November 27th, xxxx (Evening)

THE RINGING OF THE alarm jolts him awake like a heart attack, snapping him out of sleep delirium in a flash. Stumbling out of bed, he rush out the door in a daze running towards the Musclehouse like a drunk.

Getting there, Alpha North is saluted by Sergeant Gufg, a wiry Shifter with a mango shaped head, carrot like nose and of hands twice his body size.

"What's the situation? How many are there?" he sidesteps but the Shifter blocks him.

"Apologies, Alpha but for your safety, I can not let you pass. Not until the trespassers have been stripped down and chained."

"What is going on? Who are the trespassers?"

"Runts, Alpha North," his thin nose scrunches in a grimace, "They are runts."