
Jack woke up after feeling a little headache when he's remembered that he cried a little last night. 'I want all my pain to wash off but it loves me so much that it never leaves me.. this pain is my ultimate partner.' He was thinking to himself when a tasty smell reached his nose.. it smelled good. He saw Evelyn cooking something, but she never did anything like this at early morning. She isn't an early riser than how..?

Walking towards the kitchen he saw Evelyn cooking!!

'Oh! You up. Good morning'


'Look Jack, I'm trying to be nice and you are just being rude. Can't you just shrug off your anger for a moment..'

'Anger?' He bitterly chuckled. 'What do you expect Evelyn? After all those days you insulted me. You want me to forgive you so easily..? You lowered your own standard in front of my eyes by your every single activity. You treated me like a poor or middle class man who is just a burden in this world.'

'Jack.. I' he was about to walk away when she caught his hands tightly. 'I really don't know how to make it up to you but I can say that I'm sorry'

'Look at your tone. It's not even showing that you're guilty. You didn't even realize your mistake. Till now..'

'NO.. I DID.. I did realize. Now what should I do to proof you that..? Tell me..?' 'No need to do anything, just leave my life. Leave my life so that we both can stay happily.'

'Jack' he turned back when she said something making him pause for a moment 'You really want me to leave you..?'