a wrong decision to protect those vermin." The person swung his sword elegantly yet viciously, striking at them with no mercy.

Haruto parried his attack with his weapon and pushed him harder. The youth took a step back and balanced himself. He struck yet another attack from the side, Haruto barely dodging it as he shifted his position again.

Mae thought hard of a way to protect Haruto from that rude fellow. She looked closely to see how she could protect Haruto from him. Just then, Mae saw the youth's face and gasped. She knew that guy. She had known him since childhood. He's the guy that she liked. He's also the guy who had told her to go home earlier.
