Chapter 92

Time passed, and it was 6 in the evening.

The highlight of the festival, the duel tournament, was about to begin its finals.

Hajoon sat in any random spectator seat, sipping on cola and munching on grilled squid, watching the festivities unfold.

"Oh, they've grown quite well."

Interestingly, the students who had made it to the finals were Han Siyoung and Liam Martel.

Since the 2nd and 3rd year students would start their part of the festival on the next day, only 1st year students were competing today.

And Hajoon watched their duel with keen interest.

Naturally, given their rapid progression beyond the scripted game episodes, their growth was noteworthy.

Even to Hajoon, who was a novice when it came to swords, it was evident that Han Siyoung's swordplay had evolved significantly.

"Heh, Han Siyoung's sword technique seems to have changed in a peculiar way."

At that moment, as Hajoon was focused in the match, an elderly man, donning a luxurious black fedora and sleek black suit, took a seat next to him. In one hand, he held a cane made of hardwood.

Hajoon naturally turned to look at the elderly man, addressing him with a hint of curiosity.

"You're dressed pretty nicely today, aren't you?"

The elderly man, Sage Choi Jungwon, chuckled, his lips curling into a slight smile.

"I knew you'd recognize me immediately, even though I cast a Perception Obstruction spell."

"Oh, really?"

Though his response sounded surprised, Hajoon wasn't truly shocked. Seeing how people around didn't bat an eye at a figure as prominent as the Sage, he had roughly guessed the reason.

More curious was the fact that the spell hadn't worked on him. Maybe because it was a magic that manipulated the mind? Likely, the 'Indomitable Will (SS)' skill, which granted immunity to mental magic, had activated.

"But what brings you here?"

"I heard about it. You caught a villain who infiltrated the festival, right?"

Sage Choi Jungwon said, smiling warmly at Hajoon, who simply nodded in agreement.

"Luckily, I managed to track and capture him."

"Heh, you should be enjoying the festival, but here you are, taking on such burdens."

"So now I'm thinking of taking a break."

"Well, the festival runs until tomorrow. Plenty of time to rest."

Hajoon nodded in agreement. The episode had been resolved quietly, so he didn't anticipate any major incidents after that.

"Yes, I should rest too."

Just as he sighed those words,


A disturbing notification sound echoed in Hajoon's ears.

Immediately, a system window popped up before his eyes. As he read its contents, Hajoon's face naturally contorted in discomfort.

[Penalty will be applied due to the changed future.]

[The joint episode 1-3 'Festival' will face significant changes.]

[Joint episode 1-3 'Omen' will commence.]


Upon seeing that, a deep exclamation escaped Hajoon's lips.

Though, it was a sigh of disbelief rather than amazement.

In any case, this was the first time a penalty had been given twice in one episode.

Moreover, the episode itself had changed.

It had turned into an episode that Hajoon had never seen before in the game.

"What's happening?"

Upon seeing Hajoon's expression, Sage Choi Jungwon asked him with a puzzled look.

Ding-ding-ding! The sound echoed.

The cell phones of the journalists in the audience, as well as the heroes gathered there, started to vibrate loudly. At the same time, Hajoon's phone also vibrated. An uneasy feeling gripped him as he pulled it out.

The caller ID showed it was from Association Chairman Kim Jeongyong.

Hajoon answered immediately.

"It's a disaster, Sir Hajoon!"

The chairman's urgent cry came through.

In the principal's office of Rokia Academy.

On the sofa sat Hajoon, Sage Choi Jungwon, and Association Chairman Kim Jeongyong, all facing one another.

"So you're saying... there are three places?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Hajoon looked perplexed, recalling the news the chairman had shared over the phone before arriving.

"This means there are hostage situations occurring in three different locations right now?"


The chairman simply nodded, his face solemn, seemingly at a loss for words.

"What's the situation?" asked Hajoon.

"Bombs have been strapped to the hostages in all three locations. They're staging a protest. The nation's top hero, Jin Seoyeon, is handling one place, while the third-ranked heroes, Jang Hyunjun and Jin Ahhan, are taking care of the other two. We tried contacting the second-ranked hero, Jang Hwan, but couldn't get through... There's another issue."

"What's the issue?"

"The villains staging the protest have specifically named the Irregular."


"Huh... I see. They're retaliating with a warning."

At this, the chairman's expression darkened, and a worried sigh escaped from Sage Choi Jungwon's lips. On the other hand, Hajoon's expression remained impassive.

Rather than their worries, he had other concerns.

'I can't rest now.'

No matter how skilled a hero might be, it wouldn't be easy to overpower villains involved in a hostage situation.

"How many civilians have been taken hostage?" Choi Jungwon asked.

The chairman replied with a concerned look, "We don't have an exact count yet, but at least 50 people at each location. They're protesting in a department store, so..."

"Hmm... It's a complicated situation."

"I truly don't know what to say. I apologize."

"No need, this isn't your fault. But I think I should get involved this time."

"You, Sage Choi Jungwon?"

Both the chairman and Hajoon looked surprised at the statement, but Hajoon soon shook his head.

"No, Principal, please stay here. The villains might attack the Academy."

"So, you're suggesting you'll go alone?"


"But it could be a trap, Hajoon. It's clear they staged this to draw you in."

Association Chairman Kim Jeongyong was genuinely concerned for Hajoon.

Although he was aware of Hajoon's extraordinary abilities, a hostage situation was a completely different matter.

Regardless of the chairman's concerns, Hajoon just stood up and began to prepare. He took out the Perception Obstruction Bandage from his pocket, wrapped it around his arm, and then drew Maharazu.

