Chapter 355 Maritime Plunder (2)

At this moment, the six destroyers responsible for escorting were in chaos. They had been cautiously guarding against German submarine attacks all the way, but now they unexpectedly encountered enemy planes. Moreover, it wasn't just one or two planes; it was a total of 24 attack aircraft.

These aircraft flew over the convoy, and the large torpedoes and bombs they carried were clearly visible.

Being so far from mainland Europe, these planes were undoubtedly carrier-based aircraft from the German navy's aircraft carrier. A carrier couldn't operate alone, at least there would be cruisers or battlecruisers escorting it. Regardless of which, these old-style destroyers they had were not a match for them.

Just as Abbott, who was in charge of this escort mission, was in a state of anxiety and confusion, a telegraph operator loudly reported, "Commander, a clear-coded telegram from the German Navy."

"Telegram? Read!"

"My fleet has taken control of the surrounding sea area. Surrender within 5 minutes by raising a white flag for identification. After 5 minutes, our naval aviation will commence an attack on all vessels without a raised white flag. Surrendered vessels will be taken over by our personnel. End." The telegraph operator finished reading and looked at Abbott with a nervous expression.

"Taken over by their personnel?" What did that mean? Did they intend to capture the entire fleet?!

With his mouth agape for a long time, Abbott suddenly deflated, and his whole person slumped down, waving weakly. "Raise the white flag."

The transport convoy raised white flags one after another. Two destroyers turned and tried to escape, but they were easily caught up and sunk by two A-1 attack aircraft. With these two warships as a demonstration, the remaining ships dared not act recklessly, obediently waiting for the German navy to take over.

After waiting for a short time, they saw several peculiar-looking aircraft flying in the distant sky.

"Oh my God, what are those?!" Most of these people had never seen helicopters, and they looked in horror as these wingless aircraft whizzed by overhead, emitting loud thumping sounds. Unlike regular planes, the massive rotor blades were above the entire aircraft.

What was even more astonishing was that these aircraft could hover in midair. Several ropes were dropped from above, and fully armed German soldiers descended rapidly, controlling the crew on the deck.

Abbott stared dumbfoundedly at these peculiar aircraft, from which a total of 50 soldiers descended. Each ship had five soldiers, and they effortlessly seized control of ten transport ships.

This helicopter was the latest large transport helicopter produced by Germany. Wilhelm discovered that it closely resembled the later Mi-6 heavy transport helicopter. Whether it was because the design bureau had two Soviet experts or for some other reason, Germany's helicopters now had a strong Soviet influence.

Two Mi-6 heavy transport helicopters, along with several Mi-4 helicopters, made two trips, seizing control of all the transport ships. The German fleet, like sheepdogs herding a flock, drove the transport fleet towards the nearest Strait of Gibraltar.

"Damn it!" Churchill bit his teeth in anger after learning the situation. The threat of German submarines was already significant, and now they even sent out a fleet?! It was truly shameless!

However, he had no way to deal with it. After all, they were warring nations, and he couldn't protest against the use of such despicable tactics, right? This wasn't a noble battle between ancient knights!

Cursing bitterly in his heart, he asked about another matter. "What about the Soviets?"

Eden shook his head helplessly. "Sir Cripps (British ambassador to the Soviet Union) sent a message. The Soviets have stopped their offensive and are regrouping, preparing for the next attack."

A week into the war, the Finnish frontlines were in dire straits, seemingly on the verge of complete collapse. However, the four Soviet forces suddenly stopped to regroup, giving the Finnish military a chance to catch their breath.

According to Soviet military doctrine, they should have continued the relentless offensive, denying the enemy any breathing room. Were they complacent, like the hare in the fable, and decided to take a nap?

Of course not. The Soviets had their own difficulties. Firstly, there was a weather issue. That winter was the coldest in Europe in a century, with nighttime temperatures often dropping to around minus thirty-five degrees Celsius in the Finnish region. Soviet tanks had to be started every two hours, and many truck water tanks were frozen, with lubricating oil often freezing, causing weapons to malfunction. In many places, the Finnish people autonomously adopted scorched earth tactics, burning their houses before fleeing. The ill-prepared Soviet troops, even if they captured a village, often couldn't find houses and had to squeeze into the sparsely available tents.

Apart from the weather, the terrain was also a significant problem. Except for the Seventh Army, the other three armies found themselves constrained by the terrain. The routes of their advances were covered with dense forests and swamps, making it impossible for mechanized units to traverse. They could only rely on a few narrow paths, which a small number of Finnish troops could easily block. Most of the Soviet infantry came from warmer regions such as southern Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia, making them unable to adapt to the cold snow-covered terrain. They also lacked snowshoes and skis, and very few could ski.

A small number of troops with cold weather training were also doubtful in their capabilities. There was even a chapter in their cold weather training manual that taught hand-to-hand combat with bayonets while wearing snowshoes—something the Finnish people found amusing and shared as a joke. Therefore, the movements of the Red Army were entirely confined to areas near roads, unable to engage in off-road operations. These soldiers, mostly farmers by origin, were excessively curious and wanted to pick up anything left by the Finns as their own. Many of them met their end under the cunningly placed landmines by the Finns. The Soviet vehicles were not camouflaged; they were painted in a deep olive color, and the soldiers' combat uniforms were khaki, making them especially conspicuous in the snowy terrain and the prime targets for Finnish snipers. Therefore, all Soviet forces coincidentally stopped to regroup, preparing for the next wave of attacks.

Eden sighed lightly. "The Soviet Army is blocked, largely due to various weapons and equipment supported by Spain."

"Damn it!" Churchill slapped the table hard. "Get Samuel (British Ambassador to Spain) to see if he can get Spain to withdraw from this war."

In fact, Churchill also realized that he had overestimated the fighting power of the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union couldn't defeat a small country like Finland, how could it defeat Germany? Let alone launching an offensive against Germany, they might even be pushed back by the German forces.

However, even if they were pushed back by Germany, it didn't matter to Britain. As long as the two sides started fighting, it would inevitably be a deadly battle. It would provide a buffer time for Britain without having to cede any colonies, a win-win situation.

Therefore, a conflict between the Soviet Union and Germany must happen.

As long as Spain stopped supporting Finland, the Soviet Union should be able to win quickly.

Eden cleared his throat, reminding, "You forgot that Samuel has already approached the Deputy Head of State of Spain, Salazar. The Spaniards seek revenge against the Soviets for the previous 560 tons of gold. Salazar said that anyone who could give him 560 tons of gold could immediately withdraw the volunteer troops they sent."

Churchill frowned and thought for a while before gritting his teeth. "As long as Samuel negotiates for less than 300 tons, we'll provide that gold!"

Eden looked at him in surprise. "Are you serious?"

Churchill nodded firmly. "Of course! Rest assured, after the war, I will make them pay back double!" Despite Spain declaring neutrality, every move they made since the beginning of the war irritated Churchill. He had secretly decided to deal with them thoroughly after the war, to show them the consequences of angering the British Empire!