Chapter 294 Operation Catapult (2)

Although the timeline in this alternate reality is somewhat different from the original timeline, the British still launched a surprise attack on the French warships anchored in the Portsmouth and Plymouth naval ports three days after the signing of the ceasefire agreement between France and Germany. They disarmed the French ships and took control of the fleet.

Subsequently, in the French West Indies, the local French fleet reached an agreement with the United States and disarmed.

It can be said that the first half of the "Operation Catapult" achieved quite satisfactory success.

However, this did not satisfy Churchill and the British Navy. Their ultimate goal was the Orléans Naval Port on the North African coast, the main gathering place for the French Navy. There were main battleships such as the "Strasbourg," "Dunkerque," "Bretagne," and "Provence" anchored there. Unlike the large but mostly outdated British naval ships, the majority of the French Navy's ships were newly built in the 1920s and 1930s.

Just as the British Navy was preparing to head to the Orléans Naval Port, a group of Germans carrying a Beaumont telegram had secretly arrived here and boarded the battleship Dunkerque. "Hello, Admiral Gensoul, long time no see."

The French squadron commander, Admiral Marcel-Bruno Gensoul, was surprised to see the newcomers. "Hofmann? How did you get here?" He had received news that the German High Command had dispatched a group of special envoys, but he didn't expect his distant relative to lead them. A few years ago, Hofmann had visited his home; if based on generations, Hofmann would have to call him uncle.

Hofmann smiled. "It's a long story. I'm here on official business now, so let's not call each other uncle. I assume Admiral Gensoul has already received Prime Minister Pétain's orders? If not, I have here an order signed by Prime Minister Pétain."

Admiral Gensoul nodded. "I have received the orders. In a few days, the Dunkerque and Strasbourg will be handed over to you."

Hofmann shook his head slightly. "The orders from the High Command have changed. We will only take over the Dunkerque."

"Really?!" Admiral Gensoul couldn't help but feel pleased. Regardless of the reason, this was good news.

Hofmann spoke with utmost seriousness. "General, we are here this time to carry out a secret mission. Prime Minister Pétain has agreed and authorized us. I request that you order all ships not to leave the harbor."

Although Admiral Gensoul was curious about the nature of their mission, he knew that even if he asked, he wouldn't get any answers. He then ordered the fleet not to leave the harbor, even recalling the destroyers patrolling outside the harbor.

Hofmann, who stayed in the captain's cabin, chatted with Admiral Gensoul about daily life and the situation until late at night before preparing to sleep.

However, Admial Gensoul, lying in bed, found it difficult to fall asleep. After tossing and turning for a while, he heard Hofmann, who was on the makeshift bed nearby, speak. "Uncle, can't you sleep?"

Admiral Gensoul sat up, sighed, and said, "I feel like something is about to happen, a bit uneasy." For some reason, an unexplained sense of anxiety lingered in his heart, as if something significant was looming.

Hofmann chuckled. "Uncle, you claim to be old, but I see no signs of aging. Your sixth sense is still sharp."

Admiral Gensoul turned on the light and looked at Hofmann. "Do you know something?"

Hofmann shrugged. "Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if you find out in a few hours. If I say it now, it won't be a surprise, will it? Since you can't sleep, how about a game of chess?"

Seeing his confident and composed demeanor, Admiral Gensoul shook his head and took out a chess set.

The two engaged in a chess match for a considerable time. Hofmann yawned. "Uncle, it's almost dawn; perhaps it's time to sleep?"

Admiral Gensoul was indeed tired. "Yes, it's time to rest."

Just as he was about to lie down, there was an urgent knock on the door. "Commander, Commander, are you asleep?"

Hofmann startled. "It seems like it's here."

Admiral Gensoul looked at Hofmann, whose voice was slightly trembling with excitement. "Come in."

The aide walked in, saluted, and reported, "Commander, Colonel Holland of the British Navy wishes to come aboard for a meeting with you."

"Colonel Holland? What does he want?" Admiral Gensoul raised an eyebrow, thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Tell Colonel Holland to go back; I don't have time to see him."

As the aide was about to leave, Hofmann suddenly spoke. "Wait! Uncle, an old friend rarely comes by. How about meeting him? Perhaps he's here to bring you a gift?"

Admiral Gensoul glanced at him and took out a document from the drawer. "Commander Darlan's orders state that all commanders of the French naval fleet are not to have any contact with the British. How can I disobey military orders?"

Hofmann, however, wore a dismissive smile and patted his briefcase. "I also have Field Marshal Pétain's orders here. You can't ignore both orders from the Field Marshal. Even if General Darlan wants to investigate, let him take it up with the German High Command."

"..." After a moment of hesitation, Admiral Gensoul nodded to his aide. "Then please bring him up."

Shortly after, Colonel Holland, dressed in British naval attire, was brought in. "Admiral Gensoul, long time no see."

Admiral Gensoul responded lukewarmly, "Colonel Holland, what brings you here?"

"Who is this?" Colonel Holland glanced at Hofmann standing nearby.

Hofmann gave a slight bow. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hofmann, a special envoy from the German High Command and the future captain of the Dunkerque." Watching Colonel Holland's expression change, Hofmann wore a sly smile. "I suppose Colonel Holland is here to persuade Admiral Gensoul to lead the fleet and join your country's navy, right? Did you bring a welcoming gift?"

Seeing the mocking expression on Hofmann's face, Colonel Holland suddenly felt a strong sense of unease, as if he had fallen into a trap and walked into the hunter's net unknowingly. He tried to suppress the inexplicable fear in his heart and looked at Admiral Gensoul, asking, "Commander, what is going on?"

Admiral Gensoul's face showed anger. "This is the situation. Field Marshal Pétain is furious about your country's shameless actions. First, our naval vessels in your ports were detained, and then it happened in the French West Indies. We lost more than a dozen warships in one fell swoop. This is something he cannot tolerate. Even the Germans haven't done something so shameless. As our allies, you've crossed the line!"