Chapter 144 The Battle of Poland (7)

The Poles were not fools. They had already learned about the abnormal movements of the Soviet Union and Germany from Britain and France. For this reason, the Polish High Command deployed large forces to the east and west borders. I just don't know whether they think Germany is easier to deal with or whether they think the Soviet Union dare not attack easily. They deployed half a million troops on the Polish-Soviet border and one million troops on the Polish-German border. They also customized a plan code-named "Western Plan". The war plan against Germany.

The content of the plan is that if Germany attacks Poland, taking advantage of the fact that the main force of the German army has not yet transferred eastward, the Polish army will first attack north to seize German East Prussia to eliminate the threat from the north, and take defensive positions on the western and southwest borders to prevent the German attack, waiting for Britain and France to launch an attack on the Western Front, attack from the east and west, and defeat Germany.

To this end, the Polish army mobilized a total of 40 divisions and 22 brigades, 870 light tanks, 824 aircraft and 4,300 artillery pieces. Seven armies were formed: Pomorie, Modlin, Poznan, Lodz, Krakow, Carpathia, and Narew. Two armies were deployed along the northern border, and two armies were deployed along the western and southwestern borders. 4 armies, and another army group deployed in the area east of the Vistula River as a reserve.

Marshal Edward Rez Himigwi of Poland was also full of confidence in this plan.

This man is a marshal in name, but in fact he is the de facto dictator of Poland.

He didn't even care about the Germans' war threats yesterday, thinking they were just bluffing. If Germany dares to attack, Poland can even join forces with Britain and France to attack Germany and easily defeat it.

It's a pity that he deployed his 1 million main troops in an offensive posture, with no defense thickness at all. It was simply giving the Germans a record in the blitzkrieg.

A few minutes later, the phone number of the Polish General Headquarters was completely bombarded. All the army headquarters deployed on the Polish-German border reported in unison: they were being violently shelled by the German army!

At this time, there were only a few low-level staff officers on duty at the headquarters. Others, who thought the Germans were just bluffing, also got off work on time yesterday and were currently sleeping in comfortable beds.

Of course, a few low-level staff officers could not decide anything. They could only contact the adjutant of His Excellency the Marshal, who would then knock on the door of His Excellency the Marshal's dormitory. "Marshal, Your Majesty Marshal, the Germans are attacking!!"

After knocking for a long time, the person who opened the door was a charming woman wearing translucent pajamas. She was obviously a little angry when she got up. She glared at the adjutant who disturbed her sweet dream and said angrily. "Why are you making such a fuss? You're not letting anyone sleep anymore?! Your Majesty the Marshal said that even if it's a big deal, we should wait until we get to work."

Although he wanted to punch this vixen in the face, the adjutant could only whisper with a smile. "Please tell your Excellency, Marshal, that the Germans are attacking..." Before he could finish his words, the door was slammed shut by the vixen, leaving only the adjutant who was cursing in his heart.

But it was impossible for him to rush in and pull the marshal out of bed, so he could only wait there holding back his anger.

After waiting for nearly two hours, the door opened again, and the neatly dressed Marshal came out and asked calmly. "I heard that Germany attacked?"

The adjutant's two hours seemed like two years had passed. From anxiety to anger, he was left with nothing but helplessness. He was about to see through the world of mortals now. "Yes."

The Marshal's expression remained unchanged. "Go and call the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Navy, the Commander of the Air Force and the Chief of the General Staff to arrive at the Belvedere Palace half an hour early for the meeting today."

Actually, it's no wonder that the Marshal is so calm. Having experienced the baptism of the last war, in his mind, war is just that. Although there are no exact figures, how many troops can Germany have? After all, Britain and France are still eyeing them on the Western Front. Shouldn't Germany keep heavy troops to guard against them?

In his opinion, hundreds of thousands of Germans attacking one million well-positioned Poles was an act of pure suicide.

Of course, those Germans would have to waste several days of shells before they came to die. Fortunately, the artillery battles in the last war were really impressive. Almost all countries are studying how to let their soldiers survive under overwhelming artillery fire. Of course Poland is no exception. They have built anti-artillery fortifications before, and the German shelling will not cause many casualties.

Maybe there are one or two unlucky ones in each company who were killed or wounded?

Maybe after repelling these ungrateful guys this time, we can pursue the victory and capture a large area of land? In this way, Poland's territory will be expanded a lot, which is exciting to think about!


Just as the marshal was immersed in his sweet dream, a dull sound like thunder came from the distance.

"This is..." The marshal and the adjutant looked at each other. Of course they heard that the sound was a bomb explosion!

The adjutant reacted first. "That direction seems to be towards the airport? Are the Germans coming to bomb the airport?"

The marshal's expression finally changed. "How is that possible? Where are our fighter planes? Why didn't they take off and shoot down the enemy planes?!"

What they didn't know was that the Polish fighter planes did not take off. When the German Army Air Force bombers arrived here, the frontline airport had already been hit by bombs. Therefore, the Warsaw fighter regiment was already on alert, with 36 PZL series (20 of them p.11 and 4 p.7) have taken off to meet the enemy.


"Haha, those Polish planes can't catch up with us at all, keep bombing." Looking at the Polish fighters that were far behind them, the pilots of the Army Bomber Regiment whistled excitedly.

Both pzl.7 and pzl.11 were produced in the late 1920s and early 1930s. They did not have a closed cockpit or retractable landing gear, and the engine power was also very weak. In addition, the rapid development of aviation technology has led to the advent of retractable landing gear and other technologies, but the P.11c has not been improved for a long time and is now very backward.

However, this kind of fighter has "Haiou-shaped wings" and a relatively light fuselage, allowing it to compete with Germany's most advanced BF109 at low altitudes, especially when the BF109 is responsible for escort missions - because it has to undertake escort missions, BF109 cannot "leave away with one blow" and must fight with the opponent. Therefore, in the battle of the original space and time, BF109 suffered a lot for this reason, and suffered certain losses in the early stages of the Polish campaign.

But now these pzl fighters have encountered the "Mosquito" bombers, which are famous for their speed!

This is a high-speed bomber that puts all its skill points on "speed", and in order to pursue extreme speed, it has abandoned defense and adopted an all-wooden structure (of course, the main parts are still made of metal, such as the landing gear, engines, control wing mounting points, and wing-body bonding points that are subjected to three-dimensional stresses). But the total weight of all metal forgings and castings for the whole airplane was only 130 kg, which was nothing compared to the weight of the 6093 kg airplane. It was not even equipped with a single self-defense weapon.

This kind of aircraft was so good that "Reichsmarschall" Göring was so angry that he cursed the German aircraft manufacturer. "The British... developed such an elegant wooden airplane that even piano factories can produce it in large quantities, and so quickly... The British are geniuses, we are fools!"