Case #8-Hell on Earth, Part 1

"I can't believe we've been summoned to the Supernatural Investigators Headquarters!" Circe excitedly says.

"Yeah, now we get to go in without sneaking in," Raiden adds with a small laugh.

"Due to the gravity of the situation, I am not surprised that we've been called here," Mikoto adds.

"I can't believe we're all working together…" Yatama grumbles.

"Can't forget about Koga," Crimson adds. "He's returned to his clan, um… Circus Troupe in order to recruit them for our final battle.

"Evelyn…" I softly say to myself. "We'll save you…"

Eventually, the six of us reach the Supernatural Investigators Headquarters, where we find a depressed looking Agent Helxey waiting for us. "Come on," Hexley says as he leads us into the headquarters. "I'll show you where we need to go." As Hexley leads us throught he Supernatural Investigators Headquarters, I can't help but marvel at the futuristic, high-tech building. Strangely enough, there is no one around. 

"Through here," Hexley orders, and he leads us into a large auditorium, where we see what must be the entirety of the Supernatural Investigators' forces. On stage, is Chief Faustus, and behind here is Agents Kardos, Smith, Gaumond, and even Virgo.

"As you may know, the final battle against Satan, the King of Hell is upon us," Faustus booms into a microphone, causing murmos to escape the crowd. "However, this is not our fight. Humanity is not at the core of this battle, but since Satan threatens our home, we will fight to defend it. And because of that, I have some guest speakers." Hexley then turns to face Hexley, and waves him onto the stage.

No one moves.

"Go ahead, Reaper," Hexley orders.

"Huh…?" I ask as I turn and peer over my shoulder at Hexley.

"She's not talking about me, she's talking about you," Hexley explains as he shoves me forwards.

"Um…okay," I reply as I begin walking towards the stage.

Crimson, Raiden, and Circe remain there

"You guys should go too," Hexley says.

Crimson, Raiden, and Circe look back and forth between one another, and then, they follow after me.

"Um…hello, everybody-" I awkwardly begin to say into the mic once the four of us are on the stage.

The audience looks around awkwardly.

"Is that…the Reaper?!"

"And the Devil, too!"

"And the witch from the Circe Salem mission?!"

"And…whoever that other guy is!"

"Er…yes," I answer into the mic. "My name…is Zach Spyridon, and I…am the Reaper…"

Murmurs escape the audience.

"What's the deal, Chief?!"

"Sniper just died, and now you invited his mortal enemy onto the stage?!"

Faustus smirks at me. "You must take control of the situation if you want my men to help you, Reaper," Faustus says to herself.

I take a deep breath…then out.

"I AM NOT HIS ENEMY!" I boom into the mic, and instantly, the audience shuts up. "I'm sorry…" I exhale as I look down, before peering back up to the audience. "By the time that Sniper died…me and him had unwavering respect for one another. More than he was my enemy, he was…my rival…"

"I can vouch for that!" Kardos shouts to the audience.

"During the finale of the Supernatural Tournament, the daughters of Satan and a man named Ezra, who you probably know as Sagittarius, stole the core of the Consumer, Loki, owner of the Supernatural Tournament, and captured my friend, then fled to Hell. But not after killing Sniper and taking his Garuda's Eye. And now…using my friend's powers, Satan plans to implant the Consumer Core into him, which will give him a massive boost in power. And the power…to destroy the world!"

The audience perks up.

"So now, I'll hand the mic over to Crimson," I say as I take a step backwards, and Crimson steps up. "Crimson…is one of Satan's four daughters, but she's on our side! She knows a lot about her father's plans!"

"Um, hello…" Crimson squeaks in a voice so low that the mic can hardly pick it up.

The audience begins booing.




"Um, I…" Crimson squeaks again, but just as before, her voice is too low to gain the audience's attention.

Crimson looks away in shame as the audience continues booing, but then, Kardos worms past Crimson as she grabs the mic. "EVERYBODY, SHUT UP!" Kardos orders, and the audience goes silent. "Crimson…is a Devil, yes, but just like Zach and Colt, she's also my rival!" Crimson's eyes widen. "As the daughter of Satan, Crimson is our key to victory! So if you want to go home to your family…YOU'D BETTER SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO HER!"

The audience is dead still.

Kardos lets out a sigh, then turns to face Crimson. "You're up," Kardos says as she takes a step away from the mic.

