Chapter 108 The Czech Rebellion (3)

  If the French Prime Minister at this time was Charles de Gaulle and the British Prime Minister was Churchill then they would definitely warn Germany of war.

  Unfortunately, the French Prime Minister at this time was Camille Chaudron, and the British Prime Minister was Chamberlain. Chamberlain's policy of appeasement is well known. Camille Chaudron, in his original time, was a controversial figure for his role in the surrender of France in World War II, and was even described as "mentally retarded". After World War II, a French court convicted him in absentia for collaborating with the enemy while he was living in the United States.

  The Sudetenland is now a volcano on the verge of erupting, leaving these two icons of appeasement at a loss, especially French Prime Minister Camille Chaudin, who is as anxious as a hot dog. French Prime Minister Camille Chaudin, in particular, is as anxious as an ant on a hot plate, knowing that France has an agreement with Czechoslovakia.

  If Germany declared war on Czechoslovakia, then according to the agreement France had to declare war on Germany.

  "This time the Czech government has gone a little too far, an ordinary strike march has caused so many lives to be lost, and the deaths are all Germans, no wonder the Germans are so angry." Camille. As soon as he opened his mouth, he began to blame the Czech government.

  "I also feel that we can't give up the present peace for the mistakes made by the Czech government." Following closely in agreement was French Defense Minister Edouard . Daladier. Historically, this Daladier was also an important representative of the appeasement faction.

  "Anyway, most of the people living there are Germanic people, and since the Germans want it back, it would be better to simply allocate a part of it to the Germans." The president and the defense minister were united in their opinions, so what else could the others say, after all, many people really didn't want to go through another big war.

  A whole generation of young people had fallen on the battlefield in the last war, and although Britain and France had won in the end, there hadn't been much to gain. They all realized that a lot of things can actually be solved by sitting down and talking it over, there is no need to move and fight to the death.

  "But what do we say to Czech?" The opinions of the meeting were unified, but after all, the agreement between the two countries was there, although not signed by Camille Shaw himself, no matter who signed it, it represents the credibility of the country. Now the Germans have not really done it, France first Czech land to the Germans, that is a little too lose face, this is not a great country style ah!

  Just when they were wondering how to solve this matter without losing face, Camille Chaudron remembered the British Prime Minister Chamberlain. "I think we can ask the British Prime Minister to act as a go-between and go to Berlin to persuade the Germans not to use force, and then mediate with the Czech side to get them to give up some of their land."

  In this way, the German warning text was sent out less than two hours ago, and Britain and France had already reached a consensus to use a portion of Czech land in exchange for peace throughout Europe!

  No one ever thought about whether the Czechs would agree or not. o(╯□╰)o

  Maybe this is the tragedy of small countries.

  Britain and France agreed at once, and the next day British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain took an airplane to Berlin, Germany.

  After all, this kind of "major events", need to personally solve in order to show sincerity.

  And his point of view, and the French are the same.

  War should be avoided if it can be avoided!

  Since the Germans can't stand to see their countrymen oppressed, it's good to satisfy them.

  And Wilhelm also gave enough face to this prime minister. Personally led a group of military and political senior officials to meet at the airport, and watched Chamberlain walk down the airplane gangway with an umbrella in his hand. As for why Chamberlain held an umbrella in his hand from time to time, there were netizens in later generations who speculated that it was a weapon disguised as an umbrella. But think about it is also impossible, let a national leader personally take a weapon self-defense, that country's security forces must be rotten to what point.

  This time in Britain is still the era of popularity of gentleman style. A coat, a hat, a walking stick or an umbrella was the typical dress of the British, and Chamberlain was nearly 60 at the time, so it was normal to maintain such a tradition.

  As for the reason why the British love to take umbrellas, it is mainly because it rains all year round in the UK, especially in the era of no satellite technology, it is impossible to predict the weather, which makes them develop the habit of going out and taking umbrellas.

  "Your Excellency Prime Minister Chamberlain, welcome to Berlin. I have heard that you are the most talented and visionary politician in Britain, and it is truly an honor to have you come in person." Wilhelm even gave a pat on the back.

  He was welcoming Chamberlain from the bottom of his heart. Contrary to Churchill who bloodied Germany to fatten America, this guy's appeasement policy simply bloodied the USSR to fatten Germany, allowing Germany to become stronger day by day and ultimately develop into a force that scared Britain and France.

  "Your Highness the Crown Prince, I have come for the sake of peace in our Europe." Chamberlain said sincerely as he extended his hand. "God bless this land, no more wars."

  Peace is the mainstream, and the current UK guys like Churchill who advocate war rhetoric all day long are despised by almost everyone.

  Perhaps because of the year in the first world war was let off by the British soldiers; perhaps because of their own is a nationalist, that Britain's Anglo-Saxons and Germans have the same noble blood; perhaps their own quite self-awareness, know that the German army is very difficult to cross the English Channel to land on the mainland of Britain, in any case, the moustache was a notorious "Ha-British" person. After the war started, he frequently sent peace letters to the United Kingdom, even Germany's second largest man Hess once flew alone to the United Kingdom to negotiate, but the result was not even see Churchill's face was locked up. There are even many people in later times who believe that the moustache was deliberately letting the British army off the hook at Dunkirk, using it to show goodwill to the British side.

  After Germany kicked over France with a thunderous force, it was ready to implement the "Barbarossa Plan". After this time, the best choice for Britain is of course to draw water from the east, and sit back and watch the best opportunity for the Soviet Union and Germany to fight with the tigers. But Churchill jumped out again, he thought that Germany will be too easy to win the war against the Soviet Union, which will not cause him to be disgusted, but a Germany ruling a large area of Europe from the Rhine River to the Bird's Nest will be too powerful, and the United Kingdom will become a vassal of him. He therefore rejected Moustache's suggestion of a Hopping. Not only did he inform Stalin that Germany was going to attack him more than 80 times (the Soviets and Germans were allies before Operation Barbarossa, so of course Stalin didn't give a damn about him), but he also encouraged the United States to enter the war.

  Churchill, of course, had his own agenda: to weaken France and the US and defeat the USSR, but it didn't work out. Besides, one Churchill couldn't stop two powers. In his memoirs, he wrote of the Yalta Conference, "On one side of me was a huge Russian bear (Stalin), on the other a huge North American bison (Roosevelt), and in the center sat a poor little British donkey." It seems that Churchill saw the ambitions of both countries and could do nothing about it. For the British Empire had truly weakened.

  It is said that Churchill cried out after the Yalta Conference, that the Yanks had slaughtered people so hard that they were close to stripping the British Empire of its last pair of underpants. Britain, lost the world, no longer the world's boss (dominated the world for hundreds of years, with Australia, South Africa, Canada, India (and Pakistan did not split) and so on all over the globe 40 million square kilometers of colonies of the sunset empire fell apart), the rules of the game is no longer by it to set up (became the United States of America's little brother).

  Wilhelm was equally sincere. "Personally, I don't want to see another war either. But the problem now is that our fellow Germanic peoples are being oppressed and they are suffering there, so what face do I have to talk about the preciousness of peace here?"

  Chamberlain nodded hastily. "We deeply sympathize with the suffering of the Germanic people in the Sudetenland, but all things have a solution, don't they?"