Chapter 101

At the hospital where Darham was admitted,

Darham, lying in the ward, slowly opened his mouth as he looked at Elaine.

"Elaine, there's something I need to tell you."

"Something you need to tell me?"

"I'm sorry for keeping it from you until now... It was 8 years ago."

Eight years ago, Darham had been a home tutor for the Ehrman family, one of the hero families.

At the time, being a mid-tier magician, he had thoughtlessly taken on the tutoring role to secure research funds.

However, Darham then met a prodigy who would define the era.

"So... you're saying you manifested this magic?"


The emotionless young boy, hardly looking his age of nine,

Liber Laphilton Phil Ehrman, the eldest son of the Ehrman family.

Darham couldn't believe it when he first saw him.

After all, it was unbelievable that a mere nine-year-old had independently learned and manifested intermediate magic.

"Incredible... This is a first for me."

He looked at the boy, who had demonstrated an unbelievable ability, with amazement.

He was just nine years old.

This boy, having awakened as a superhuman just a year ago, had already manifested intermediate magic.

"You must have inherited a strong lineage from your ancestors."

The current head of the Ehrman family had no talent as a superhuman.

He hadn't even awakened as one.

"If you wish, I can recommend you to the Magic Tower. What do you think?"

While he couldn't guarantee the boy's future, one thing was certain: the boy was destined to be a grand magician or a top-tier hero.

And probably the youngest to achieve it.

"It seems like you'd have no issues if I were to recommend you right now."

Darham had recognized Liber's talent at first glance.

The boy, who had only awakened a year ago, manifested intermediate magic.

He had the vast magic power needed to manifest such magic, the sensibility to handle that power delicately, and the intellect to memorize the complex rituals of intermediate magic.

Darham believed recommending him to the Magic Tower would pose no problems.

However, Liber seemed hesitant about Darham's proposal.

Slowly, he turned his gaze toward the library door, where a girl was sneakily peeking at him.

As their eyes met, the girl, Elaine, exclaimed,


Realizing she had been caught spying, she hurriedly scampered away with rapid footsteps.

Liber gazed at the door where the girl had been for a moment, then turned back to Darham and spoke.

"I appreciate it, but I'll consider it later."

"Hmm... Well, there's plenty of time."

With that, Liber slowly rose from his seat and looked out the window.

Specifically, at the man calmly sweeping in the garden.

It was Roban Chester, the butler of the mansion, and Liber observed him intently.

The incident took place a year later.

With a whoosh, Elaine poured down heavily that day.

Darham was heavily drunk, drinking more than he could handle.

He felt wronged and couldn't understand what the butler had been thinking at the time.

"The head of the family dies and he fires me immediately. What was that butler thinking?"

It was a tragic accident.

The head of the household, Ravir, and his wife Ella had departed from this world due to an accident.

Thus, young Liber couldn't be entrusted with the entire responsibility. So, while Liber grew up, the authority was temporarily delegated to the butler at that time, Roban Chester.

The very first thing Roban did upon receiving that authority was to dismiss Darham.

"I wonder how the children are doing now," Darham thought about the two children left in the household at that time.

Liber and Elaine.

The two most distressed children left behind. For Darham, leaving them felt unsettling and heartbreaking.

Knock. Knock.

Just then, someone knocked at the front door. He looked at the clock with a puzzled expression.

It was midnight.

Certainly not a time for visitors.

He slowly rose from the sofa and headed to the front door.

Upon opening it, a familiar-faced young boy stood there.

"Liber? What brings you here at this hour?"

"I have something to discuss with you, sir."

"What is it about?"

For a moment, Darham's gaze shifted to Liber's arm.

Though the wound appeared to have been treated, the stain of blood on his clothes was still vivid.

"It seems something happened. Come in."

Grasping the situation, Darham invited Liber inside.

Once seated across the table, Darham broke the silence.

"Alright, tell me what happened."

"There are individuals aiming for our family's treasures and the Beast Stone mine that our family manages."

At this, Darham's forehead furrowed.

And as Liber continued, Darham couldn't hide his shock.

"My parents didn't die in an accident."

"What? Are you sure about this?"


The child calmly stated that his parents weren't victims of an accident.

They were murdered.

Darham looked at him with a complex expression, taken aback by the boy's uncanny composure.

"Who could possibly..."

"I believe it might be the butler, Roban."

"Roban? But he... "

From Darham's perspective, Roban, having observed him for the past year, didn't seem capable of such a deed.

The Roban he knew had maintained a peaceful relationship with the head of the family.

"Have you reached out to the association?"

"We have no evidence. I warned my father about this beforehand, but he didn't believe me. Moreover, I doubt Roban acted alone. There's probably someone backing him."

"Sigh... What on earth is happening..."

To be honest, even Darham couldn't quite believe the unfolding events.

In truth, the head and lady of the household had been murdered, and the culprit was none other than their own servant.

The boy revealing this shocking information was merely 10 years old.

Naturally, it was hard to believe, and Darham could only sigh in disbelief.

Liber, watching Darham's skeptical expression, met his gaze with an emotionless face.

"You don't have to believe me," Liber began slowly.

Darham responded, "Honestly, I'm conflicted."

Liber nodded, "I understand. However..."

He then took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Darham. As Darham unfolded and read it, his brow furrowed.

"What is this?"