"Right…" Crimson replies with a timid nod, before taking a step up to the mic. "Thank you, Kardos," Crimson awkwardly says, and this time, the mic is able to pick up her voice. "As Kardos had said, I am the daughter of the Devil, Satan. I know I may seem like the enemy, however, I know all of my father's plans and can share them with you all. Basically, as Zach had explained, Satan plans to use the powers of our kidnapped friend, Evelyn, to implant the core of the Consumer, into his body. After implanting the core, Satan will enter a one-week coma where he will have to metamorphose as the Consumer Core merges with his body. So, assuming that the Consumer Core was implanted into Satan the same day that Evelyn was brought to Hell, that gives us five days until Satan emerages, and five days before we can strike. However, Satan will be in a cocoon during his metamorphosis, an impenetrable cocoon. The cocoon will be weaker the closer Satan is to emerging, so that's when we'll strike, on the seventh day. While this is going on, my other three sisters, as well as my replacement, will be stationed in the four corners of Nestant Town, one of them per forest. My father created a special Devil who has control over the three other elements of Hell once I had left in order to take my place. In each forest, a seal to the Portal to Hell resides, and in order for Satan to enter our world, my sister will need to remove those seals. Unless the seals are removed, only regular Devils can leave Hell, but not Satan himself, he's too powerful."

I flash Crimson a smile, who replies with her own nervous smile, as we trade places in front of the mic. "Now then-" I begin to say into the mic. "We will discuss our plans for victory."


"Hey, Zach Reaper!" A voice booms, and I turn around to where I heard the voice, watching as a familiar-looking man storms over to me.

"Who…are you…?" I ask as the man continues marching over to me, before grabbing me by the shirt collar and slamming me intot he outer wall of the store behind me.

"What the Hell was that?!" I snap.

"You're friends with my daughter, right?!" The man shouts right in my face, sending spit everywhere and causing me to gag. "Where is she?! Where is Evelyn, where is my daughter?!"

My eyes widened. "You're…Evelyn's dad, right…?" I ask.

"I am!" Evelyn's dad shouts. "Where is my daughter?!"

I look away from Evelyn's dad in shame.


"Evelyn…is gone…" I answer as I look back to face Evelyn's dad, causing his eyes to widen.

"What…do you mean…?" He trembles.

"But I'm going to save her," I continue. "Within one week…I will save Evelyn."

Evelyn's dad continues trembling, and then, he sobs until he falls to the ground.

"Save her…" Evelyn's dad sobs, still clutching onto my shirt. "Please save my daughter…"

"I will…" I sadly answer. "I will…"


Five days later, on the seventh day of Satan's metamorphosis

"Today's the day," I announce as I step into the Town Square, where I greet Aunt Lucine, Crimson, Circe, Koga, Yamata, Mikoto, Kardos, Virgo, Hexley, Faustus, and even Tomo Koga, Koga's Village Chief. I then look around. "Where's…Uncle Grim?" I ask.

Aunt Lucine shrugs. "I haven't seen him since he came to stay the night after Purgatory was destroyed," she answers.

"And…where's Raiden?" I ask.

Circe smirks. "You'll see," she answers, causing me to nod.

"Alright-" I begin to say as I look around again. "Everyone has their positions?"

"Agent Hexley and I will stay in the Town Square and lead the Supernatural Investigators," Chief Fautus explains.

"I'll stay here," Agent Hexley adds. "It's my duty to support and protect the Chief, wherever she goes."

"I will lead the Koga Clan as we help defend this town," Tomo Koga adds. "The fate of the world depends on it."

"Alright, we've finished evacuating all of the townsfolk!" Agent Smith exclaims as she and Agent Gaumond jog over to her group.

"So now we'll defend the town against Devils, as well."

"As will we!" A voice booms, and I turn to where I heard the voice, watching as a huge, muscular man with dark brown hair, glasses, and an open electric-blue gi top. Behind him, are dozens of other people in blue robes.

"Who…are you?" I ask.

"They're my family!" Raiden answers as he jogs over to our group. "Guys…meet my dad, Dragon Zephyr!"

I stare up at Raiden's dad, who stares down at me with such an intense fever that I can't help but feel small under his wrath.

"So you're Zach Sphyridon, huh?" Dragon asks. "The man who my son has been working with ever since I've sent him away from home."

"Er…yeah," I answer.

"Thank you," Dragon says as he extends a hand out to me. Raiden flashes me a cheesy smile. "I don't know how, but I have a feeling that it's thanks to you that my son -who previously couldn't even use lightning spells- can now wield Storm magic without a wand or spellbook."

"Ah, no problem!" I reply as I take Dragon's hand, who shakes my hand with a powerful shake and crushing hand so strong that when I let go of my hand, it's throbbing in pain.

