May 4th, xxxy

IN ONE IRREGULARLY SHAPED diagram, there ar fifty one patterns. In his line of sight on both sides of the ceiling, there's a total of two thousand, one hundred and forty two (2142) patterns in forty two(42) irregularly shaped diagram.

This is his life again. Two thousand, one hundred and forty two. Repeatedly. For more than thirty minutes. Precious hadn't noticed his bedroom ceiling has the same shape as the sitting room. Now all he ever does is notice.

Flinging an arm over his eyes, Precious slows his breathing and close his eyes. He know it's futile: he won't sleep. It is better than staring at the same patterns until he runs mad.

It is a little past two. He wonders what Kamil is doing. Possible sleeping. Wonders how Kamil is sleeping. Possibly on his stomach, legs wide apart, arms crossed on the pillow over his head. Kamil is possibly naked too under the covers. He won't be losing sleep like Precious.