Chapter 47

A few minutes later, several ambulances, called by the Association, showed up at the front of the department store.

As the heroes linked with the Association started their on-site investigation, all the paramedics got busy and began moving the people who had collapsed in the department store.

Hajoon was also moved with the crowd and loaded into an ambulance.

He wasn't seriously hurt, but he felt drained and didn't want to move.

So, Hajoon fell asleep in the ambulance. When he woke up after a good sleep, he found himself in a single room in the hospital.

"Yawn~ yawn-"

Hajoon, who woke up from his sleep, stretched out to loosen his stiff body.

Checking the time, it was already 8 in the evening and dark outside.

Knock- Knock-

Then, a knocking sound came from outside the ward.

Hajoon turned his head towards the door and spoke.

"Come in."

Shortly after, the door of the ward opened, and a middle-aged man in a black suit, Chairman Kim Jeongyong of the Association, walked into the ward.

He looked quite serious.

With a puzzled look, he wiped his forehead and sat down next to Hajoon on a chair.

"Are... are you okay?"

"Ah, yes. Well."

"I'm sorry to ask so quickly, but what happened in the department store?"

At those words, Hajoon calmly explained the situation in the department store.

Including the fact that it was a terror attack by a cult group called the Altar, a member of the Altar group had held the department store citizens hostage and used mind-control magic, and Jin Ahhan had found out his identity, he explained everything.

Honestly, Hajoon explained the situation in a way that seemed to say he was handing it over to him.

Soon after hearing all the details, Kim Jeongyong started to sigh while rubbing his throbbing head.

"Heh...a mind-control magician and another villain group...we've received help from you again, Hajoon. Thank you."

Kim Jeongyong, who heard all of Hajoon's words, immediately bowed his head and said thanks.

More than that, Hajoon was curious about the remaining two villains he had kept alive.

" any chance, those-"

"If you're talking about the suspicious guys covered in black cloaks, we have them in custody for now."

"Ah, that's a relief."

"We'll find out once we you need any specific information?"

"Those crazy cult guys probably won't talk easily...but there's a way, right?"

At those words, Kim Jeongyong, who was smiling, answered confidently.

"You don't need to worry about that. In fact, it's more impressive that you gave us the chance to question them. It's not easy to catch a superhuman with that kind of power these days. Even if they keep silent, we can still conduct a guided questioning using a lie detector."

At those words, Hajoon nodded in satisfaction.

After all, with that method of questioning, they should be able to guess the general location.

"Yes, I'll leave it to you. ...Do you have anything else to say?"

"How...should we present this to the media?"

At that, Hajoon looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Why are you asking me?" Hajoon asked, a confused look on his face.

"Why bother? There's no proof that the Irregular sorted out the situation, isn't it okay to just leave it be?"

The mind-controlled people couldn't remember the events after they were under control.

Moreover, all the CCTV footage had been destroyed by Zehar when he took over the department store, so there was no evidence of my reckless actions.

In other words, there was no need to insist that the Irregular sorted out the incident.

At those words, Chairman Kim Jeongyong began to wear a slightly uncomfortable look.

He seemed to have more to say.

He suddenly sighed and began to speak.

"I'm not sure if you're aware, but there seem to be people who are already identifying you as the 'Irregular.'"

"··········Excuse me?"

"So, since you happened to be on the scene in such a situation··········."

At his words, a pulsating headache began to grow.

In other words, since Hajoon was on the scene amidst doubts of whether he was the 'Irregular' or not, the skeptics had become convinced.

Feeling an abrupt wave of tiredness, Hajoon decided to be bluntly honest.

"Just say that Hero Jin Ahhan resolved it."

At his words, Chairman Kim Jeongyong's face became even more worried.

This made Hajoon feel somewhat uneasy.

"Why is that?"

"There's another problem."

"··········What is it?"

"Did you see the news?"

At his words, Hajoon took out his smartphone with a puzzled look and checked the news.

Upon reading the articles, a bitter laugh escaped from Hajoon.

'As expected of the senior reporters.'

[XX Department Store mind-control wizard terror incident, the heroes who resolved it are top-tier hero Jin Ahhan and the Irregular?!]

[The student suspected of being the 'Irregular', top student Kim Hajoon! He was at the scene?!]

[Top student Kim Hajoon?! Who exactly is he?]

[Interview with the party involved in the XX Department Store terror incident, a boy with a hammer saved us!]

Honestly, Hajoon's boldness was maintained due to the features of his Indomitable Will (SS) skill, but these people had a level of boldness that even Hajoon's daring couldn't match.

