December 7th, xxxx

PRECIOUS HATES, HATES KAMIL at this moment. Here he is on his knees, collared and bound to his hands with a belt, immobile, willing and aroused to the point a gust of wind can and will make him come, sweating from the pressure in his balls.

Yet Kamil does nothing. No touching, no kissing, nothing. He watches, grinning, eating strawberries in front of him. Eating strawberries naked.

Precious has been ordered to not say a word (with the only exception of asking for a break). He can make sounds: hum, grunt in frustration but no words.

So now, Precious can't beg. So far, his whining hasn't gotten him anything. Kamil keeps smiling as his greedy eyes trail to his erect, fat cock: teasing Precious with the sight, rubbing the glistening cockhead on his cheeks, chin, throat and when Kamil kneels, on his thighs.