Chapter 430 A Different Christmas

As German soldiers were heartily eating meat and drinking beverages, the atmosphere in the mess hall of a new recruit training camp in Britain was far from pleasant, even somewhat oppressive.

"Damn it, is this even edible?!" A recruit couldn't help but curse as he looked at the broth in his mess tin that was barely different from hot water. What was more disgusting was that the bread he received had mold spots. "There were some seaweed leaves yesterday, how did it turn into pig feed today? It's Christmas for crying out loud!" The UK is a country with many holidays, and many traditional festivals and celebrations have been established over time. According to incomplete statistics, the British celebrate over 100 national and local religious or secular holidays each year, with Christmas ranking among the top three.

But to eat moldy bread on such an important holiday?!

The recruit gritted his teeth, thinking if he threw the bread on the ground and stomped on it, would he go hungry today? Then, with a loud bang, someone had already put his thoughts into action.

A recruit with a scar on his face and an air of defiance threw his entire mess tin on the ground, ranting discontentedly. "Damn it! I haven't seen beans or lunch meat for three days! Are you kidding me?!" Judging by his fluent and unsavory swearing, he probably wasn't a decent person before joining the army.

The other recruits were also seething with anger. Now that someone had taken the lead, the rest couldn't hold back either, and the mess hall suddenly became noisy.

It started with one person, then spread to two, three, until hundreds; many overturned their mess tins.

"Quiet! Sit down! No disturbances!"

The military police tried hard to maintain order in the mess hall, but these were not old soldiers accustomed to following orders; they were new recruits who had been conscripted only a few days ago, their wildness not yet tamed, making it impossible for them to stay calm.

Now they were exceptionally angry, with mess tins flying everywhere in the mess hall, and some even punched the military police in front of them.

"Sir, the recruits are causing trouble, we can't control them!" A military policeman ran to find Philip, the highest commander of the recruit training camp, hoping he could find a way to suppress these recruits who were about to turn the place upside down.

Philip sighed with a headache and helplessness. "I knew it would come to this." If possible, he would have liked to let the soldiers feast on meat and fish. But now it was truly a case of a good wife unable to cook without rice!

He had already received news from the higher-ups about the food shortage. The food transport ships that were supposed to arrive at the port the day before yesterday were intercepted at sea by the Germans, with half being sunk. The remaining food had to be sent to Birmingham, which was in even greater need. After all, they still had moldy bread to eat here, but Birmingham was already out of food. If this batch of food wasn't reallocated, there might indeed be a tragedy of cannibalism.

"Alright, I'll take a look." Philip straightened his uniform and headed to the mess hall to restore order. If military police could cause a commotion, these new recruits were truly lawless. It seemed he had no choice but to severely punish a few ringleaders as a warning to the others.

As he pondered, he could already hear the noisy commotion from afar.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Suddenly, several crisp gunshots came from the mess hall, and Philip couldn't help but frown, a strong sense of unease rising in his heart. He quickened his pace and arrived at the entrance of the mess hall.

Before he could enter, whoosh, everyone in the mess hall rushed out.

"Stop!" Philip shouted, and the recruits seemed to be momentarily subdued.

Philip looked at the few people in front holding guns, which originally belonged to the military police.

Philip slowly reached for his holster, reprimanding, "What are you trying to do? Commit treason? Put down your guns!"

The leading recruits looked at each other, and the one with the scarred face spat out fiercely. "To hell with it, what if it's treason?! Brothers, we've already killed the military police, if we surrender now, we're definitely facing death! If we rebel, maybe there's a chance to live! What do you say, rebel or not?!"

The people next to him immediately echoed, "Brothers, these officers clearly want us dead! They don't feed us, which clearly means they think it's a waste! They don't see us as human at all!!"

Philip was shocked; these people had killed the military police? His hand had already grasped the pistol grip, but the recruits opposite had already raised their guns at him.

"Wait!" Before Philip could finish, the recruits opposite pulled the trigger without hesitation. At such a close distance, even these new recruits couldn't miss. At least five bullets pierced Philip's body.

After killing Philip's guards and the military police who came with him, the scar-faced man turned to the bewildered soldiers behind him and shouted loudly, "Now we're all in the same boat. As I said, we've killed the military police and these instructors, which is definitely a capital offense. Perhaps some of you think you haven't acted and can be dealt with leniently. But do you think those officers will believe your testimony?! If you think you're fine, you can leave now. If you want to fight for yourself, then follow me, I guarantee I can keep you alive!"

With these words, the crowd looked at each other, and after a whispering discussion, they responded loudly, "Rebel! Rebel!"

The scar-faced man pointed at a few people and ordered, "Nelson, take people to control the armory! Nick, go control the radio!!"

After sending everyone away, the soldier standing next to him muttered, "We need to contact the homeland, right?"

The scar-faced man nodded, "Of course."

The scar-faced man was named Andrew, and the one next to him was Bishop; they were agents of the German intelligence department. However, they were not high-level agents, just ordinary spies. Having been in England for several years, Andrew had become a local thug, while Bishop worked as a teacher in a middle school.

They didn't expect that Churchill's crazy conscription would also force them to join the army and come here. Of course, they couldn't just sit idle; they had been spreading "little rumors" among the new recruits that the British high command considered them cannon fodder, undermining the morale of the troops. But what happened today completely exceeded their expectations, and they could only contact the homeland for help now.

Soon, after a brief battle, these "rebels" killed all the military police and instructors in the training camp and assembled a battalion of new recruits.

Reinhard was stunned when he received this telegram from the British mainland.

Is this even possible?

He didn't dare delay and immediately reported the matter to Wilhelm.