February 8th, xxxy

WINTER HAS DRAGGED IN a pile of shit to his doorstep. A pile of shit with the face of a moustached squirrel, the body of an enlarged pot and the eyes of a sunken condescending addict.

Ambassador Pile of Shit hasn't aged a day. Alpha North compliments as they shake hands: his fake smile more of a gritted grimace as he welcomes the Ambassador.

Everyone is trying his patience. He checked his forehead in the mirror in case there is a fuck with Precious week messily scrawled on—there is none. Yet, everyone is hell bent on seeing his red eye.

They picked a terrible week to be utter assholes. The gift inside the shit gift wrapper is none other than the early arrival of the Pile of Shit. The runts stunts had been the tip of the iceberg.

Ambassador Pile of Shit on the other hand is the titanic.