October 9th, xxxx

CAMUEL IS BITCHING AGAIN but Alpha North listens with half a ear, most of his attention on the pile of work in front of him, expelling the Ambassador's stern lecture out of him, concentrating instead on the topic of the bitching.

Like Nuka, there are five Blue Sun omegas that have called this place their home but unlike Nuka, are kept confined in the south with their not so welcoming counterparts, supervised by two Privates when they perform their given tasks.

With some strong opposition from Camuel and (glowing) recommendations from Anduan and Kamil, he decided to test their loyalty by assigning them to patrol duty.

He knows Camuel wouldn't be happy but he'd hoped his brother would appreciate the extra hands—and eyes—as they are spread thin as it is.

Most of their guards secure the western area protecting their livestock, their livelihood that the Pack have to rely on alarms, security cameras and traps for the other areas.

Unfortunately, their land is so vast there isn't enough patrols. Having only two guard towers—one in the south, the other near the central—they have to be extra alert.

He hates how vulnerable their security is but that's no excuse to have a lax security—nor would he reject extra help. Why not turn crisis into an opportunity.

Camuel sits halfway on his desk gesticulating as expressive as he can, he reminds Precious of a windmill that an attentive Nuka hugginga folder to his chest have had to dodge twice.

Glances at Kamil leaning on the wall where the brown leather sofa rests, arms loosely folded, an amused smile on his face.

Kamil's attention has that kind of face that storied he's listening only because there's nothing else to do.

Between the two of them, Camuel takes his soldier life very seriously, declaring his dedication by always been decked in snug fitted camos—trousers, jacket and cap—the ensemble complete with combats boots currently taken off at the doorstep while Kamil in contrast wears any loose fitting clothes he can shrug on.

"All through last night, I scouted their new watch tower," unexpectedly Camuel announced and Precious jerks his head up at the news.

"You did what? You know better than to tresspass—"

"It's okay, I wasn't spotted," he waves a hand.

The flippancy annoys Precious.

"What did you think would've happened if you'd been seen? How many times do I have to tell you that we don't aggravate them or their mad Alpha. We're already threading a thin line as it is—"

"Do you want to know what I found out or do you want to keep lecturing me?" he interrupts in a clipped tone.

Precious stops, eyeing him down. In gritted teeth gestures for him to continue.

"It's empty. There's no one guarding it, it just sits there gathering dust. Once, in the wee hours of the morning someone climbed up, paces for about ten minutes and leaves.

"I think it was just erected to intimidate us. They can't see anything beyond the Winter Forest, trust me. I went up there and checked myself."

"Wow, this revelation keeps getting better. Are you mad, Cam? Seriously. High up, anyone could've seen you."

His brother stands and turns around, face hardened like stone. "But nobody did. No one patrols that area. It's dead silent. They don't even have the equipment to magnify their vision. Like I said, it's there for intimidation, nothing else."

"The intimidation works. It's working," Kamil speaks up for the first time. "We're surrounded on all sides by their watch towers. East, south, west and now north. Empty or not, they've closed us in. The Winter Forest is our weakest spot. A liability."

Food for thought. Even if Precious successfully convinces Alpha Blue to leave their territory alone, there's nothing he can do about their watch tower. It's not in their land, it just sees into their land.

"I say we sic bears on them."

In unison, the three of them said a, "What?"

"Bears," Cam nods, sticking his hands in his pockets. "We can't give them a reason to attack as Precious says. We train bears to destroy the watch towers."

"Bears," he says slowly but Cam keeps nodding, his face softening at the idea.

"They wouldn't know what hit them. And on the bright side, they not only have their towers destroyed but now, there are bears on the loose."

From the corner of his eye, he sees Nuka trying to stifle a laugh and Kamil hiding mirth behind a fist.

"Right, yeah, bears," he deadpans, bringing a finger to his tie and scratching a spot behind it. "If you can't train them Cam, nobody can."

The laugh sputters out of Nuka while Kamil hangs his head, laughing silently. Better Cam the joker than Cam the aggravator.

Whirling on Nuka, Cam narrows his eyes.

"You don't believe I can do it?" leaning on his heels, he challenges the laughing secretary. "What'll you do if I succeed? Will you dance for me, pretty one?"

Precious rolls his eyes at the flirty tone but instead of calling on his bullshit, Nuka blushes something fierce, the laughter dying down as Cam advances, swaggering.

Nuka flashes him a glance but he casually shrugs knowing it's harmless fun. Nuka likes the attention, Cam obliges.

Ignoring them, Precious peeks at Kamil to catch the Major's eyes on him looking innocent.

