
Lilaac's POV

" Hey ! Where are you ? I'm at the bus stop ." I texted Hector , my boyfriend of 3 years .

" Oh , I forgot to tell you . I went ahead early to finish my homework." He replied.

I was annoyed , this is the 3rd time this week that he ditched me .

" But Hector , You promised! You said we'll go together today ." I replied back .

" Sorry :⁠^⁠)" . I sighed loudly. I didn't get it . He's head over heels for me in high school. He used to worship me . Everybody knows that . He wants to be with me everywhere and everytime . I had no doubt he love me a lot . That's the reason I go out with him . Because he love me so much.

But ever since college starts, he's been acting weird. No that's not right. He was his usual self at the start of the college. It was like few weeks into college that he started acting weird. Suddenly, he didn't want to seen with me . He started keeping distance from me . We didn't eat lunch together anymore. At this point, I'm starting to get worried. I didn't know if I did anything to upset him . I can't think of anything unusual.I hope everything is fine.

Maybe the classes are too hard for him. We didn't have the same major . So even if we go to the same college. We didn't see each other around each we have no class together. But it feels like he's deliberately avoiding me . I really hope it's a false alarm.

Yeah that's right. I'm probably overthinking. I put my thoughts aside and went alone .

During class , I couldn't focus at all . I kept thinking about his behaviour. Everything is so strange. There's so much about this making me curious. He's suddenly acting so private and it's like I don't even know him anymore. That's it, I need to find out where all of this is coming from . Today I'll go to his block and confront him. He can't keep avoiding me forever. I'm his girlfriend for god's sake .

I waited patiently for the class to end . I decided to skip the next one. I think Hector have a free period about now. So I'll go visit him . We barely spend any time together.

I went to the cafeteria and bought his favourite snack .

I saw Hector walking in front of me . He was holding a bouquet of roses . Aww he's actually buying me flowers . Wait where did he even get that ? No , that doesn't matter . He's buying me flowers and to think I have been suspecting him . I felt bad already. I was about to call out to him when he kneel down before a girl in a proposal pose. Wait what? What's he doing? He seems to be saying something. I got closer to listen.

"Diane!! Please be my girlfriend. I'm really in love with you . I will do anything for you . Please accept me ." He said to the girl.

What the heck am I looking at ? Please tell me this is a dream.

" Anything? Are you sure about that ?" The girl replied with a smirk.

" Yes anything. I can even die for you ." He continued his confession to her. I feel my blood boiled. So that's why he's avoiding me . Because he's chasing another girl. Oh my god he's such a trash .

I went up to where they are and slap him across the face .

He looked suprise to see me . Yeah , of course he is .

" Lilaac? How come you're here ? I thought you have class ..." He said flustered.

" Does that even matter anymore? You ignore me to chase another girl. It wouldn't have been a problem if you had been honest and broke up with me like a decent person. But you kept me in the dark and lie to me. I was even worried if I had done anything wrong." I said holding back my tears. I can't let me emotions run wild.

" Are you keeping me just in case she refused? So is it like a plan B ? " I scream at his face .

" Lilaac! Look I'm sorry okay ? It's just when I saw Diane, I just know she's the one. " He replied.

" And you don't think about telling me about it? You know what? I'm actually glad I found out like this. You're trash and I can't be happier that I have nothing to with you anymore." I chuckled.

" I just didn't want to hurt you ." He replied.

The nerve of him. I can't even... I can't believe everything is all lies. Suddenly I heard a clapping sound.

" Wow that's a really good show if you ask me . I'm impressed." Diane said smirking.

" Don't you worry little girl. He does not deserve you. This is why I don't bother with boys . They're all trash anyway. All they're worth is a good fuck . Nothing else . " She continued. I look at her properly for the first time. She's so beautiful. With her blonde hair and green eyes. She looks like she came straight out of a fairytale. I can understand why anyone would choose her over me . She's prefect.

" Don't you think I can be a much better boyfriend than him ?" She whispered leaning towards me. I got goosebumps. Why is my heart beating so fast ? Ohh that's right. It's because I'm angry . Just because of anger nothing else.