April 22nd, xxxy

KAMIL HAS DECIDED TWO things. One, he is not in pain.

Pain is for someone who has been hurt. Pain is for someone whose dreams has been crushed, whose prayers have not been answered, whose hope has been stomped upon.

Pain is for someone whose walls of their heart suffocates them. His dream has not been crushed, his prayers has been answered and his hope has not been stomped upon.

[Funny you said nothing about the walls of—]

Two, Kamil will appreciate where he is. Where they are. There will be no regret. Regret is for those with pain and he has established he isn't one of them. Regret is a waste of time, waste of mind.

Regret is not, frankly beautiful. Regret is a thief. Steals happiness, destroys joy, blocks light, ruin moments. Thus, Kamil does—will not dwell on regret.