October 23rd, xxxx

PRECIOUS IS EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE Shifter according to Nuka because he announced a whole day off this morning.

After yesterday's Market Day, everyone deserves a rest. Besides, it's a good excuse for pre-celebrating an end to the forsaken territory issue.

He especially thinks he's the children's favourite because there's no school. Nuka in tow, he weaves through families having a quasi-picnic sprawled out in the afternoon sun, its warm glow no match for their shining faces, radiant smiles; little ones heads relaxing on parents' shoulders happily being dotted on.

In charge of the food, the troops unearth chairs, tables and two set of barbecue from storage, simultaneously grilling fish and meat swinging back beer and Sprite.

Everyone is welcome including the Blue Sun omegas who make full use of their temporary freedom by leaning back on reclined wooden chairs enjoying being treated—for once—like equals. Like them.

Spying Hayan and a couple of teenagers sneaking into the clinic with a bag of refreshments, Precious feels a twitch of guilt for Lata's confinement but not enough to formally introduce and welcome her to the Pack. Not yet.

Not when Private Zaye has brought no news, not when the Blue omegas are on a loyal leash, not when the mark of the Blue Sun, though faint, still throbs in tandem with her heartbeat.

No matter how true it is that the transition of a Pack to another is easy on omegas.

Swallowing back the guilt, Precious dotes on his Pack, asking them if they need anything (a shawl, tea refill, a listening ear to a child's tales); if they are comfortable (they are, the day's so good, there's a sniff of rain in the air but that'll probably fall at night).

Nuka firmly behind him serves, nodding seriously, scribbling in notes that Precious turns around on him.

"Go away, Nuka. Take a breather. It's a day off, remember?"

Nuka smiles that amiable smile that says he won't listen, will definitely tag along once the Alpha's back is turned and Precious gets ready to scold him but Elder Rieaba overhears, interrupts and says,

"You should take your own advice, Alpha North."

In unison they reverenced the Elder—Nuka first, him last—that when he stands, she holds him by the shoulders and shake him slightly, echoes of her strength as a farmer evident in how small but strong she's built, mocha eyes twinkling.

Uncomfortable, Precious doesn't respond and the seconds ticked by, the Elder's slippery smile widening by every tick and Nuka suppressing a giggle until it burst into a laugh.

"Don't tell me, Alpha. You don't know how to relax!"

Stepping out from her hold, he scratches his head wishing to slap a hand over Nuka's laughing mouth and put a tarp over the Elder's satisfied smirk.

Embarrassed at their teasing, he thanks the Elder and shuffles away but can't escape Nuka tailing him, echoes of his laughter giggling in his chest.

He escapes to a reclined Cam talking (flirting) with someone, the Shifter's leg draped across his. The someone (a Blue Sun omega named Joy) invites him with a greeting but Cam (the betraying brother) shoos him away.

"Go. I don't want you here," he pats the chair beside him, "Nuka, come sit."

Nuka doesn't move an inch, Joy rubs Cam's chest and tries to win the secretary over and when the dog barks giving attention to Kamil and a few teenagers playing a relaxed game of rugby, Precious thinks it'll be a good idea to serve them water.

Not because he wants to be near the Major and sniff the sweat off him. Of course not. Water is a good source of hydration.

Greedily and thirstily, they gulp down his offering, him greedily and thirstily zeroing in on Kamil, wanting to be the water bottle on his lips, the water dribbling down his chin—he wants to be drunk in, licked, dripping in his hair....

You're being creepy, a worrying voice jumps at him but it gets drowned out when Kamil rakes eyes all over his body, bites his lip and winks.

He finds himself bursting out a smile but is literally pulled from his gaze by one of the teenagers—a lanky kid closely related to Elder Rieaba, mocha skin, eyes and brown hair a striking resemblance.

"Play with us, Alpha. You'll be on my team," she says smugly as if her team is the national team. "We'll obliterate everyone else."

[There's only one Shifter he wants to obliterate..] Goddess, stop it. [Or be obliterated by.] Seriously. [Your dreams don't lie.] One dream. [One sweaty dream.]

Stifling a groan, he shakes his head. "No from me. I have orders to fill, children to...swaddle—"

His argument isn't sticking because she rolls her eyes and teases him.

"Sure. You just don't want your fancy suit to be dirtied."

"Ah. Busted." He feels eyes on him that like cold air raises goosebumps on skin thankfully covered by longsleeve.

"You know what kids, guess old age is creeping on me. I'm tired. Why don't you continue on without me?"

"If it's because of me, I'm leaving."

"A host should satisfy their customer," When, where, how? "I'm starving. What do you say, Alpha host?"

The last thing Precious needs is for them to be together without a buffer but he's a certified masochist he shakes his head and allows it.

"Follow me."

Sidestepping squealing children running with kites (where did those come from), parents lying in their backs facing the sun and loud soldiers surrounding the barbecue periodically and surreptitiously (not really) stealing from the fire, Kamil follows him to an empty chair beside a big cooler of drinks yawned wide open.

Sitting comfortably, legs apart, hands on them and stares expectedly at him.

"You're not actually expecting me to give you food, are you?"

He says nothing in challenge. Precious grunts but makes a beeline to the table of food selecting a plate of fish garnished with lemon, basil leaves, a blob of brown spicy sauce and thrusts it at him when he returns.

"The Alpha's playing favourites!" a shriek, he looks over to find Hayan and the skulking teenagers nodding in agreement. "I want a meal too."

"So do I," the other friend chipped in.

"If the Alpha's serving everyone, I want too!"

"Okay, okay. I'll give everyone food!"


And that's how Precious finds himself taking off his jacket, unbuttoning the vest, loosening the tie and taking over the barbecue, so focused on the task in front of him any thoughts of unsavoury acts with a certain Shifter is pushed from his head.

Nuka, who also has a can't-relax-either problem joins in, then a few others and soon he's barking orders like the head chef he isn't.

Hot, sweaty and smelling thickly of freshly barbecued meat and fish to perfection, lemon, spice and everything mint, Precious storms to a self-satisfied, smirking Kamil with another plate.

"There. Happy now?"

"Hmm. Something's missing."

"What's that?"



"You've been working around all day, you should sit on me."

The unsavoury thoughts comes in full force like an avalanche. His mind blanks, his mouth slacks and his dark eyes changes completely to obsidian—no sense in them but unadulterated, unfiltered lust.

So betraying of himself, his sight strays to Kamil's crotch, the red tinge of his cheeks evidence to his thoughts.

And suddenly, a clothed Kamil is an idiot. Naked. He should be naked instead—biceps, abs, erect cock should be on display, inches from his face, from his throat, from his mouth.

"I meant sit on my laps. Fully clothed. Ah, Alpha, what were you thinking?"

His one track mind screech to a stop, jolting him to take a step back. Flustered and caught, he stammers.

"Uh.... I... I wasn't thinking anything," a frown carves on his face and stays there at Kamil's blinding smugness (He wants to kiss it off)

"Don't be crude."

Not knowing who he's saying it to, he swipes a drink and leaves to Camuel, ignoring his pointed glower. He can sits where he wants. He's the motherfucking Alpha.