Lily (1)

A young woman in her early twenties, woke up late in the morning, her body drenched in cold sweat from a nightmare. She looked like she hadn't slept for months, with dark circles under eyes.

She slowly exhaled and inhaled for a few minutes to calm her hurried breathing. She calmed down enough to whisper. "Status" and some sort of lame, game-like system panel appeared before her eyes.

In a form of a holographic screen that only she could see even if someone was close by her side.

[System Panel]

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Lifespan: 80 (Higher lifespan is possible if host can advance to higher grade)

Race: Human

Ability Rank: F - Grade (Evolution to a higher grade is possible if host can consume energy source that comes from a lifeform of a higher grade)

Ability: Tame (Unknown Use)

She sighed, and closed the status window, with her mind and made an exasperated comment. "Still the same,huh?"

She got off, her small bed, yawning and stretching her limbs. For some light, she turned on her lamp, and it cast a soft dim glow.

Yawning once more, she proceeded to take off her nightgown. Left with nothing but her penties, the lamp cast a dim light, on her torso that showed many bruises.

There were many old bruises, mixed in with new one's, used to them by now, she barely acknowledged their existence. She wore her tights, sports bra, a black vast and lastly her pair of worn out running shoes.

When done dressing, she picked up her phone by the table, and looked at the time. It said 4:04 am. She threw the phone on the bed, and quietly unlocked her door.

Not bothering to lock it again, she walked out, silently. She walked to the apartment's door, and merely cast a solemn look to her father, passed out on the living room's floor. About ten bottles of alcohol, by his side.

Her nose wrinkled from the stale smell wafting from him, before shaking her head and heading out, without another glance behind her.

The door wasn't locked, and she easily walked out, in incognito.

Knowing her father, he had come home drunk, and walked in, without locking the door behind him. It had become a routine at this point.

When in the hallway, she ignored the old elevator, and took the stairs instead. With a light jog, she quickly reached the lobby. She walked out the apartment complex, and was immediately assaulted by the morning, cold breeze.

It was still dark out, as she could barely make out anything, even with the street lights helping. She looked at the files of cars passing through, to their destination, and let out a light exhale.

She took her left, heading towards the city's largest park, and started to jog.

Running had always made her feel better, as it helped forget, about her fucked up life. She was able to think better, breathe better, she supposed. Which was ironic considering she jogged to keep her thoughts at a minimal, and her herself as breathless as possible.

At some point to her destination, her jog turned to a sprint. She ran and ran and ran, passing by many pedestrians off to work, many buildings old and new, well as new as they could be in world like her own could ever afford to provide.

While running, she ran to a villain and hero, wearing their stupid tight costume, fighting one another. She had to take a different route, as not to get caught in the cross fire.

This world was one of mystery, an enigma, that even the strongest humans most likely dared not find all answers to, especially attaining to the origin of their abilities.

It happened fifty years ago, the first appearance of this system that barely does anything like today's rpg games, which have stats, and characters that are alloted points for their attributes, allowing them to grow stronger.

The system the humans got just showed how advancing their awakened abilities will lead to higher lifespan and stronger usage of their abilities and only their abilities.

It meant their physical strength can only carry the burden of their ability, example being a fire user being able to endure the torturous heat of his flames without burning himself to ashes.

Basically without being born with a strength type ability, it was near impossible for a human's physique to get any stronger.

Unfortunately humans back then didn't understand much about the system or didn't care enough to understand about their limitations.

All they focused on was the fact, killing those of higher rank than they were brought them closer to immortality. Those abilities that came out of a fantasy brought nothing but mayhem and chaos to the world.

Mother's cried for their sons, and fathers died for their daughters. Neighbors killed each other, it was truly mayhem.

As sudden as the system had introduced itself to the world, payment for their extraordinary abilities came to pass.

Unknown literal gates from foreign worlds opened up, and spawned monsters worse than humans in both appearance and savagery.

Unable to fend for themselves having been intoxicated with power, and killed off many of their fellow humans, their race quickly dwindled. The monster were strong, intelligent, and had no intention of sparing any humans.

When all hope was lost, and humans awaited for their extinction, the true rulers showed themselves after a thousand years of hiding in plain sight.

They called themselves demon-kin. They looked too eerily similar to human with the exception of the tail, horns and striking beautiful features

Both the male and female demon-kin, were like angels disguised themselves as demons, that's how beautiful they were.

They helped the humans with their spawning problem of monsters, then helped them build back their world structure back to it's past glory and even surpassing it.

The humans soon learned they didn't have to kill each other, as they could partake in dangerous adventures inside the gates and become stronger.

Sometimes on their quest meeting they met up with some demon-kin as they too were gifted with the system and they wouldn't pass up the chance to become even stronger.

Of course each time humans met up with the demon-kin, enchanted by their beauty, they tried to force themselves on them, that included women who threw themselves at the male demon-kin.

But would demons surrounded by beautiful women their entire lives be willing to settle for mere potato looking pigs? Of course not.

So without fail all humans who thought themselves superior were castrated, tortured, and killed without fail. Humans outside who never once tried to mess with the demons didn't know how freightening they were, and thought all those who never returned from inside the gates were killed by monsters.

So lusting for power, after experiencing some minor boost, after adventuring the gates to other realms. And also trying to fulfill their primal instincts.

They initiated a war with the demon-kin. Trying to forcibly learn their ways, try to make their men and women slaves and reduce them to mere play things.

It was then all those who now stand alive because of their long lifespan and hadn't partaken in the petty ungrateful war of the greedy humans learned to fear what is now known as the demon nation.