Chapter 92 Stuka Strikes (2)

  Autumn was the season of harvest, but the farmlands of Mekadar were barren. It's not that the land here is not fertile, but in these times of turmoil, who has the heart to sow crops and wait for the harvest. In the past few years, Spain's domestic system has been changing, farmland nationalized, farmland was divided into farmers, week after week, who dares to continue to farm.

  Today in this barren land has long been crushed and leveled flight paths, built military airports and barracks.

  At this time in the barracks are eating breakfast, because of the air war debacle in the past few days, the atmosphere here is a bit depressing, everyone swallowed their food in silence.

  Major Alexei was the person in charge of this base, at this time he did not have much appetite at all, standing in front of the window of the tower, looking at the I-16 that was half assembled not far away, he could not help but shake his head.

  These fighters were just transported over last night to replenish the new fighters lost in the past few days. For this he had received a reprimand from his superior, saying that his poor command had led to the loss of so many valuable pilots and fighters. If he hadn't lied about his performance, saying that he had shot down so many enemy planes, he would have been imprisoned by now. Moreover, if he had lied about his performance, he wouldn't have been able to get away with it.

  When he thought of this, Major Alexei couldn't help but curse those domestic fighter designers, simply a group of drunken bags, why can't they design a performance can completely overwhelm each other's excellent fighter? You should know that Germany was suppressed by the Treaty of Versailles for more than ten years, and only in recent years did it begin to develop fighter planes. But in just a few years, the fighters they built were able to roll over them in terms of performance.

  Thinking about his incomparable melancholy sigh, if even the loss of this batch of fighters, then he does not have to go back to explain, directly to their own head to a shot dry point.

  At this time after eating breakfast engineers and ground crew continued to assemble the fighter.

  "Install the wings!" An engineer shouted, the fuselage had been fixed properly, the next thing, was to install the wings!

  Several people worked hand in hand, lifting the wings up and aligning them into position, the airplane, being primarily a wooden structure, was quite lightweight.

  Woo! Woo! Whoo!

  Just then the ear-piercing air defense siren resounded over the base, and Major Alexei's face changed violently. Because along with that siren, he could faintly hear a low-frequency roar coming from the distance, a roar that everyone was familiar with, the sound of high-powered engines and the whirring sound of propellers!

  This indicated that the enemy planes were already close at hand, and he couldn't think of anything else, roaring loudly. "Quickly take off the fighter planes to answer the enemy! Air defense gunners get into position!!!" Airfields were high-value targets, and in order to prevent enemy air attacks, anti-aircraft gun positions were deployed all around the airfield. But since the airport hadn't been harassed by enemy planes even since it was built, these people were a bit loose, and at this time, there were no watchmen at all in the anti-aircraft gun positions.

  The barracks was instantly in chaos, the pilots quickly ran to their fighters, and the anti-aircraft gunners also ran to the anti-aircraft gun positions as fast as they could.

  "Attention all crews, prepare to attack." Edelman, who had already flown over the airfield by now, calmly gave the order.

  He methodically made the final preparations, first putting the flaps to the cruise position, adjusting the elevator and rudder, and the pitch of the propeller to the cruise position.

  Then he turned on the power switch on the altimeter and set the drop altitude, an important instrument to ensure that he would be able to get out of the dive before entering a dangerous altitude, it would calculate when the airplane should drop and pull up. Edelman set the drop altitude on the altimeter at 500 meters, which was the maximum altitude at which the plane could safely break out of a dive, any lower and it would be difficult to ensure that the plane would not hit the ground before pulling up.

  "Daisy Two, set your drop altitude to eight hundred meters!" Edelman specially instructed Chick Two, worrying that this unknowing fellow would set the drop altitude too low and crash directly into the ground.

  "Understood, sir ...," Daisy No. 2 replied loudly, but to Edelman's ears it sounded as if he wasn't too happy about it. He couldn't help but think that if this guy dared to lower the drop height to below 800 meters, he would definitely be locked up.

  Through the window of the airplane, he could see the crowd below, which was in chaos, as if it was the size of ants.

  Their primary target was the six anti-aircraft gun positions deployed around the airport.

  "Launch the attack according to your assigned targets, the attack begins!" Yelling, Edelman released the dive deceleration plate, and the nose of the airplane plunged downward, and the Stuka automatically went into a dive.

  The flight safety control system was activated by the linkage, the dive demobilization system was now active, two small red marking rods protruded from the upper airfoil of the wing, this was a kind of hydraulic auxiliary mechanism that would start working the moment the plane dropped its bombs, it could limit the angle of the plane when pulling up to avoid the overload gravity that the body couldn't withstand due to the overly steep pull up to cause damage to the fuselage or to leave permanent damage.

  Edelman steadily pushed the joystick, the rest of his eyes scanned the right front windshield, that piece of glass was engraved with a series of lines, this is an effective tool to help the pilot judge the dive angle, each line indicates a dive angle, starting from 30 degrees all the way up to 90 degrees, because the pilot's mental perception of the dive angle in a dive is much steeper than the actual dive angle, and in the past, it was often In the past, the accuracy of a hit would be affected by an insufficient dive angle, but now you can tell which angle the Stuka is diving at by looking at which line is parallel to the ground.

  He was going to make a dive of 80 degrees, which would ensure the accuracy of the bombs.

  His target was the 85-millimeter gun in the upper left corner of the airfield, which was surrounded by sandbags as cover, so it was best to drop the bomb into that cover. Fortunately, the Stuka's superior dive performance enabled it to drop its bombs right on top of the target.

  Edelman saw the anti-aircraft gunners on the ground already running to their gun positions, he even saw the operators frantically cranking the anti-aircraft guns to try to put them up, and the loaders had already unpacked the ammunition boxes and were ready to shove the shells inside them, ready to be loaded into the gun chambers.

  But Edelman knew these guys were still too late.

  The pneumatic bagpipes mounted on the landing gear began to emit a heart-rending wail, indicating that the speed was now in excess of the maximum hourly speed in level flight, and this terrifying wail was so heart-shattering that it exerted even more pressure on the enemy's psyche than the bombs hanging from the airplane.

  Accompanied by this mournful beeping, Edelman's spirit became more and more exhilarated, and his body began to secrete a large amount of epinephrine hormones, which made his reaction almost twice as fast as usual.

  All of his attention was focused on the target, with only a small amount of residual focus on the readout on the instrument panel. The plane was still continuing to dive, it had reached a speed of five hundred and sixty kilometers, the plane was now only about thirteen hundred meters from the ground, the elevator had become very heavy and it took a lot of effort to maneuver it, he began to use the differential movement of the ailerons to adjust and maintain his aiming point, keeping the nose dead center on that 85mm anti-aircraft gun, waiting for the moment of dropping the bombs to come.