November 29th, xxxx

IT IS SAFE TO say that Kamil has broken him. From just one kiss, one submission and Precious finds himself no longer attached to his predisposition.

Before yesterday, he has forgotten what it's really like to give yourself for someone to tease, to use completely. With his previous Dom, Precious always ended their session feeling out of sorts, feeling like he has betrayed himself, betrayed everyone somehow.

He'll sulk for days on end, go back, sulk again until the routine became toxic he permanently cut if off, put it away.

Permanently, until Kamil.

There had been no sulking, no discomfiture, and definitely no overthinking afterwards. He'd simply relaxed, allowed someone else to take control of him. The greatest feeling in the world. One of the greatest feeling in the world after acceptance. Actual acceptance of who he is at his very core.