Chapter 117 Coronation of the English King (3)

Seeing Queen Elizabeth leave, Anna returned to the room, only to see half of Wilhelm's swollen face and exclaimed. "Your Highness, what's wrong with your face? This... is this a palm print?!" Who dares to slap His Highness in the face?!

Wilhelm waved his hand. "Go and get some ice cubes to cover me up." There is a banquet held by the British royal family to attend in the evening, so it is not embarrassing to look like this.

"Ah? Yes!" Ina hurriedly brought a basin of ice cubes and a few towels and began to help him apply ice. "Your Highness, you weren't beaten by Queen Elizabeth, were you?" There was no one else in the room except the two of them just now. If it wasn't Queen Elizabeth, it would be a ghost. "Why did she slap you? You didn't want to molest her, right?" After all, as a queen, she couldn't slap the crown prince of another country for no reason. Her Highness must have done something to anger the queen.

"Indecent assault on her?" Wilhelm rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a dirty person?"

Anna said extremely seriously. "It's not like that, it's just that. Look where are you putting your hands now? Stop making trouble. If you don't reduce the swelling on your face, how will you go to see people at night?"

"Okay, I won't cause trouble." Wilhelm chuckled, retracted his hand, thought for a while, and ordered. "Send a telegram to the country later and ask Reinhard to send someone to contact Edward VIII."

"Yes." Anna responded and warned carefully. "You must not call Edward VIII at the banquet later, call him the Duke of Windsor. The British royal family is very sensitive to this matter, so don't get into trouble."

After working hard until the evening, most of the swelling on Wilhelm's face had gone away, and you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully.

At six o'clock, the royal butler came to invite them to the banquet hall.

The extremely spacious banquet hall was filled with heads of state and dignitaries from various countries. Wilhelm shuttled among the crowd, smiling and nodding from time to time to say hello to a certain guest, or chatting with others.

"Your Highness Wilhelm, it is a great honor for me to meet you today." The person who walked up to Wilhelm was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. He has a tall stature and silver hair. Although he is wearing a uniform, it is not difficult to tell from his words and deeds that this man is a standard soldier.

Wilhelm recognized who the other party was at a glance.

George Marshall!

During World War II, America's great strategists, military strategists, politicians, diplomats, economists... were simply all-rounders.

For the US military, he is an indispensable steward. In addition to handling a large amount of planning work for the US military's overseas military operations at that time, he also had to manage a group of officers in the staff, coordinate the relationship between the US military and the armies of other countries in the Allied Forces, and also do things like MacArthur, Eisenhower, and Patton. Waiting for the job of a famous American general in World War II, he also had to help Roosevelt formulate the global military strategy of the United States at that time... With so many important tasks, at that time, apart from Marshall, there was no other person in the United States who could replace this old man.

But now Wilhelm's first thought is how to kill this guy who will definitely get in the way in the future!

Countless plans flashed through his mind in an instant, but he rejected them one by one. He couldn't think of any good solutions for the moment. Marshall had already extended his hand.

Wilhelm didn't think too much and reached out to hold Marshall's hand. "Your Excellency, General Marshall."

A trace of surprise clearly flashed across Marshall's face. The other party already knew it before he had a chance to introduce himself? "Oh? Your Highness Wilhelm knows me?"

More than just acquaintance, your life is clearer than your own. "I have long heard that you were hailed as a military genius when you served as an instructor at the Infantry School at Fort Benning." In the Infantry School, Marshall was able to summarize complex military issues in a few words. He has strict requirements on students, supervises them, encourages them and stimulates their enthusiasm. Many outstanding generals who graduated from the infantry school attributed their ability to reach the top of the military ranks in the future to Marshall.

He established a cadet file at the infantry school and wrote down the names of young officers he thought were talented. Later, when he became Army Chief of Staff, this file became a priceless treasure, and he often selected commanders based on it. Among them were Eisenhower, Patton and others.

Marshall laughed. "Military geniuses are not worthy of their name, they are not worthy of their name. On the contrary, His Highness Wilhelm is worthy of being a real genius. I heard that there is no industry that you are not involved in, and there are outstanding geniuses in every industry? Could it be that you have really been taught by God?"

Wilhelm couldn't help but sigh that the rumor spread at an astonishing speed. "God or something...General Marshall, do you believe in the existence of God? Oh, I forgot that 90% of your country is Christian, so do you believe that God is almighty?"

It seems that Marshall is a staunch Christian, he said without thinking. "Of course, God is all-knowing and all-powerful."

Wilhelm suppressed his laughter and asked the famous paradox question in later generations. "Since you say God is almighty, can God create a stone that he cannot lift?" (Actually, this paradox appeared several centuries ago. Let's change the time here and treat it as something that appeared in later generations. paradox)

"..." Marshall is such a smart man that he immediately understood the paradox. If he says God is almighty, then God cannot move the stone that he created, so God is not almighty. If not, then God cannot create a rock that he cannot move, so God is not omnipotent.

Before he could think about it, Wilhelm added. "Or can God Almighty create a triangle whose interior angles sum to something other than 180°?"

Looking at Marshall's constipated expression, Wilhelm nodded slightly and continued to walk forward. No matter what Marshall wanted to find out from him, he didn't even dare to say a word, lest these old and cunning guys would infer something. After all, he relied on the knowledge of later generations and was not a true genius. Without the knowledge of future generations, oneself would be almost useless in front of these elites.

So it's better to stay far away.

Anna, who was following closely next to him, sighed. "Wow, Your Highness, the question you just asked is so mind-numbing. So according to your question, God is not almighty?"

Wilhelm looked back at Marshall, who was still deep in thought in the distance, and thought to himself that he should think harder, it would be better to burp the brain on the spot if he had a cerebral thrombosis. "Actually, it's not that mysterious. That General Marshall just didn't turn a corner for a while. If you think about it carefully, you can find that the question I asked first assumes that 'God is omnipotent', and then infers from it that 'God is omnipotent' The hypothesis that God is not omnipotent is contradictory. Whether God created stones or created triangles with interior angle sums greater than 180°, this is all using proof by contradiction to prove that God is not omnipotent.

So God wanted to personally prove that He is omnipotent. He actually only needs three simple steps to prove it. As a first step, God only had to create a rock that He could not lift. In the second step, he tried to move it and found that he couldn't move it. In the third step, he thought of a way and moved the stone that he couldn't move again. So does the paradox of God making stones still exist?

If God wants to create a triangle in which the sum of the three interior angles is greater than 180°, he only needs to define the right angle as greater than 90°. How simple. "

Anna stared blankly, holding out her thumb. "Your Highness, you are truly a genius."