"Now then-" I begin to say as I turn around to face my friends again. "This…truly feels like the final battle for all of us! We will be facing off against Satan, the King of Hell, as well as Devils with strength that we previously couldn't even have dreamed of! I expect you all to put everything into this battle, got it?! EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU!"

"RIGHT!" Everyone replies.

"Let's go, Raiden!" Circe orders as she latches onto Raiden's arm and begins dragging him towards the West woods.

"R-right!" Raiden blushes as he follows after Circe.

Dragon smiles. "So that's my son's girlfriend, eh?"

"Let's go, Mikoto!" Yamata smirks as he heads towards the South Woods.

"Right!" Mikoto replies, as he follows after his brother.

"Virgo, we're heading out too!" Kardos orders as she begins approaching the East Woods. Virgo nods, then follows after Kardos.

"She may not be able to speak yet, but Virgo's rehabilitation seems to be going smoothly," Hexley comments.

"Yeah…" Faustus replies with a small smile. "It does…"

As for me, I turn around to face Crimson, Aunt Lucine, and Koga. "Alright guys, let's move out!" I order.

"Right!" My three allies reply.


Circe and Raiden continue strolling through the non-poisonous West Woods, until they enter a large open-clearing. In the center of the clearing, is Bronze, who is crouched down next to a large red symbol on the floor in a prayer position.

"It's just as Crimson said," Circe smirks.

"The Poison Witch, and the Storm Wizard, huh…?" Bronze asks as she stands up to face Circe and Raiden. "I defeated both of you before. This will be easy."


As for Yamata and Mikoto, they stroll through the South Woods, until they enter a clearing as well, where a giant Devil covered in purple, green, and orange scales with four arms is praying next to a large symbol in the floor.

"So this must be Lilith?" Mikoto asks. "The Devil who controls the water, earth, and air of Hell."

"Perfect," Yamata smirks. "I wanted the strong opponent."

"I figured that someone would come to stop me," Lilith says as she stands up to face Yamata and Mikoto. "I hope you men are prepared to face three elements of Hell."


And finally, Kardos and Virgo make their way through the East Woods, until they find Emerald kneeling in a prayer position next to a symbol on the floor in a large clearing of the forest.

"There she is," Kardos says to Virgo. "The air Devil."

"Virgo, what the Hell are ya' doing?!" Emerald snaps as she stands up to face Kardos and Virgo. "You were a Zodiac, aren't ya'?!"

Virgo narrows her eyes at Emerald.

"She said 'Ezra betrayed us'," Kardos smirks.


But then, the unexpected happens, and something that even Crimson hadn't foreseen. A fourth one of Satan's minions enters the fray. Some of the Supernatural Investigators begin to scream as blood explodes from their eyes before dropping to the ground, dead. "What's happening?!" Hexley cries, and then, Loki spots a figure with a halo and feathery wings enter the Town Square. "Is that…an Angel?" Hexley asks.

"Yes," Faustus answers. "That is Aries, of the Twelve Zodiacs."

"Hmm…it seems like two of you are strong enough to withstand my presence," Aries says as he floats over to Hexley and Faustus, who look around, seeing that every Supernatural Investigators who was positioned in the Town Square is lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

"Damn…" Hexley says as he turns to face Aries. "Looks like it's up to us, Chief."

Aries' eyes widen. "I see…" Aries says as he looks Hexley up and down. "It seems I have a most interesting opponent, son of a Demigod."


"How much farther, Crimson?" I ask.

"Just a little but further," Crimson answers, and then, she, Aunt Lucine, Koga, and myself find ourselves standing in a large clearing in a far edge of the North Woods. In the center of the clearing, is Sapphire, who is kneeling on the ground in prayer position in front of a large red symbol on the ground.

"Oh?" Sapphire smirks as she opens her eyes and peers up at us. "All four of you are just for me? How weak are you?!"

"Don't play coy with me, Sapphire," Crimson growls. "I know you know that the portal to Hell is just a little further."

"That's right," Sapphire smirks as she stands up, purple water swirling around her hand. "EVEN THOUGH I'D LOVE TO BEAT YOU TO A PULP ONE ON ONE AGAIN, CRIMSON, I WON'T LET YOUR OTHER FRIENDS PASS!" Sapphire roars as she thrusts a hand towards Crimson, sending a blast of Hellwater flying towards her. Crimson doesn't move, she just stares down Sapphire's attack.

"WRONG!" Koga booms as he leaps in front of Crimson and brandishes his bo-staff, using it to knock away Sapphire's attack.

Sapphire's eyes widened. "YOU'RE staying behind to face me?!" She cries. "Don't make me laugh! You're that shitty ninja who couldn't even defeat Emerald, the weakest of Satan's four daughters without using her Devil Form. I am the strongest!"

