Slots, Blackjack, And Poker (2)

Earlier, while Lily headed to the slots, Luna found her way to the blackjack table. The moment she laid eyes on it, she was truly amazed. The blackjack table Luna approached featured the classic semi-circular design.

The table was able to accommodate up to seven players, each with a designated betting spot outlined in white. At the centre of the table, was a dealer.

His station equipped with a shoe for dealing multiple decks of cards, a discard tray for used cards, and a small stack of house chips for paying out winnings.

The cards themselves fascinated Luna, as she took her seat. And placed her drink on the small drink holders. She placed a single cocktail, the other one already finished and discarded.

The cards were crisp and new, each one a vivid contrast against the green felt – the red and black suits standing out sharply against the white card faces.