Chapter 137 Trap

After annexing the entire Czechoslovakia, Germany's war gears suddenly stopped, and Europe ushered in a period of peace.

The Germans seemed to be full and turned into harmless rabbits.

Of course, not everyone believes that Germany has really turned into a rabbit. For example, Churchill is still running around to promote his German threat theory. Unfortunately, many people are already extremely tired of his war rhetoric!

But the time of peace is always short-lived, and the time came in June of 1939.

On this day, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop came to report something. "Your Highness, the Polish ambassador protested to me that he suspected that their missing border guards were kidnapped by us, and asked us to hand over their soldiers, otherwise they would conduct cross-border searches."

Wilhelm sneered. "Sternly warn them that if they dare to cross the border, it is an act of war." After sending Ribbentrop away, Wilhelm picked up the phone and called the Army General Staff. "General Rundstedt, are the troops ready?"

General Rundstedt's confident voice came from the other end of the phone. "Yes, Your Highness, our soldiers are fully prepared and hidden twenty kilometers away from the border. As long as you give an order, the armored vanguard will be able to cross the border in less than an hour."

"Very good."

But after waiting for two days, there was no movement from Poland.

Wilhelm had no choice but to send new instructions to Skorzeny.

In a Polish guard post on the German-Polish border, three people were squeezed into the guard post that was originally two people. Among them, a bearded soldier was lying on the ground and snoring loudly. The soldier wearing glasses looked at the moon in the sky in a daze. The last young recruit looked around nervously.

Tired of looking at the moon, the bespectacled soldier turned to look at the soldier. "Hey, recruit, why are you so nervous?"

The recruit looked in disbelief. "Didn't someone get kidnapped by the Germans two days ago? Aren't you nervous?" This is a major matter related to their own lives. Why are the two of them so carefree?

The glasses soldier laughed dumbly. "Hey, you heard them making it up. Maybe that guy sneaked out to hunt and fell into a trap. Besides, do the Germans have the guts to mess with us?" Before he finished speaking, he saw the recruit falling limply down. "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The bespectacled soldier stood up and was about to step forward to check when he suddenly felt a slight pain in his neck, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito. The next second, all the strength in his body was suddenly drained away, and his whole body instantly collapsed and fell to the ground. He was suddenly horrified and wanted to wake up the bearded man next to him, but now his whole body was limp and without any strength. Not to mention shouting, he couldn't even control his eyelids. He could only half-open his eyes and stare straight at the place. The fallen recruit.

What exactly is going on? Could it be that he is possessed by evil spirits? Just when he was shocked and puzzled, there was the sound of inaudible footsteps outside the sentry post. He heard the sound of at least five or six people. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and he didn't even dare to breathe out. He only felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Soon, the footsteps stopped behind his head, only a muffled pop was heard, the bearded man let out a muffled grunt before his death, and then there was no movement. Then he felt a sharp pain under his ribs, and a sharp metal object pierced his heart. Along with the sharp pain, his eyes fell into boundless darkness.

Kill these three sentries cleanly, "Scarface" Skorzeny ordered. "Take the bodies away. Remember to leave some marks for them." Although he is now the chief instructor of the German special forces, he still likes the feeling of going to the scene and doing it himself.

The group of people quickly evacuated. More than half an hour later, several Polish soldiers came to the guard post to check the post. Before they even got close, they smelled the smell of blood in the air. "Oops! Something happened!!" The leading platoon leader rushed into the post and saw blood all over the ground. "What's going on? Where are the people?!"

Someone shouted outside. "Platoon leader, there is blood here! Go over there!"

"Damn it!" The platoon leader whipped out his pistol and fired several shots into the sky. Soon, Polish soldiers from surrounding posts gathered, nearly twenty of them. "Follow me!"

The crowd led the horses and chased them along the blood trail until they came to a small stream, which happened to be the border between Poland and Germany. "Platoon commander, after this creek is the German territory. Can we still pursue them?"

"..." Everyone knows what it means to cross the border into another country without authorization, let alone these soldiers guarding the border. Just as the platoon leader was hesitating, a soldier suddenly pointed into the distance. "Hey, look what that is?!"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed and saw four or five horses galloping in the distance. The platoon leader picked up the binoculars and took a look, and he suddenly became angry. One of the horses was carrying soldiers wearing Polish military uniforms. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they knew without even thinking that they must be soldiers from the outpost!

"Keep chasing!!" The disappearance of our own soldiers a few days ago was suspected to be related to Germany. Today, it can be regarded as a robbery and a murder! These damn bastards must be made to pay the price!

After rushing across the creek and following intermittent blood trails for several miles, they found a small village ahead. "Strange, isn't this small village abandoned? Why does it look like there are still people there?" There is still smoke rising from the village, but there is a faint smell of blood in the air, which makes it feel a bit strange.

The platoon leader ordered cautiously. "There is something strange, everyone be on alert! Search in teams of two!!"

In the nearest courtyard they saw a man lying on the ground. It was not the Polish soldier they were looking for, but a man in civilian clothes. The platoon leader carefully walked over and turned the man over, and saw a shocking wound on his neck. It was obvious that he could not die anymore.

People who searched also responded with reports one after another. "Platoon leader, the village is full of corpses."

"Get out quickly!" If you don't know something is wrong at this time, you are a fool. But as soon as he finished speaking, a ball of blood suddenly appeared on the forehead of the soldier standing next to him, and he fell straight down.

"Enemy attack!! Hide!!" The platoon leader was a veteran. He reacted instantly and yelled to alert others. Unfortunately, it was too late. With the intensive gunfire, the surrounding Polish soldiers were shot and fell to the ground. Even the platoon leader was not spared. He was hit by a shot in the arm and the pistol in his hand flew out feebly.

"Help, I've been shot!"


"It hurts so much!!"

"..." Listening to the screams all around, the platoon leader was shocked and angry. Who on earth had laid such an insidious trap that caused their entire army to be annihilated?

He didn't wonder for long. A group of special forces wearing strange costumes (Ghillie suits) and holding various firearms surrounded them from all directions. The leader, "Scarface", spoke in proficient Polish. "Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

The platoon leader endured the pain in his arm and asked through gritted teeth. "Who are you?"

"Scarface" sneered. "You don't have to worry about who we are. But you Polish border guards are so crazy that you dare to cross the border and massacre unarmed German civilians!"

The platoon leader felt a cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to the sky. "Nonsense, you are framing this!!"

"Scarface" shrugged. "Whatever, anyway, you and your soldiers will have to sign and stamp the confession in a while, as well as the audio and video recordings."

"Impossible! We Polish soldiers..." Before he could finish his words, he was hit hard by the butt of a rifle on the back of his head and fell down softly.

A team member asked. "Captain, do all these people have to be taken away?"

Skorzeny glanced at the Polish wounded lying on the ground and shook his head. "No, leave the three or four with the least serious injuries. Hurry up and take pictures of those death row prisoners!" As these Polish soldiers said, this place was an abandoned village before, and the corpses on the ground were death row prisoners transferred from various places.