"Come on, let's go!" Crimson orders as she leads us further into the North Woods. "The Portal to Hell is this way!"

"I won't let you get away!" Sapphire roars as she thrusts a hand towards us, firing off another blast of Hellwater. "Hellwater Howl!"

But just as before, Koga leaps in the way, and bats Sapphire's attack away with his bo-staff. "I told you, your opponent is me!"


"Here we are," Crimson announces once we're standing before a pitch-black cave with an entrance larger than a four-story house. "Once we enter the cave, we'll find ourselves transported into Hell."

"Alright," I reply as I look at Crimson, then Aunt Lucine. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Aunt Lucine answers.

"My father will be defeated today," Crimson answers.

I take a deep breath in…then out, and then, with a sigh, I peer into the pitch- black cave.


And then…the three of us enter the cave.


"I just…can't believe this!" Sapphire rambles to herself as she paces back and forth along the clearing.

Koga stares at Sapphire with a blank expression. "Um…" Koga begins to say as he raises his hand, but Sapphire pays no attention to the ninja.

 "I figured that the final battle would be between Crimson and I, but nooo I have to face this weak-ass ninja guy?" Sapphire rambles as she continues pacing." Is that it?! This better not be the only action I get during this battle!"

"Hey, uh…" Koga tries to say again, but Sapphire continues to pay no attention to him, and just continues rambling. "Alright, that's it!" Koga snaps as he draws a smoke bomb. "Let's just get this fight over with!" Koga throws his smoke bomb against the ground, which explodes in a cloud of smoke. A second cloud of smoke appears behind Sapphire, where Koga appears.

"DON'T EVEN BOTHER!" Sapphire snaps as she spins around to face Koga and slashes a hand towards him, sending blades of water flying from her fingers. "Hellwater Slash!" Koga draws a second smoke-bomb, throwing it to the ground, before reappearing in a second cloud of smoke before Sapphire.

"I've gotten used to your little tricks!" Sapphire cackles as she fires another blast of Hellwater at Koga, sending Koga flying backwards. "How pathetic!"

But what Sapphire doesn't notice is Koga calling throught he air above her. As Koga falls, he waves to scrolls, which flap through the air.

"Alright, now to go back to the seal…" Sapphire mutters to herself.

Koga then raises both scrolls into the air, as one scrolls is engulfed in maroon red Hellfire, and the other, in blue lightning. "In my right hand…are the flames of Hell, and in my left hand…the lightning of Heaven…" Koga began to say.

"What?!" Sapphire cries as she looks up to where she heard Koga's voice, watching as the ninja falls through the air towards her. "Was that…a dummy?!"

Koga then brings his two scrolls together, forming a giant ball of Hellfire and Raiden's lightning above his head.

"Is that…Hellfire?!" Sapphire cries. "And lightning?! It's no matter, I'll simply blast through it!" Sapphire then aims a hand at Koga and fires off another Hellwater Howl, but once her attack draws too close to Koga, it evaporates due to the Hellfire in his hands. "WHAT?!" Sapphire cries. "His fake flames evaporated my water?!"

Koag continues falling throught he air, until he's upon Sapphire.

Koga takes a deep breath in…then out…

"Crimson…Raiden…" Koga softly says to himself. "I am going to borrow your strength.


With a roar, Koga slams his ball of Crimson's Hellfire and Raiden's lightning down into Sapphire in a GIANT explosion of fire and lightning, causing Sapphire to scream in pain as she's wrapped up in the blast.

"N-no way!" Sapphire screams. "There's no way that a weak ass human…CAN DEFEAT ME!"

Sapphire enters her Devil Form as a rush of Hellwater explodes from her body, but it's instantly evaporated by Koga's flames.

Koga lets out another roar, and then, in one final push, his attack explodes again. As the fire and lightning dissipates, Sapphire falls to the ground as well in a pool of blood.

Sapphire…is dead and drafted.

Slowly…Koga pushes himself off to the ground and looks to the sky.



And then…Koga falls to the ground as well, his arms bleeding all over and charred almost completely black.


Although I didn't realize it at the time, that surge of confidence that I felt upon entering the Portal to Hell was thanks to Koga's victory.

Although we were all too away to hear Koga's cry, we felt it. From me and Crimson, to Raiden and Circe, and even to Evelyn. All of Reaper's paranormal and the entirety of the allied forces felt Koga's war cry.

Because if a weak-ass human can defeat a Devil, then anything is possible.

And thanks to Koga, we will win.