"It's the address of an orphanage. I believe Elaine is there."

"Elaine? Why would she be there?"

In response, Liber pulled out another item from his pocket and showed it to Darham. Darham's eyes widened in recognition.

"That's the key the head always carried!"

"It's the family's treasure. Precisely, it's the key to a vault in the basement. To open it, you need both the Ehrman family's magic and this key."

"So, what's your next move?"

"I plan to leave England. If they are after what's inside the vault, it's best I leave with this key."

"And just abandon Elaine?"

At that, Liber merely lowered his head.

"Being with me will only put Elaine in greater danger."

"I can't ensure her safety even if she's with me."

"At least they won't target her."

"What do you mean...?"

Just then, Darham's eyes trembled as he noticed Liber's body gradually turning into smoke, fading away.

"Wait, Liber!"

"I promise to return someday."

And for the first time, Liber revealed his emotions. As he vanished, his typically impassive eyes seemed to be filled with rage.

"Until then, please take care of Elaine."

After bringing Elaine, left at the orphanage, home, a month had passed.

During that month, Darham realized that everything Liber had said was true.

"So it is."

It was only after a month had passed that Darham understood all of Liber's actions.

"You must've noticed it long ago."

Liber must've caught onto butler Roban's schemes quite early on. However, he couldn't have spoken up about it. After all, the child speaking such truths was merely 9 years old.

A heavy sigh escaped Darham's lips.

He turned his head to look at Elaine, with her big, round eyes, still faithfully waiting for her older brother, even knowing he held resentment towards her. Seeing Elaine, Darham's expression grew increasingly somber.

"I now understand why you acted the way you did, Liber."

Over the past year, Liber appeared, at least on the surface, to dislike his younger sister, Elaine.

Back then, Darham had assumed that it was just Liber's nature to avoid being bothered, which led him to distance himself from Elaine. But after this month, he could truly understand all of Liber's actions.

"You purposefully acted that way."

Liber's family heirloom was at stake. The situation could've seen Elaine taken as a hostage, but it didn't happen. That man, no, their family butler Roban, must've believed that Liber disliked Elaine.

Moreover, Elaine was just a young girl, not even awakened, and so she would have been excluded as a target.

"I should've believed even a bit of what you said back then..."

He regretted his decisions at the time.

Had he not been drunk that day, had he pondered just a little deeper, he might've realized the truth.

At the very least, he felt he shouldn't have left Liber alone.

Yet such regret was in vain over things that had already passed.

With a bitter smile, Darham approached Elaine and gently stroked her small head.

And then there was Elaine, with her innocent smile.

Looking at her, Darham made a vow.

At the very least, he would keep one promise to that child.

"It's unbelievable..."

A tremor ran through Elaine's eyes.

Her heart pounded loudly, her throat constricted.

Unable to believe the reality, Elaine bowed her head, and clear tears flowed down her cheeks.

Drip- Drip-.


She slowly raised her head, looking at Darham.

With a face distorted by sorrow, she asked, "Why didn't you tell me until now..."

Her voice grew fainter, almost a whisper.

She struggled to speak, her throat still tight.

Darham merely gazed at her in silence.

In that moment, Elaine recalled a memory from seven years ago.

The last words her brother had spoken in front of the orphanage.


Her brother was tenderly patting her head.

Feeling his kindness for the first time, she had smiled innocently.

"Just wait here quietly. I'll come back for you soon."

It was the first time she had seen her always-expressionless brother show a different face.

That day, his expression was unmistakably...


Meanwhile, at that very moment.

Inside the guild leader's room of the Roban Guild.

"Please... stop... I've told you everything..."

The guild leader of the Roban Guild, Roban, pleaded with a hoarse voice, looking up at Hajoon with desperation.

Still holding his hammer aloft, Hajoon gazed down at Roban and asked, "Is that all?"

"I've said everything. I have nothing more to tell. J-just... kill me..."

Hajoon met Roban's pleas with an icy silence.

Without even being asked, Roban began spilling all the secrets he knew, as if seeking relief from his torment.

It should be noted that Roban wasn't physically damaged. Although his body was unharmed, it seemed his terror prevented him from getting up.

Hajoon's gaze shifted to the line of glass bottles spread out on the table.

They were all high-grade healing potions that Hajoon had purchased from a store. After shattering Roban's limbs, he'd used these to heal him. At first, Hajoon had wondered if these potions could be used on anyone other than himself, but this situation confirmed it for him. Hajoon's attention returned to Roban as he spoke up again.

"There's still one bottle left..."

"No, please! Stop it!"

"So, you've really told me everything?"

"I've told you everything! Please, just..."

"Well then..."

Hajoon raised his hammer again.

Roban's pupils dilated in terror, staring up at Hajoon with a betrayed look.


Without offering a verbal response, Hajoon simply brought down the hammer.


Maharazu struck Roban's waist, then his legs, then his wrists.

Ensuring that Roban would never be able to stand on his own again. Rendering him unable to live a normal life.

Hajoon, looking down at the man writhing in pain, issued a final warning.

"If you get treatment, I'll come back for you. Remember that."

Now that he knew everything, there was no need to heal Roban.

Hajoon uncapped the remaining potion, took a sip, and walked out.

"William of the Belhar family..."

He'd discovered the mastermind behind it all.

It was none other than William of the renowned Belhar family from England.

He would pay for his deeds today.