December 4th, xxxx

"LOOK AT YOU. YOU'VE been a secret bad boy."

Precious mumbles. "That was the whole point of the purchase."

"You don't have to talk weird if you're shy. I can close my eyes if you want."

"It was the... Oh, shut up."

In his boxes cluttered bedroom, Precious sits cross-legged on the floor, Kamil leaning over his shoulder as they sort through the toys Precious had been brave enough to buy but too chicken to use.

He wonders if Kamil can sense his anticipation, can see his fingers twitching. Not from nerves but because earlier today, Kamil had whispered 'Today, I'm bending you over and fucking you'. So his mind and cock has been having a field day.

Nonchalantly, Precious folds his arms at the display, hiding his mild embarrassment. They're just a fraction of what most have and yet more than what most have.