Chapter 130 Agreement

Molotov, more famous than him as a person, is probably the Molotov cocktail. During the Soviet-Finnish War, Finnish soldiers were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and equipment. Facing Soviet tanks, the Finns borrowed Molotov cocktail weapons previously invented during the Spanish Civil War.

During the Soviet-Finnish War, Soviet bombers used incendiary bombs to bomb Finnish cities and civilian targets. Facing condemnation from the international community, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov's defense was full of loopholes, and he even claimed that Soviet planes did not drop bombs on the Finnish people, but instead went to slums to airdrop bread for the poor Finnish people. This ridiculous lie was exposed by foreign missions and journalists who were at the bombing site.

The Finnish military and civilians nicknamed the incendiary bombs dropped by the Soviet Union as "Molotov's bread basket" and called the Molotov cocktail they prepared to entertain Soviet tanks. During the ongoing fighting, the Finnish military mass-produced Molotov cocktails and threw them with hands or stone throwers.

As the second-largest figure in Stalin's team, his coming to Berlin was enough to show the importance Stalin attached to Germany's relations, and the German side was also given face by being personally received by Wilhelm.

"Our two countries have maintained friendly relations since World War I." After reviewing the honor guard and a series of diplomatic etiquette, we arrived at Wilhelm's office in the Berlin Palace. "In order to deepen this friendship, the great leader Comrade Stalin decisively rejected the shameless demands of the British. Your Excellency the Crown Prince does not know that British Prime Minister Chamberlain sent a special envoy to get us to support Poland to contain your country."

Friendship is a piece of cake, isn't it just for mutual benefit? Wilhelm complained in his heart, with a gentle smile on his face. "We are very touched by your friendship. We have been cooperating with each other over the years. Although many cooperations cannot be brought to the table, in fact, the relationship between our two countries has never been so close."

Molotov quite agreed. "Your Excellency the Crown Prince is right. I hope this friendship can continue."

Having said all the nonsense, Molotov came to the topic. "I wonder when the Crown Prince is going to take action?"

Wilhelm thought for a while and replied. "Poland is also a 'powerful country' after all, and we need to be fully prepared. I think we can take action by early 1939, or mid-year at the latest." In fact, Germany is now fully capable of overthrowing Poland. But in order to be more confident in dealing with France, Britain and even the Soviet Union and the United States in the future, Wilhelm decided to continue to accumulate strength. Wait until the Czech military-industrial enterprises are fully integrated, and then start when quantity and quality are required!

By then, Germany will sweep across Europe in one fell swoop!

Molotov smiled slightly. "In this way, there is another common topic for cooperation between our two countries."

Wilhelm murmured in his heart that it seemed Stalin couldn't stand it any longer. After all, attacking Poland would be of great benefit to Stalin. First, you can use the invasion of Poland to deploy troops to install your cronies, seize military power, and consolidate your position in the army; second, you can train the army to prepare for greater ambitions in the future, and third, you can use it to wash away the previous Soviet-Polish war. The shame of failure only increased his prestige. "Then there is only one question left: how to draw the borders after the partition of Poland?"

Molotov replied. "We will consider the feelings of our German friends and allow the German border to be extended 100 kilometers eastward."

Wilhelm almost became angry at Molotov's words, 100 kilometers? You must know that the straight-line distance between Poland's borders from west to east is about 600 kilometers, so you only allocated 100 kilometers to Germany? Are you sending a beggar away? "Your Excellency Molotov, your offer is more aggressive than mine. We won't look down upon you for one hundred kilometers, so let's do it. Instead of drawing a line now, how about the strength of our two countries then?"

Molotov's price of 100 kilometers was just to test Germany's bottom line. If the Germans readily agreed, he would have to wonder if there was some conspiracy. "What do you mean, Your Excellency the Crown Prince?"

Wilhelm stretched out his finger and pointed at Molotov, and then at himself. "The final place where our armies will meet is the border between our two countries. How about that?"

"This is a good idea, but the party that attacks first will suffer the most! Poland will focus its defense on the border where the war breaks out first." Molotov waved his hand.

Wilhelm said easily. "It's simple. We can launch an attack on the same day and at the same time. As for where Poland will focus its defense, it depends on their luck."

After hearing that Molotov was deep in thought, he nodded after a while. "Your Excellency the Crown Prince's proposal is really good. It's settled. The great leader Comrade Stalin hopes that our two countries can sign an agreement to consolidate the friendship between us."

"No problem." In the original time and space, the German Foreign Minister went to Moscow to sign this agreement, but now, the situation and history have changed a lot.

Finally, after half a day of negotiations, a five-point agreement was reached.

1. The Contracting Parties undertake not to use force, aggression or attacks against each other, either alone or in conjunction with other states.

2. If a Contracting Party is at war with a third country, the other Contracting Party shall not provide any support to the third country.

3. The Contracting Parties shall never join any group of countries that directly or indirectly opposes the other Contracting State.

4. The two parties shall resolve all disputes between the contracting parties by peaceful means.

5. The treaty is valid for 10 years.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, there is one more thing. Those two aircraft carriers were built for our Soviet Union. We need to send military representatives to supervise the manufacture of this warship." After finishing speaking, he seemed to be worried that Wilhelm would not agree, and added another sentence. "I hope your Excellency the Crown Prince will not misunderstand. This is our practice. We have representatives stationed in various military factories in our country to prevent the factories from producing substandard products." This is what Molotov said, but of course he knew , when these two warships sail back to the Soviet Union, can they be regarded as belonging to the Soviet Union. The construction of an aircraft carrier takes several years. How to safeguard the interests of the Soviet Union? Of course, we will send someone to supervise it from the beginning of construction!

"The warship belongs to your country, of course there is no problem." Wilhelm agreed generously. "However, your military representatives cannot move around. You know this. This is also the norm. If there is any espionage incident, it will damage our relationship." A few military representatives are nothing, put them Enclosed in a small circle, what kind of trouble can they make when they fall out? He also wished that the Soviet Union could send a heavyweight in the navy.