April 26th, xxxy


"PRINCESS, COVER YOUR ears." To Precious, Kamil says, "Don't be a twat."

"Calling me names won't change my mind."

"It should. You're a twat. Why say no?"

"She has mud under her paws."

"It hasn't rained."

"Mud, dirt, whatever bacteria she carries, I don't want that on my floors."

"I'll sweep and mop."

"It's a no."

Leaning on the threshold, Kamil cross his arms. "You know, you should be taking care of us not abusing us."

"Denying her entry is hardly abuse."

"You should be taking care of her because she is yours."

The door is wide open. In the air is a distinct smell of lilies and orchids and a promising rain. The full moon is a big bead hanging heavy in the night sky. Community Princess is outside on her butt scratching behind her ear. Precious is in the doorway safely away from her licks.