'They really are on another level.'

They'd cooked up an entire scenario amongst themselves, despite the fact that I hadn't said a single word.

There was no evidence that the Irregular had resolved the situation, so the mention of the Irregular was absurd to start with.

And what's with the interview with the involved party?

There should be no one who remembers it.

"Yes. So, in this situation··········."

"··········Controlling this-"

"If we manage even the articles that mention your name, they'll definitely, uh, become suspicious and notice."

Suddenly, Hajoon felt the start of a pulsating headache.

Was it a headache caused by stress?

"Let's discuss this later. My head hurts right now, I need to rest."

"Ah, yes. Understood. Please take it easy then."

After his conversation with the Association's chairman, Hajoon immediately left the hospital and started a walk.

Having slept all day, he wasn't tired enough to continue lying on the hospital bed.


Hajoon's face was grim.

His head started to hurt as he considered how to manage the current situation.

He had even started to think about something as extreme as holding a press conference and announcing that it wasn't him.

No, on second thought, that might not be such a bad idea...


Hajoon pondered for a moment.

Was it better to be suspected as an irregular, or to help Jin Ahhan solve the case and become a promising talent with a bright future?

No matter how much he thought about it, the latter seemed more probable...

"Ugh... I don't know."

Honestly, he didn't think that worrying about it now would solve anything.

Hajoon kept walking around and eventually arrived at a park.

He sat down on a nearby bench and blankly stared at the lake in the middle of the park.

The reflection of the moonlight on the lake was surprisingly beautiful.

That's when Hajoon spotted a familiar girl.

It was Haruna Ruel.

"Why is she there?"

He had thought that she would be resting in the Mirrors Guild.

Suddenly, Hajoon approached Haruna Ruel, thinking that maybe...

However, she merely glanced at Hajoon and then returned her gaze back towards the lakeside.

Hajoon looked at her and opened his mouth.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

Upon hearing his question, Haruna bowed her head and spoke.

"I was bored..."

"So, you came outside?"


She simply nodded and moved her gaze back towards the lake.

To be honest, Hajoon was a little worried about Haruna because of the recent events.

He had killed Zehar early to prevent major damage in the future, but for her, who didn't know about the past, Zehar must have been an important person.

Haruna was a girl who had to reclaim and come to terms with her past.

She was a character that grew by gradually learning about her past through encounters with the villains of the Altar.

Therefore, there was not much Hajoon could do to assist her.

Emotional growth was a problem that could not be helped with power.

All Hajoon could do was keep Zehar's death a secret from her.

Soon, her gaze was pulled to a specific bench.

It was the bench where Zehar had been sitting.

Haruna stared blankly at the bench and then walked slowly towards it with a longing look, sat down, and began to pat the space next to her as if to invite Hajoon to sit down.


Hajoon looked at her and then moved to sit down next to her.

That's when it happened.

For the first time, she called Hajoon by his name.


It must have been the first time.

After all, he hadn't had a proper conversation with her since he had enrolled.

Hajoon turned his head and looked at her.

He just remained quiet, waiting for her to speak.

"Thanks for the food last time."


At her words, Hajoon couldn't find a reply.

He started to feel uncomfortable, being thanked for something that didn't need thanks.

'Thanks for the food...'

Hajoon slowly rose from his seat.

He went directly to the vending machine, pulled out two cans of juice, and returned to her side.

Hajoon handed her a can of juice, then turned to look at the lake again, opening his mouth with a casual tone.

"It's give and take."

"Give and take?"

"Yes, exchanging. You gave me the Bell Points last time, so I gave you something to eat. There's no need to thank me."

At Hajoon's words, Haruna looked at him with a stunned expression for a moment.

Slowly, she turned her gaze to the can of juice Hajoon had given her.

"So, what about this?"


"Do I need to give something too?"

At her innocent question, Hajoon stayed quiet for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

"You don't have to."


"Because I'm just buying it for you."

At his words, Haruna's eyes lit up as she looked at the can of juice, then she opened the can and started drinking the juice.

After finishing the juice, Haruna suddenly rose from the bench and started smiling brightly at Hajoon.

"Thank you."

With a somehow pleasant smile, she began to wave her hands and walk away.

Seeing her like that, a small smile escaped from Hajoon.

She had that side to her too.

"Ha...., I should go too."

It was nearing the time when the park gate would close.

Hajoon got up from his spot and headed back to the hospital.

He had to deal with some annoying matters, but he decided to leave that problem for his future self.