Wind (1)

A man dressed in all black, finally reached, the forest park, after following the traces, of a monster, their organisation, had unintentionally let escape. They never expected, what they found, might be more dangerous, than they thought.

The monster, that escaped, is part of a small mist, of an enormous monsters, that has been sealed, in an underground ruin, they found, through years of research, and digging. The man remembered, the first time he laid his eyes, on that thing.

He remembered, being so scared, that he couldn't even make it passed 30 feet, from it. He had been known to be, one of the scariest, and most powerful human of this era, but even he couldn't withstand, the pressure of that monster.

The man, shook his head. It wasn't time for having flashback, but to find that thing's 'offspring' contain it, and return back to base. He entered the forest, and followed, the scent of the sinister energy, that was fueled by hatred.

He first completely erased his presence, something only beings who have surpassed SSSS, are capable of, unless if the person had an ability to do that, but there aren't many, and those who can, are low ranked.

As he got closer to the scent of that sinister energy, he picked up new scents, exactly four of them. He passed through broken trees, and when he went closer for inspection on those fallen trees, they looked to have been punched by someone.

It piqued his interest for a moment, as he knows, there aren't many humans possessing an ability capable this kind of superhuman strength, so he was a little intrigued, especially since it's one of the scent, he had been following. But nonetheless..

'It doesn't matter, who those other scents, belong to, against that very tiny piece of the monster sealed in the ruin, they probably stand no chance. I should move on to the location faster, before it runs away..' the man in black thought.

He moved on forward, and reached his destination. There was a large crater, broken trees, big Ice shards, that infected a certain part of an area. It was cold.

It looked like a battle had commenced here, but at the same time, it looked like a one sided battle, but there weren't bodies to prove that, except four corpses who's scent, wasn't the one's he followed. Those one's he followed, were more powerful.

He inspected the corpses, and determined, each of their deaths, were caused by a single entity, and that entity was brutal. But he wasn't the monster he was tracking. The scent of that monster ended in this area, and nowhere.

Unless it was now capable of erasing it's scent, it could only mean, one of the four scent he tracked killed it, or all of them killed, as one.

"That monster is attracted to those who have a certain level of consuming hatred, buried, within their hearts, meaning one of those four, if not all of them must have attracted it's attention, with his or her hatred." The man in black mused.

He went forward, and jumped inside the crater, to get a better read on the scent, he found dark blood at the middle spot, the blood's scent matched those found on those broken trees, and on those dead corpses.

'It's now clear whatever fought the monster isn't human, maybe all four of them. I should report to base, when I get back.' the man thought in passing.

He listened to the wind to lead him to their place, but just like how the monsters scent ends here, so did theirs.

"Hmm? There's another scent, it's from an ability that was used. it's almost identical to that of venom's youngest son, the spatial gate ability.

The ability, that always one to travel to anywhere they have already been, by opening a gate. That would explain why, I can't pick up their scent, the-"

The man in black paused his analysis, and merged himself with the wind, when he heard incoming voices.

"Hey, Mr. Shatter, this must be the place. I mean look at the mass, this is where the disturbance must have come from."

"Yeah.. I can also tell, I have eyes too."

Two people, wearing costumes, as if coming from a cosplay party, made their presence known with their loud voices. They both were heroes, who were called to look into the disturbance inside the forest park.

It took time to send A ranked heroes to this place, because many heroes who were close by, were afraid when they felt the malevolent energy coming from where the disturbances, where happening.

The two heroes, were conversing without any care in the world, their eyes just roaming around without any kin interest. To them this was like any other day, boring and uneventful.

The man in black, shook his head, looking at what has become of heroes this days. The two heroes, also jumped in the crater. The man black, not caring for this low rank heroes, made his presence known.



The man in black, ignored their exaggerated reactions, and looked around, trying to find clues were his next destination might be.

"Hey you! Are you the one, who caused all of this mess? Do you know what, I would be have been doing right at this moment, without having to be called to take a look at this nonsense?"

"Yeah, what do you take us for? Your personal servants? Come here, and apologies."

The heroes, both threw caution out the window, and acted like third rate thugs. The man's back was facing them, he tilted his head to give them a side glance, before turning back to his task.

His gaze alone spoke more, than any insult. He looked at them, like how one would look at trash, or a certain TV show, called Velma. The one called Mr shatter, grew furious, feeling humiliated, from being dismissed by a nobody.

Cracks formed under his feet. He looked at his partner dress, in yellow tight pant, with no shirt on, for some pathetic reason, and gave him a nod.

He understood the meaning behind it. He took out a knife, and nicked his finger, deep enough to draw out more blood. Each drop of blood that came from his finger formed, a bloodied duplication version of himself.

All the blood clones, surrounded the man. different weapons made of blood aimed at him. The man in black, wasn't impressed by their display of abilities.

He gathered that the other hero called shatter, has an ability, that has something to do with shattering things, namely the ground beneath himself.

And the spider like web cracks, that formed under the man in black, this Mr. shatter thought, he wouldn't notice. The man's pocket vibrated, he reached inside, and took out, his phone. He answered, as if he wasn't now in a dangerous position.

"Wind, what's your status?" A seductive voice questioned on the other line.

"I think it's dead. Four unidentifiable scents were at the scene of where it happened, but as if they disappeared into thin air, their trail ends here, so there is noway of tracking them."

"Then there's nothing else we can do, return to base. There's something you have to see."

"Yes, ma'am, I will on my way."

The line was cut of at the other end. He returned his phone back in his pocket. The two heroes on the other hand, were dumbfounded. It's the first time someone disregarded their own life, when they faced of with them.

Mr. Shatter being hot headed, took offense, and went on, and shattered the ground beneath, the man in black, creating blinding dust and debris, which the blood clones took advantage of, and all attacked where the man in black is, all at once.

"Hahaha... who do you think you are, answering a call before A rank heroes, now your dead, and you can't do anyt-"

Wind cleared the debris, and repelled against all the blood clones, at the same time, as well as destroy them. The man was floating above the shattered hole beneath him. He floated forward, his expression never once changing.

More blood clones attacked the man, while Mr shatter tried shattering the man himself, but the wind barrier formed by the man, repelled everything they threw at him. When they saw they stood no chance of winning, they tried running away.

But their feet left the ground, and they were pulled towards the man in black. Fear had already consumed the heroes, this time, they had picked a fight with someone above them.

"Please, we be-"

Before he could finish his sentence, his head was cleanly cut off, and thrown away to the side, along with his body. The last hero left was Mr. Shatter. Warm liquid warmed his tight pants, and dripped down to the ground from the fear, of seeing his partner being killed brutally like that.

"You heroes are all the same." The man in black mattered to himself.


Before Mr. Shatter, could finish even saying a word, his head dropped at the ground, then followed his headless body, blood spilling out.

"Sorry about that, it's in my nature to deny, scum like you, to recite their last words, before they die, by my hand. For, I am not a hero."

The man said, before disappearing from the spot, and was nowhere to be seen.