Chapter 124.1 Appeasement Policy

Wilhelm, who had arrived in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, did not know about the affairs of Britain and France, but even if he knew, he would just laugh it off.

You must know that Poland is his next target. If this "powerful country", which is alone and alone, jumps out and commits suicide, then Yannick really wants it.

Just like the Rhineland and Austria, Wilhelm received an unprecedented warm welcome. At this time, the total population of the Czech Republic is more than 14 million, and the majority of the more than 5 million ethnic minorities are Germans. Their daily life is not very happy, and they are often bullied by the Czechs. But now, they can finally live uprightly.

Compared with the Germans who stood up straight, the Czechs waited with trepidation for their upcoming fate. After Germany annexed Austria, most of the residents there were Germans of the same origin, so there were no racial problems. But now most of the Czechs are West Slavs from Central Europe. How will the Germans treat them?

At Wilhelm's request, Goebbels arranged a small press conference.

At the reception, Wilhelm talked about the "peaceful" entry of the German army into the Czech Republic, praised the Czech leadership as "those who understand the current affairs are heroes", and also talked about the bright future of the Czech people after joining Germany.

Finally, it was the reporter's turn to ask questions. A large American reporter was named by Wilhelm and stood up. "Hello, Your Majesty the Crown Prince, I am Tom, a reporter from the Associated Press. As far as I know, the Germans in the Czech Republic have been treated unfairly. Now the Czech Republic has been included in the territory of Germany. There are many Czechs. People are worried about retaliation, so how do you plan to solve the problems between these ethnic groups?"

Hey, this guy's questions are really sharp. Wilhelm muttered secretly, pondered for a while, and then slowly spoke. "Mr. Tom is right. The Germanic people in the Czech Republic did suffer a lot of unfair treatment before because our motherland was not strong enough and failed to be their solid backing. Now after 20 years of hard work, Germany has finally risen again, and from now on the empire will never let any of its people be oppressed or insulted."

Listening to Wilhelm's solemn words, everyone present or in front of the tape recorder or loudspeaker suddenly stood in awe, and many people even had tears in their eyes.

Wilhelm continued. "As for the retaliation that the Czech people are worried about, it is completely unnecessary. Because I know that the root cause of this suffering is not the ordinary Czech people, but those nationalists who wear the hat of politicians but are actually selfish nationalists at their core! They only see Czechs in their narrow vision and cannot tolerate foreigners!!"

As we all know, Mustache is an extremely fanatical nationalist. He first rejects the Jewish people, and then regards other ethnic groups as inferior ethnic groups, crazily promoting the idea that the Germans are superior to others. This approach will achieve some success at first, such as Germany's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. However, it is difficult to calm down the desire, and the initial victory led to even more blind arrogance, which eventually led to destruction.

Of course Wilhelm would not make such a mistake. He planned to take the completely opposite path, a united front to unite everyone who could be united.

"We in Germany will never be so narrow-minded! All people are born equal and should not be treated differently based on race, color, or nationality. Therefore, from now on, Germany will implement a new ethnic policy. All residents with German nationality will have a unified ethnic composition. As a German. Anyone can join the German family as long as they uphold the concepts of loyalty to the empire, hard work, integrity, mutual respect and love. However, I will also say ugly things up front. I will express my gratitude to those who intend to split, treason, destroy national unity, People who are lazy, disruptive, and have evil intentions should not come, because German law will never show mercy to these people!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten thousand river crabs crawled through~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"One more thing, everyone should remember the 'Night of Long Knives' a few years ago. I ordered the investigation and punishment of a large number of scum who harmed the national interests. What is heartbreaking is that quite a few of them have noble titles.

Once upon a time, nobility represented a pioneering spirit centered on a series of values such as honor, responsibility, courage, and self-discipline.

But these moths actually used the glory given to them by the country to harm the country.

Therefore, I have decided to erase the old noble titles from now on and implement a new title system. The new titles are divided into 21 grades including first to third grades of Lord, Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke and King. "

Titles are the hierarchy of feudal nobles in European feudal monarchies. It first appeared in the Middle Ages and is still used in some modern countries. Generally, the level of the enfeoffment title is determined by the amount of land occupied, which can be mainly divided into five levels: Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount and Baron.

On this basis, Wilhelm added two types: lord and king, and they are no longer linked to land. "Regardless of anyone, remember, it is anyone, regardless of origin, skin color, race, gender, age or child, as long as you make outstanding contributions to the empire in any aspect, you can be knighted. As for the benefits of being knighted, in addition to being accepted by others, you can be knighted. In addition to respect, we will give you preferential policies in terms of money."

Some people value honor and some value money. Wilhelm wants these people to get both honor and money. "Education, medical care, various public facilities, and other daily consumption, as long as you can spend money, we will give you discounts according to your title level.

To give a simple example, when you go to a store to buy something, a third-class Lord will give you a 3% discount, a second-class Lord will give you a 6% discount, a first-class Lord will give you a 9% discount, a third-class Baron will give you a 12% discount, and so on. And so on. On the contrary, when you receive national rewards and subsidies, you can also receive more according to your title level. After a soldier retires, his position in the army will be converted to the corresponding title. The detailed knighthood standard system and various preferential policies will be compiled into a booklet. You can get it for free at various government agencies everywhere. "

When Wilhelm announced that he would not embarrass the Czech people, many Czechs could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, whether in the East or the West, "You have no joke" has always been an important way to restrain the monarch's behavior and show his authority. And when they heard about Wilhelm's national policy and the feudal system, a small number of people were already tempted.

A few years ago, the financial crisis swept across the world. With the exception of the Soviet Union, all other capitalist countries were in dire straits. However, the German Crown Prince Wilhelm carried out drastic reforms and implemented the New Deal. In just a few years, Germany's economy made rapid progress and emerged from the economic crisis. Even US President Roosevelt borrowed many German practices. If you can integrate into the Germans, that is also a good choice, especially now that the entire Czech Republic has surrendered to Germany anyway!

Before Wilhelm traveled through time, he was an ordinary citizen. He knew that the people at the lowest level were not concerned about noble international political issues, but about rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea! It's real life and vital interests! Having a stable job, having food to eat when you are hungry, water to drink when you are thirsty, and medicine to cure illness, just live a simple life.

You let me live a good life, and if others come to make trouble, of course I will stand up for you. If you don't let me live a good life, and you don't let others let me live a good life, of course I will help others screw you.