Looking at the chairman, as if to reassure him, Hajoon spoke.

"I have a plan, so please don't worry too much."

He activated Time Stop (SSS) and proceeded to take down everything in his path.

Although it might not sound like a well-thought-out plan, it was undoubtedly the most effective method of suppression.

And Chairman Kim Jeongyong looked at Hajoon with concern.

In his eyes, this young man was the hope of Korea.

"Hajoon, however..."

Just as he was about to voice his concerns, Kim Jeongyong couldn't utter another word.

He caught a glimpse of Hajoon's expression.

The boy, holding the hammer, looked utterly composed.

Even in this dire situation, there wasn't a hint of tension on his face.

Within that expression, Kim Jeongyong couldn't help but sense something profound.


The boy, often referred to as the 'Irregular,' wore an expression that was absolutely trustworthy.

"I apologize... And I ask for your help."

In the end, the chairman gave a respectful bow towards Hajoon, and immediately after, an agent standing next to the chairman spread his hands, opening a gate.

The agent also bowed politely. Hajoon nodded slightly in acknowledgment and proceeded towards the gate.

Once he stepped through the gate,

Countless people were gathered.

Heroes surrounding the entire department store.

A hero holding a megaphone, warning the villains inside the department store, and beyond the police line, broadcasters and civilians observing the ongoing situation. Agents of the association were blocking the civilians from entering.

"Wow, it's quite chaotic."

Hajoon took a brief look around before activating Time Stop (SSS) again, then calmly made his way inside the department store.

Central hall on the first floor of the department store.

In it, fifty hostages were divided into groups of ten and forty, sitting on the floor with their hands raised in surrender. Of those fifty, ten had bombs strapped to their chests, preventing some of the heroes among the remaining forty from acting rashly.

But that didn't mean they had given up.

Given that the bombs strapped to the ten hostages were timed, if those outside gave up on breaking in, they would have to resolve the situation from inside no matter what.

"How much time left?"

"About 10 minutes."

"Why would he make us do this pointless task? Why not just kill them all?"

The hostages trembled at those words, fear evident on their faces, and the expressions of the heroes hardened. The heroes outside didn't know that the bombs were timed, so they were likely wasting time planning or deliberating.

"This is just great…"

Just before the bombs were set to explode, these villains would surely escape through a gate.

Something had to be done now.

The mid-tier hero, Choi Mancheol, discreetly glanced towards his fellow heroes.

At the same time, about eight other heroes met his gaze.

There was no sign of any named villains among the visible adversaries.

The guns the villains held were a concern, but action was better than inaction.

Just as Choi Mancheol looked for an opportunity to move, a gunshot rang out.

Startled, he immediately froze, turning his gaze towards the source of the sound. Fortunately, one of the villains had fired at the ceiling.

"Hey! I told you, no tricks."

It was clear from the villain's words that their plan had been detected.

Expressions of despair began to appear on the faces of the heroes, including Choi Mancheol.

They recalled the first statement of the apparent leader of the villains when they took control of the place and took hostages.

"I told you if there's any funny business, I'd kill one, didn't I?"

With a twisted grin, the villain grabbed a female hostage by the hair and began dragging her to the center of the hall.

"Stop! Let me go!"

"No, Mom!"

"Wait! Take me instead!"

As the woman was being dragged away, Choi Mancheol stood up and yelled, only to be answered by a bullet from the villain's gun.

"Damn it!"

"Why don't they listen when we tell them to stay still? If anyone moves, just shoot them all!"

As the woman was dragged to the center, a boy of around ten followed her, beating the villain who held her with his small fists.

"Let go of my mother!"

"Heh, really?"

The villain's face contorted with incredulity.

Suddenly, the villain's forehead veined with anger, and he menacingly scowled.

He began to swing his clenched fist down at the little boy, sneering, "This little brat who's not even bled yet."


It was then.



His swinging fist stopped in mid-air.

More precisely, the clothes he wore had hardened, making him immobile.

"Boss, over there..."

Following one of his henchman's pointers, he turned to see.

There was a leisurely sound of footsteps. Thud- thud-.

Simultaneously, the bombs strapped to the hostages started to unfasten as if they were being absorbed into a void.

"What the hell..."

"What's happening?!"

In the midst of their confusion and the mysterious occurrence, the source of the footsteps calmly approached, revealing himself.

A young boy, face obscured, holding a golden hammer.

Upon seeing the golden hammer, the villains immediately aimed their guns at the boy.


The apparent leader of the villains ordered. They all pulled their triggers at the young boy. However, what followed rendered the villains speechless.

The triggers wouldn't pull.

Furthermore, their clothing had hardened, rendering them immobile.

In this situation, the boy approached the leader with a relaxed demeanor.

"Kids these days are brave."

Hajoon patted the head of a 10-year-old boy, then casually rested his hammer on his shoulder.

The boy whose head was patted looked up at Hajoon, smiling brightly, eyes sparkling.

A hero holding a golden hammer.

He knew very well who this hero was.

Thump, thump-

"Everyone, get out."

Hajoon, stretching his neck and shoulders, directed the people.

Upon his command, the hostages hurriedly got up. They conveyed their gratitude to Hajoon and started fleeing the building. Among them, a woman, presumably the child's mother, thanked Hajoon before escaping.

"Th-thank you. I truly thank you."

When only Hajoon and the villains who had perpetrated the terror were left in the space, Hajoon's expression turned cold.

"These pests..."

He looked at them, intent on making them pay for causing him trouble.

As painfully as possible.

Hajoon activated Time Stop (SSS).