There's nothing innocent about the way those eyes drifts all over his body—up, down, up, down, up—excruciatingly slow stopping somewhere between his throat and mouth.

Despite himself, his breathing quickens when Kamil licks his lower lip, kicks a disarming smile and indicates at something but his brain doesn't process the information fast enough. Until Cam raps his knuckles on the desk does he tear his head away.

"What?" his voice comes out croaked, he clears it and tries again. "Yes?"

A strange look flits over his face but it doesn't last long. "I was talking about Pack's morale. All thanks to that bastard Blue's latest antics and the meeting you're having with him soon, our morale is drastically low. I think a get-together would enliven spirits."

It takes more time than Precious would admit to digest what Cam's saying. He hasn't noticed anything like that. The Pack functions as efficiently as they've always done. Then again, another opinion wouldn't hurt.

"Is that true, Major? Morale is drastically low?"

"What, you don't believe me?"

"You do tend to exaggerate Cam. A lot. Major?"

"He is right," Camuel tongues out, Precious rolls eyes, "The Pack is anxious and worried about the outcome of the meeting. But I wouldn't say morale is drastically low. The soldiers on the other hand is hyper agitated."

"So, it's just the morale of the soldiers I should be concerned about then."

"A get together wouldn't hurt both sides."

"When the pack gets together, it can hardly be called a get together. A party if I'm being lucky. A rager would be more like it."

"If I may, Alpha," Nuka interjects, pauses for confirmation, "If you're worried about it getting out of hand, I can arrange for it to be an actual get-together. Especially if the Elders are present. I promise it wouldn't get out of hand."

"With you on the case, I feel reassured," Nuka dips his head, embarrassed but smiles. "I leave it all to you."

"I'll help," Camuel smirks at him, "You wouldn't be able to handle a squad of soldier werewolves."

"Now I don't feel reassured," Cam dramatically gasps. "Don't bully him, Cam."

"What? I never do. We talk. Don't we, pretty one?"

"Don't let it get out of hand. Party included."

"Okay, Alpha. Should we invite the representative?" a withering look from them gives Nuka the answer. "Of course."

"Nuka, would nine p.m be enough time to get it all ready?"

"Wait, tonight? As in today's night?"

"Yes. You suggested it."

"I didn't mean tonight."


Glances at Nuka, Kamil. "Just not tonight."

"Why, Cam."

"Look, you're many things, Precious. Smart, loyal, an annoying ass—"

"Oh, I'm the annoying ass?"

"and I don't know how you put up with the politics on a daily but—and I say this with as much affection as there are bones in my body—you are a lightweight."

A gasp. "Scandalous. I am not."

"You are. In fact, you're so lightweight you should be called a featherweight."

"I am not a lightweight. Stop saying that," glances at Kamil who has a slight smile on. "I am not."

"I don't want you to embarrass yourself. We should have the party tomorrow after you stuff yourself full."

"I won't be around tomorrow. Or the day

after that."

"Right. The Pack conference. When you come back, you'd probably be knackered."

"Should you be drinking then? Waking up with a splitting headache would be torture," a concerned Kamil pipes up.

"A fun night is what Doc should've ordered. I think I should party like crazy."

"No you won't. You're a featherweight. Come now, pretty boy. We need to give Alpha a night to remember."

A bouncing Cam escorts Nuka out. Seeing the meeting adjourned, Kamil peels off the wall and makes to leave but Precious, for some reason doesn't want him to go just yet.

Leaning forward, arms outstretched, he jumps the gun. "I wanted to speak with you."

"Sure. Is anything wrong?"

"No, no," he stands to rush the blood to his brain to stop his mouth thinking for him.

But when he rounds the table and leans on it, Kamil advances to him and the nearness of him makes him hyper aware that the Major smells so, so good.

He bites his tongue. "I think you should train me."

"I should?"

He should? "Ah, yes. Yes, yes. You're my Major, a fine soldier. Clearly fit. I've been thinking about training more."


"Don't get me wrong, I can fight but I should re-enforce my defense. Like you do with the perimeter."

"I'm not sure."

"Right. Only if you want to."

"You should command me."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You're Alpha. I'm not. It shouldn't be a request."

"It's really okay if you don't want to."

"I'm the merely a soldier. Second to Camuel and third to you. I'm your subject. Yours to command."

A small space between them, Precious starts losing focus. But in a miraculous moment of self-conrol concludes,

"We start on the 20th at 5:00 p.m."

"As you wish, boss."

"You're dismissed."

A smirking, pleased Kamil bounces out, Precious eyes never leave his bum. Cursing, he scrubs his face and collapses on the table.