Chapter 86 Olympic Games (1)

  It is somewhat ironic that just as Germany was sending troops to Spain to reinforce their weapons, the Olympic Games, symbolizing peace, friendship, and progress, were to be held in Berlin.

  Back in 1924, before Wilhelm crossed over, Germany's Teodor Leval was elected as a member of the IOC. In 1927, the German Olympic Committee led by Leval wrote a letter to the IOC, hoping that Germany would host the 11th Olympic Games and proposing the four cities of Berlin, Cologne, Nuremberg, and Frankfurt as candidates.

  In 1932, Berlin won by 43 votes to 16 in the IOC vote.

  However, Germany's arch-enemy, the French, would not let Germany have a good time. The success of the advance into the Rhineland gave Germany a huge boost in prestige, and conversely, it also brought the French into disrepute, as Germany's accelerated militarization put France, its neighbor, to sleep.

  Despite the fact that Germany was now paying lip service to friendship and peace, how could it conceal itself from the attention of those who were interested. Opposition to hosting the Olympics in Berlin continues to resound around the world.

  In June of 1936, the "Congress for the Defense of the Olympic Idea" was held in Paris, France, with delegates from France, Spain, the United States, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and other countries. The Congress called for opposition to the Berlin Olympics and called for the venue to be changed to Barcelona, Spain.

  Then, New York set up a struggle committee dedicated to opposing the Berlin Olympics; some European countries also made a clear commitment not to participate in the Berlin Olympics, but to actively support the organizing of the Barcelona Olympics; in order to support Spain's hosting of the Olympic Games, France, Britain, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, the United States and other 20 countries, the athletes gathered in Barcelona, ready to participate in the games held there on July 18th.

  As a result, the unrest in Spain prevented them from doing so, and the IOC decided that the Games would be held in Berlin as scheduled.

  In response Propaganda Minister Goebbels made a big deal about it internally. "Now that France has cut off the dawn of peace with her own hands, the French still think of Germany as that capricious country, and they still look down on us!"

  Foreign Minister Bullwright said when questioned by reporters. "We regret the fact that these countries question Germany's sincerity for peace, however, I don't think we can exclude the fact that some people are deliberately mixing in to make trouble."

  This really nagged Wilhelm for a while. You know that before the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, organizing the Olympic Games is basically a loss of money, the host country more as an "image project". Until 1984, Los Angeles creatively put forward the "Olympic Games to support the Olympic Games" new ideas, a profit of 250 million U.S. dollars, to the world to explain the new concept of the sports industry.

  At the beginning, Wilhelm even wanted to simply give up the right to organize the event and give it to other countries.

  But he couldn't stand Charles de Gaulle's reckless jumping around, so he finally decided to continue the event.

  In order not to lose money, he can be regarded as a brainstorm. First of all, a new stadium with a capacity of 100,000 people was built, and the interior and exterior decorations were incomparably gorgeous. The seating area is divided into several grades, the best VVIP area is of course reserved for the heads of state dignitaries, it is impossible to charge admission fees.

  The second VIP seating area is reserved for those who have the money of the rich and powerful, the ticket price is worth two months salary of an ordinary worker, which is still cold or preliminaries of the tickets, tickets and final tickets of the popular projects are almost worth the first half of the year or even more.

  Since they are rich, they don't care about "this" ticket fee. After all, just the name of the seating area on the "VIP" has been enough to highlight their noble status, not to mention that the service here is also absolutely affordable expensive ticket prices.

  Then there is the high-class business seating area, which is reserved for those who are not rich, but are still the top of the social elite. Of course, the ticket price may give them a little heartache.

  After that, there is the general business seating area, the general area and so on.

  He then issued a sponsor solicitation announcement to the whole country and even the world. Since the Olympic Committee had always tried to prevent over-commercialization of the Olympics, it wasn't good for Wilhelm to blatantly post advertisements in the arena, but the Olympic Committee couldn't interfere with the items and supplies in the arena that carried their own logo, could they?

  Think about it, if you are a water cup maker, if you are selected, then the advertisement will be "The 11th Olympic Games Official Designated Water Cup". Wouldn't that sell like hotcakes?

  He then proceeded to issue limited edition Olympic mascots, coins, postcards, stamps and so on. The merchants and stores on the street were selling all kinds of Olympic-related trinkets and toys.

  Wilhelm even made a special movie called "Berlin Holiday".

  Since the fallen angel is only seven years old now, it was impossible to cast her in the lead role. Luckily, there was a real princess on hand, Princess Silvia of Italy.

  This girl doesn't know what to think, she has been living here for so many days for nothing and has no intention of going back.

  Living in the palace is indeed comfortable, but as the saying goes, a golden nest is better than one's own doghouse, not to mention that she is also a princess, living in the palace ah.

  In any case, in line with the principle of not using it for nothing, Wilhelm mentioned this to Sylvia.

  Hearing that the movie will be made to let her go as the female lead, Sylvia agreed with a face of novelty.

  But when Wilhelm said he wanted to be the male lead himself he was met with unanimous opposition from the people around him. After all, he is the Crown Prince of Germany, the future emperor of the empire, this kind of honorable status even want to go to shoot some movie, simply too unseemly, unseemly!

  But Wilhelm let these objections are on the side of the cool stay to go, since he is the future emperor, that naturally can do whatever you want. And this can also give the surrounding countries to come to a he the Crown Prince is not doing his job of false impression, why not do it.

  "Roman Holiday" original plot is very simple, plus Wilhelm do not know how many times I watched the movie every frame every second can be said to be in mind, a night will "write" the script, the next day on the shooting.

  Only the movie's Rome street scene changed to Berlin, after the tour of Berlin's attractions, the main scene is arranged in the soon-to-be-completed theme park. Although Walt Disney founded the company in 1923, the famous Disney theme park would not open until 20 years later.

  Wilhelm had no problem appropriating all of Disney's classic characters that hadn't even been released yet, which is true to the saying, "Going the way of the other guy makes the other guy go nowhere".

  In any case, the release of "Berlin Holiday" created a spectacle that saw thousands of people flocking to the movie theater, resulting in an oversupply of tickets.

  After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the name of the Crown Prince and Princess alone is already worth the ticket price. And such a love story is quite in line with people's appetite, the movie plot also won the audience unanimous praise.

  The previously unheard of Berlin theme park has also become the most desired tourist destination, attracting a large number of tourists to go.