Chapter 151 The Battle of Poland (14)

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Listening to a series of curses coming from the radio communicator, the commander of the armored infantry battalion of the Second Motorized Division couldn't help but frown. "Bazel, what's going on?!" Although the other party didn't announce his name, he already recognized that it was Bazel from the third investigation team.

It is impossible for large troops to attack and march in a swarm on the battlefield. Nowadays, there are no surveillance satellites, drones, or high-performance reconnaissance aircraft (of course, there are reconnaissance aircraft now, but they can only rely on naked eye observation and search, and it is impossible to be watertight. Sometimes the enemy troops on the ground are properly camouflaged and can deceive aerial reconnaissance). It is necessary to dispatch a large number of ground reconnaissance units to act as the fists and eyes and ears of the large force. They search for enemy troops, spy on military intelligence, and test the enemy's defense lines. The various military intelligence they provide provide the basis for commanders to judge the situation and formulate operational plans.

Bazel's distressed cry for help came from the communicator. "Help!! Where are you?!"

"We have arrived in the Y3 area." Their unit was heading east, while Bazel's reconnaissance team was conducting reconnaissance to the north-northeast.

"What?! Mader, there are at least 200 Polish cavalry behind us!"

Listening to Bazel's yelling on the intercom, the battalion commander's frown deepened. "Cavalry? You mean cavalry?"

"Yes, although it sounds incredible, they are cavalry. They are the kind of cavalry who ride on horses and chase us with sabers. Oh, it seems that not only sabers, some of them also have spears. Hey, Ryan, I Where is your camera? Find it quickly and take a picture."

"I know, I will send someone to pick you up." After putting down the intercom, the battalion commander thought for a moment and ordered the three platoon leaders of the company to pick up the reconnaissance team.

Ten minutes ago.

"I feel like I'm about to meet the Poles." The machine gunner in the back of the jeep looked around nervously.

The two most famous military off-road vehicles during World War II were the German barrel truck and the American Willys Jeep. Both models are extremely good, and each has its own merits. Wilhelm didn't know which one to choose, so he produced dozens of each and distributed them to the grassroots level of the army to listen to the soldiers' reactions. As a result, most soldiers preferred the more powerful jeeps.

In this way, the jeep became one of the German military vehicles, mainly used for reconnaissance.

Bazel, the co-pilot and commander of the vehicle, nodded. "I also have a bad premonition. Let's go up to the mound in front and take a look. If there is nothing abnormal, we will ask the battalion commander for the next step."

The driver turned the steering wheel and drove towards the mound that didn't look very high.


When the car reached the top of the mound, the driver slammed on the brakes! The three people in the car stared dumbly at the Polish people sitting on the ground behind the mound.

Not only people, but also a corresponding number of horses. It is obvious that they are Polish cavalry.

Until World War I, the cavalry played an immeasurable role due to its unique speed, impact and independent combat capabilities.

During World War I, the cavalry had already been greatly restricted. Charging towards the enemy's machine gun positions was simply seeking death. This objectively led to the emergence of weapons such as tanks.

However, among the military services of various countries, the Army seems to always be the one that cherishes tradition. Of course, to put it nicely, it means cherishing tradition, but to put it bluntly, it means being conservative. Especially many soldiers who have made great achievements cannot let go of the old weapons and old-fashioned tactics that made them famous. Manchu Qing, Japan, France, Rome... there are countless examples like this.

Among them, Poland is a country with a glorious cavalry tradition. It once existed as the hegemon of Eastern Europe in history and served as a shield for a long time to prevent the nomadic forces from Eurasia from invading Europe.

As early as the beginning of the 16th century, the local Polish hussars put on armor and wings to replace the heavy knights who had begun to quietly withdraw from the battlefield.

Later, it evolved into the Lancers. This unit originated in Poland. They were equipped with their nation's characteristic weapons, spears. They had amazing combat effectiveness and could quickly annihilate enemy troops.

In the 19th century, the Polish Grenadier Guards and Polish Lancers were the only two regiments among all Napoleon's cavalry units that had never been defeated by enemy cavalry.

Back then, hundreds of Polish Lancers attacked the Spanish artillery position that even an infantry division could not defeat, and won the battle, which became their glory.

It can be said that the Polish cavalry is the best cavalry force in the world. Tannenberg defeated the Teutonic Knights, the Hussars invaded Russia and executed the Tsar. The country has risen and fallen, but it is rare for the Polish cavalry to be able to dominate for hundreds of years...

Even in modern times, the Polish cavalry is still their pride.

For example, nearly twenty years ago, the Battle of Camorro in the late stages of the Polish-Soviet War. It can be said to be the largest cavalry battle since 1813.

The Soviet First Cavalry Army, led by Semyon Budyonny, went to support the retreating Soviet army. At Kamoro near Zamosc, the Polish cavalry defeated the Soviet cavalry, and the famous 1st Cavalry Army suffered a devastating blow.

Later, after the end of World War I, Poland was restored. For this emerging country, a large number of military weapons and equipment relied on the assistance of surrendered Germans and Americans. Its own industrialization level was not high. Before World War II, the steel output measured less than 1.5 million tons. It is really beyond their means to maintain an army with more than 1 million people. Even if they want to mechanize it, they cannot afford the supply.

The sound of the jeep's engine alerted the Polish cavalry who were resting on the spot. The people and horses looked at the strange vehicle that suddenly rushed up the mound. Looking at the iron cross printed on the front of the car, they didn't seem to react at all.

The scene was strangely quiet for a while.

"Holy shit!!" The machine gunner in the back seat of the jeep was the first to react and suddenly pulled the trigger. The MG3's high rate of fire caused the gunfire to be transmitted in a very dense sound wave. Although the MG3 machine gun can adjust the rate of fire, they usually like to adjust the rate of fire to the fastest.

Because the gunfire was too coherent, it sounded like the sound of cloth being torn to human ears. The bullet chain was quickly pulled into the machine gun chamber, and the bullet casings fell to the floor of the car like raindrops, making a crisp clanking sound.

He suddenly felt very satisfied, because there were so many Poles, one after another, densely packed, and they were still there motionless. This was the first time he encountered such an easy target. He swung the muzzle wildly, and wherever the muzzle went, there was a path of blood. The screams of people and the neighing of horses, accompanied by the sound of MG3 tearing cloth, formed a beautiful music.

Soon, the driver also reacted, stepped on the accelerator again and turned the steering wheel fiercely. The wheelbase of the Jeep was limited to 80 inches (2.032 meters), which gave the vehicle a small turning radius and allowed it to turn around and turn quickly. The car rushed forward a short distance. Finally, it turned around and rushed down the slope.

Behind them came the neighing of war horses and the roar of cavalry, and soon one after another war horses rushed up the mound and galloped towards them.