Chapter 140 The Battle of Poland (3)

Faced with Wilhelm's "unreasonable trouble", Daladier said angrily. "Are you determined to go to war with Poland? Don't you know that France has established an alliance with the British Empire?"

"Oh? Really? Then I can only celebrate your happy honeymoon." Of course he knew that in March this year, Britain and France exchanged notes and assumed the obligation to assist each other in the event of aggression. Both sides also declared that they were willing to provide guarantees to Belgium and the Netherlands if they were invaded.

Seeing Wilhelm's nonchalant expression, Daladier opened his mouth and continued after a while. "Then you should also know that Poland and our two countries have a mutual assistance treaty, right?" Also at the end of March, Polish Foreign Minister Beck visited London, and the British government immediately announced that "in the event of a military action that clearly threatens Poland's independence, the Polish government believes that in order to survive when war requires nationwide mobilization for resistance, His Majesty's Government believes that Poland should be given immediate and unconditional support." and signed a long-term treaty.

The following May, the Polish-French military agreement was formally signed, announcing that if Germany attacked Poland, France would launch an attack on Germany 15 days after the national mobilization. "That is to say, once your country goes to war with Poland, it will be equivalent to declaring war on France and the British Empire!"

Wilhelm curled his lips disdainfully. "Your Excellency, Prime Minister Daladier, is secretly changing the concept. It's not that we want to start a war, it's Poland that has bullied others too much. We just want to teach them a lesson. If..." As soon as he said this, there was a gentle knock on the door. There was a sound at the door, Anna pushed the door open, walked to Yannick and reported. "Your Highness, the Poles responded to our warning. They said that all this was our conspiracy to slander Poland. If we don't apologize, Poland has the strength to destroy Germany within three days."


Not only the Imperial Foreign Minister, but also the French Prime Minister and the British Prime Minister had the same word in their minds. Are these guys taking the wrong medicine? Destroy Germany in three days? What even they didn't dare to say was said by such an idiot. It was simply a clown act! Why did they find such a stupid teammate!

Wilhelm, however, was not angry but smiled. "It seems that our guess is correct. This is indeed a long-planned conspiracy. Poland can't wait to fight this war. In this case, it will be as they wish. Sorry, you two, it seems that this time you two went on a trip in vain."

Chamberlain took a deep breath and spoke word by word through gritted teeth. "Your Excellency Wilhelm, your declaration of war on Poland is equivalent to declaring war on Britain and France. Aren't you afraid of us, Britain and France?! His Majesty Wilhelm II will not agree to your such chaos!!" Then Wilhelm II is really confused. Let's hand over a country to this young boy who is not even thirty years old. It's good now. This guy obviously regards the war as playing house, and fights whenever he wants. He was still a young kid during the last war. How could he understand the cruelty of war?

"Oh? So Lord Chamberlain is supporting Poland's behavior? It seems that your country is determined to help the evildoers? Are you officially declaring war on us now?" Anyway, Britain and France will fight sooner or later. Even if they declare war now, By the time Britain and France gathered their armies, Poland should have been destroyed long ago. But don't forget that there is a red beast to the east of it. He had long received intelligence that the Soviet Union was secretly sending troops to the Soviet-Polish border. Even if they didn't take action now, it would be interesting to see if Stalin could still endure it when the German army advanced into central Poland.

Declare war, declare war!

Can our majestic British Empire still be afraid of you, a defeated country? Since I was able to beat you to your knees last time, wouldn't it have the same ending if you do it again? !

Just when Chamberlain rolled up his arms and sleeves and was about to say those two words, he was held tightly by Daladier on the side.

Even if you want to declare war, you have to return to your respective countries before declaring it! If we declare war here, can we still go back? He doesn't want to be thrown into a prisoner of war camp right now and become the most miserable national leader in history.

Since there was no point in continuing the conversation, the two prepared to leave. "Your Excellency Wilhelm, we in France have been committed to the peaceful development of the European continent. Our love for peace does not mean that we are afraid of war!"

Listening to Prime Minister Daladier's warning before leaving, Wilhelm curled his lips in disdain. Does France love peace? It's a shame that you still have the nerve to say such things. After the war, you deliberately tried to break up Germany. Isn't it you, France, who created obstacles for Germany at every turn? When France is occupied in a few months, we will charge you with waging war and sentence you to death by hanging.

Prime Minister Daladier, who didn't know that Wilhelm had sentenced him to death, rushed to the airport and boarded the plane. It wasn't until the plane took off that he felt a little relieved. It seemed that Crown Prince Wilhelm was still sensible and did not put himself and Prime Minister Chamberlain under house arrest.

In fact, the French Prime Minister's self-indulgent persecution paranoia is simply superfluous. If it had been Churchill and de Gaulle, Wilhelm might have thrown them into a prisoner of war camp. Wilhelm was really not in the mood to waste time on these two waning old men (Daladier was considered middle-aged).

"Mr. Prime Minister, what should we do now?" On the plane, Daladier sighed melancholy and asked Chamberlain opposite. Is Europe really going to experience another war? During the last war, France, with a population of less than 40 million, mobilized millions of troops, killed more than one million soldiers, and suffered millions of casualties. Northern France was left in ruins by the war.

How many young adults will France lose this time? One million, or two million? Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

Since leaving the Berlin Palace, Chamberlain has been silent all the way. He has reflected over and over again what he has done over the years. For the sake of so-called peace, he retreated step by step. Even when he signed the agreement at the Munich Conference, he thought he had brought half a century of peace to Britain.

But now it seems that his blind concession has not made Germany grateful, but has turned them into a pack of white-eyed wolves. Now that the shackles around their necks are gone, they turn back to bite their masters. Isn't this a replica of Aesop's fable "The Farmer and the Snake"?

I really regret it.

Now hearing Prime Minister Daladier's inquiry, he sighed. "Mr. Prime Minister, please contact the French Embassy in the Ming Dynasty immediately and ask your ambassador to find Wilhelm II. The only one who can stop this war now is Wilhelm II."

"That's right." Prime Minister Daladier suddenly realized that although Wilhelm II had not been involved in political affairs for many years, he was still the emperor of Germany. As long as he opposes the war, surely Wilhelm will not insist on his own way, right?

While Britain and France were busy contacting Wilhelm II, the clocks in Germany were already to four o'clock.