April 25th, xxxy (Afternoon)

THE ONLY THING PRECIOUS is excited to see are the watermelons, the sweet potatoes and the mushrooms. The rest...

"Do I look like a goat to you, Kamil?"

One hand in the grocery bag, Kamil cock a brow at him. Gesturing the the green vegetables spread on the kitchen counter, Precious dares Kamil to argue with his assessment.

"What're you scared of? That you'll like it so much and start bleating?"

"Kamil!" he exclaims and whips his head when Nancy's guffaws. "And what are you chuckling about? You're an accomplice."

Nancy shrugs, throwing a can of sweet corn in the air. "Everything here is good for you."


Folding his arms, Precious reclines into the kitchen stool disliking their unity. This morning, Kamil has requested the car to run some errands. Unbeknownst to Precious, Kamil had a date with the farmer's market in town, Nancy, his conspirator.