Chapter 114 Anger

  Having eliminated those rivals who were a threat to him, Stalin could be said to have been refreshed and well-fed. Although the cleansing made the army's combat effectiveness drop greatly, but at least it made the army completely obey his orders!

  What remained were diehard loyalists who did everything he said. Stalin didn't like a strong but disobedient army, he liked an army that obeyed him! So the entire Soviet hierarchy became Stalin's dictatorship, and he gradually sent all those voices that dared to question him to concentration camps that he personally ordered to be built, to work their asses off for the economic take-off of the Soviet Union. Starving and freezing to death without any state pension, these poor walking dead laid thousands of kilometers of railroads between Germany and the Soviet Union.

  "Although we have some friction with Germany over Spain, it has not affected the investment flows between us." A head of the economy stood up to report on the economic achievements of the last quarter. "We have a number of factories being built and deployed, and large-scale industrial production bases are being built in areas such as Kiev and also Minsk."

  Another official saw his speaking colleague sit down and immediately went on to report, "Many German companies are investing in the construction of our highway and railroad systems. I heard that the Crown Prince's favorite saying is 'want to be rich first build roads', which in turn has allowed us to drastically improve our transportation situation, we are transporting supplies to mobilize our troops more quickly and easily, and transportation costs have also been drastically reduced."

  Convenient transportation allowed previously closed areas to become new industrial cities, because of the ease of transportation of supplies and the preference of the German advisory missions to and from the Soviet Union's heavy industrial areas began to close all the way to the border areas, despite Stalin's intention to stop this behavior, but with little success.

  If the Soviets had known why Wilhelm was so eager to help them build roads, they would have stripped the roads they had built.

  "In addition, our investment in Germany is also expanding, a lot of German military enterprises have our shares, so to speak, many of our officials and also businessmen made war fortunes during the Spanish Civil War, and the bullets and artillery shells they produced defeated our army." A general said with great displeasure.

  "That's right! Our army suffered heavy losses in Spain, and the Comintern suffered greatly there! The weapons the Germans put in are not much more advanced than ours, but they made up for the gap between the National Army and us in this area!" Another general complained with the same great dissatisfaction.

  "The Germans are following the elite route, they don't have as many soldiers as we do, so they can train them carefully, naturally their performance is a bit better than our army, and the gap proved to be insignificant, the Germans aren't as powerful as we thought they were." Stalin gave a cold comforting laugh.

  A piece of intelligence, gotten out by Soviet spies from Vienna, Austria, showed that so far the German army had lost 771 men killed in action and 2,982 wounded in Spain; while the Soviet Union had 1,200 men killed in action and 3,719 wounded in the Spanish Civil War. The comparison of these two results does not seem overwhelming.

  Of course, the Soviets are not stupid, in fact, low generals and officers know the fact that the Soviet Union this time can be considered to be a loss of troops loss of life: according to the reliable front-line soldiers recalled that they were ordered to exaggerate the results of the battle report, in fact, the Germans' losses are small, while the number of their casualties is real.

  Just as they were expressing optimism about the fighting in the Spanish Civil War, the door to the conference room was pushed open, and a terrified Yezhov hurried in, walked right up to Stalin, and whispered something in his ear.

  "What?!" Stalin's face, which had just been smiling, instantly became livid and furious. "What do you mean disappeared?!" At this moment, he was like a furious lion, his eyes widened in anger, his fists clenched, and the hostile aura emanating from his body sent chills down one's spine.

  The rest of the crowd stared dumbfounded at this sudden change, looking at each other in disbelief, not knowing what had happened.

  After all, the transportation of gold plan was top secret, only a few people at the top knew about it.

  Yezhov's pale face seeped out large sweat, and looked at the people present with some difficulty.

  Stalin took a deep breath, forced down the anger in his heart, and coldly said. "Today's meeting will end here."

  The crowd rose with a clatter, and soon only Yezhov and Stalin were left in the conference room. Everyone wasn't blind, although they didn't know what was happening, they could see that Stalin was on the verge of an outburst, and everyone was afraid of being one step too slow and touching a bad spot.

  Waiting for the crowd to leave Stalin snapped. "Speak clearly, in the end what happened?!"

  Yezhov reported shakily. "What we dug up first were two carriages and the locomotive, and inside we found the remains of Comrade Khrushchev and the crowd." The cliff from which the golden train had fallen was not only more than 100 meters deep, it was also inundated by untold mudslides. To excavate it, nearly three or more divisions were used and it took months to dig it out. "Further down was the gold train, but the soldiers who were escorting it were all massacred, and the gold in the carriages had been looted."

  "How dare you!" Stalin slammed the table and stood up, staring deathly at Yezhov. "Who did this?!" Surprisingly, someone robbed gold on Soviet soil?

  Yezhov wiped the sweat from his face and said in a trembling voice. "Our initial suspicion is that it was Orlov ..."

  Stalin frowned. "Orlov? What does that mean?" Major General Orlov had been awarded the Order of Lenin and his loyalty was still guaranteed, otherwise he wouldn't have been sent on this mission.

  "We counted the bodies on the train, the only one missing was Orlov, and there was an additional unfamiliar body in the communications compartment, which was initially examined as having been killed by the communications officer's resistance." It was better to find someone to take the blame than to be reprimanded yourself for not doing a good job, and from the scene Orlov did seem to have a strong suspicion.

  "A strange corpse?" That would undoubtedly be the robber's accomplice. "Did you find out the identity of the corpse?"

  "There is a Jewish village more than thirty kilometers away from Alexei town, the corpse should be a Jew from the village, and all the people in that village were unknown after the robbery." Because the corpse was wearing Jewish clothing, the identity was easily established.

  "These damned Judeans!" Stalin let out an enraged roar and slammed his fist hard on the table, his whole body already trembling with anger! The whole world disliked the Judeans, and the Soviet Union was certainly no exception. The Judaean descent and the Judaeans gained most of the dominance of the Soviet Union after overthrowing the Tsarist regime. Later, Stalin launched the Great Purge, which swept away the high-level Judases almost completely. The grass-roots Judaizers, on the other hand, didn't have it easy, and the persecution wasn't even as bad as that of Germany in the original time and space. This kind of time this group of damned Judaizers even robbed 560 tons of gold? Really damned!

  Yezhov on the side of the atmosphere did not dare to come out, and waited for a while for Stalin's anger to calm down a little before continuing to report. "And we suspect that there are external forces involved in this robbery." Said Stalin as he took out a few photos from a folder. "This is the submachine gun found at the scene, using 11.43mm caliber pistol rounds. Everyone on the train was killed by these 11.43mm caliber pistol rounds."

  Taking the photo and glancing at it, Stalin asked. "Which country was equipped with this submachine gun?"

  Yezhov shook his head. "As far as I know no, just this 11.43 mm caliber pistol rounds... "Anyone who has a little military common sense knows that the 11.43 mm caliber pistol rounds are the most famous is the United States of America's Thompson submachine gun and Colt M1911 automatic pistol.

  Stalin interrupted him. "Do not jump to conclusions, this submachine gun to be kept secret, is the fox will sooner or later reveal its tail. The most important thing now is to find out where Orlov and the gold are. Also, I'm going to make sure that every damned Judas knows what happens when they dare to challenge Soviet authority!"